Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 588 The girlfriend related to Su Yunjin

Chapter 589

He Yan sent her downstairs to Rong's house and then returned to the hospital.

She went directly to the floor where the vice president's office was located.

After the shareholders' meeting, Rong Xuanyu returned to his original position and became under Rong Jinghan.

The other vice president, Rong Enli, basically doesn't care about things and is temporarily incapable of taking care of things, so his name is empty.

Rong Xuanyu had been waiting for her in the office for a long time. Although the phone call said it was urgent, when she came, she saw that his face was calm, without any panic.

The secretary brought in two cups of coffee and then left.

He said bluntly, "In the next one to two months, I need to take a break to deal with some personal matters. I have several projects on hand, all of which are big orders. Take a look, who is more suitable to transfer them to?"

Such a sudden decision made Wen Xi think of his girlfriend who was related to Su Yunjin.

It should be time to deal with her affairs.

"At present, the only person who is qualified and knows the company best is Jinghan. He has been my assistant for a long time. He is good in all aspects and has a good relationship with the people in the team. There is no problem in cooperation. You What do you think?"

Wen Xi stared at him for a few seconds and smiled lightly, "If I had not intervened in this matter, according to Rong Jinghan's current position, these projects should have been transferred to him, and they should be in his hands. Therefore, my cousin wants to I bring?"

Rong Xuanyu smiled and nodded, "Although Jinghan is good, he is not the most suitable person after all. Some of the core things in these projects are still in the hands of the real owner of the company."

Wen Xi knew nothing about this and wanted to leave it to Rong Xuanyu within this year, but he didn't expect that something went wrong.

When it comes to business, she is definitely no match for Rong Jinghan.

If these projects become corrupt in her hands, other shareholders will definitely criticize them.

If it is transferred to Rong Jinghan and he can complete it, it will be a great achievement and will go a long way in stabilizing his position.

Therefore, the best way is to let Rong Xuanyu stay.

After all, being away for two months can already change a lot of things.

Judging from Rong Xuanyu's attitude, even if she disagrees with this leave, I'm afraid he will resign from this position without hesitation. On the other hand, Rong Jinghan may take this opportunity to resign him. No matter which possibility it is, the final loss will be It's all her. After all, the only person she can rely on in the company now is Rong Xuanyu.

Presumably, this was one of the reasons why he went directly to her instead of Rong Jinghan.

It's equivalent to giving her a chance.

She smiled and said, "If it's not urgent, please give me a week."

Rong Xuanyu nodded, "Of course, I won't leave the company until half a month later. During this period, you can think about it carefully."

At noon, she and He Yan made an appointment to have dinner together at a restaurant near the company.

He Yan arrived earlier than her and booked a private room in advance.

At the dinner table, Wen Xi ate absentmindedly and murmured, "Today, half a month later, is very important."

At that time, if she still couldn't keep Rong Xuanyu, it would be equivalent to giving Rong Jinghan an opportunity.

"Well, it's indeed important. Have you thought about what gift you want?" He Yan asked.

Wen Xi raised his eyes, "Huh?"

"It's your 21st birthday at the end of this month. Have you forgotten?"

Wen Xi suddenly realized, "Oh, that's not what I was talking about just now."


She stared at He Yan seriously and told him about Rong Xuanyu.

"Rong Jinghan has just been promoted to the position, and Rong Xuanyu has an accident and needs to take a leave of absence. Do you think this is a coincidence?"

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