Chapter 149, Kill, Let Him Kill! Let Him Kill Enough!


"We must not let them move on!!"

"Their goal is resurrection point 1!"

The players of the coalition have a cold hair standing behind their backs!


In case of.. Their resurrection point, if it is controlled by the Huaguo people!

Doesn't that mean that. . .

As long as the flower country surrounds the resurrection point, this time the national war.

It is very likely that it will be a national war with a big boost for the player..

It's thorough, doesn't it have anything to do with them?

One thought of this terrible result.

The players of the coalition are going crazy.

They brandished their weapons and pressed forward through gritted teeth.

More people, stabbed to death with spears ..


There are also players who are lucky enough to rush in front of a player at the level of [Enhanced.Pingyu Guard].

The weapon in his hand slashed down.


The player on the opposite side has their leather armor split open, revealing their skin.

And that skin:

Slashed by a sharp steel knife..


Not even a white mark was produced!


The attack is ineffective!!

"This... How is this possible?"

"Monsters! are all a bunch of monsters!!"

Coalition players are getting a little desperate.

They attack the opposite side and can't do any damage.

And the opposite flower country player.

Simply, use the spear as a stick.

Sweep it away!

Flesh and blood are broken!!

The madness of the coalition players does nothing at all.

The pace of the advance of the elite army of the flower country has not slowed down in the slightest.


When a large number of coalition players poured in.

It can only bring more experience points to the elite players of the flower country.

That's all!!

Bloody all the way!

No one can stop you!

To know.

The First Army, all of them have been transferred to become players in the [Enhanced.Leveling Troops] system.

their own attribute values.

For the rest of the players, it's all crushing.

Not to mention ordinary players.

Even if it is the Judgment Blade, it may not be able to withstand an ordinary soldier of the First Army!!


Totally crushed!!


live streaming space.

The audience of various countries was silent.

They are unimaginable, the same players.


The players of the flower country are so powerful!!

They are completely crushing the players of the upper coalition army without any suspense!!

In this case.

People in various countries seem to be beginning to understand.... Why, countries are going to jointly suppress the flower country.


If you let the flower country have more such players.

So... Is there a way out for other countries?

Too powerful!

It's horrible!

They don't care about a big war with the audience in the country of flowers.

Everyone, almost nervously, looked at the screen.

The opposite is true.

The players of the flower country are extremely excited!

To say, before this, the people of Huaguo were extremely worried in their hearts.

After all, this is a great alliance abroad!

Flower Country... Never before have we been in such a sinister situation.

Almost all the major powers in the world have united to attack the flower country.

In such cases.

Even, in the territory of Huaguo, there are many surrender factions.

For example.

A comprador like the Liu family raises some male spiders on the fishing wheel farm.

They were before this battle.

It's in the weird atmosphere of yin and yang.

Words are not in words.

are all belittling the country of flowers.

It is believed that it is impossible for the flower country to defeat the alliance of nations.

Surrender as soon as possible.

Abandon the powerful class system that "undermines fairness".

is the way out of the flower country!


Fueled by some forces from abroad.

Such remarks.

It's all over the place.

But the good thing is.

The people of Huaguo now are not as easy to fool as before.

Give up and become strong.

When a dog.

Can you get by?


The country of flowers is destined to be a big country.

If you can't become strong.

When a dog..

No one can afford it.

The final ending.

It can only be meat on the cutting board.

It's just to be ravaged by others.

Under the raging public opinion.

The remarks of these public spider factions were quickly suppressed.


Everybody knows.

These people are not going to give up.

They think from the bottom of their hearts that the people of Huaguo just can't do it, and white people are the rulers of the world.

When this scene happened.

The audience of the flower country is completely boiling!!

They were excited!

Even, many people burst into tears!

All worries before.

In the face of an iron-like reality.

Dissipate completely.


Be proud!

This battle!

Flower Country!

Won't lose!!



in the spread.

The players of the Alliance of Nations are desperate in their hearts.

The 100,000-strong army opposite.

Power crushes.

Defend against crushing.


What else can be done?

At this moment.

More people paid attention to the army commanded by Lin Wanqing.


Over there, although Ye Chen's killing efficiency is extremely high.


Compared to an army of 220,000.

In terms of killing efficiency, it is still a lot worse.

After all.

A phalanx of 220,000 troops.

On the front, it is an ultra-wide front line of 50,000 troops lined up for two kilometers.

Such a phalanx.

Like a hammer.

smashed towards the allied forces.

Everything tries to stop the power of this hammer. 、


All smashed to smithereens!


"What to do? What now?"

The high-ranking members of the allied forces all had a look of fear on their faces.

Once the respawn point is controlled by the army of the flower country.

So. 、

The alliance of the nations is over!

The players who have just been resurrected are a rabble that has lost any organization.

In front of the army of the system.

Only the slaughtered.

Not to mention.

Now the elite of the flower country, the combat effectiveness shown.

It also frightened them to the extreme.

The Blade of Judgment was also panicked in his heart.

Such an army of combat effectiveness was completely beyond his expectations.

It's not just that the defense is amazing.


Equally amazing!!

He gritted his teeth.

"Draw back the fifth-order legions and use them to attack the vanguard of the Huaguo people!"

Judgment Blade said. 、

"What? let them attack each other's phalanx, that. Where's the ember?"

Someone asked.

"Others. Go and besiege him!"


The Blade of Judgment took a deep breath.

"Isn't he powerful? even if it's a fifth-order, it's completely impossible to resist in front of him, then... Thorough crowd tactics!!"

"Employ people, drown him!"

"Kill, let him kill! Look at him... How long can you kill!"

The Blade of Judgment said madly.

"As for the phalanx of the flower countrymen.."

The Judgment Blade's gaze was on the phalanx formed by the First Army and the flanking legions.

"Since ordinary players, there is nothing they can do about them. That's.. Let players who have reached the fifth tier get on it!"

The Blade of Judgment looked back.

The nations are united.

Behind his back.

There are more than three hundred... The strength has reached the fifth order.

That is... It is equivalent to a player of a third-rate military general on the side of the flower country.

And other than that.

Behind more than three hundred fifth-order players.

And also... More than 500,000 Tier 4 players!

This is in the alliance of nations.

The Toughest Legion!!


This legion.

What should be played is the final word.

But now.

The Blade of Judgment has to use this legion that is at least a fourth-order player!

Use this elite army to deal with the first army of the flower country.

As for the environment..

Just use millions of players.

Consume him!

Consume him!!

The Blade of Judgment sank like water, and the order was given!


The entire army of the allied nations.

Players, it's time to go all out!!

The distinction is clear.

Rushing towards the embers.

is a group of low-level players.

And those who rushed to the 1st Army and the flank corps.

Be a player of the fourth tier or higher.

The strategy of the alliance is clear.

Use the fifth-tier player as the arrow, and the fourth-tier player as the base.

Unleash the most elite forces.

Destroy the elite dispatched by the flower country first!

And then.

Turn your head again.

Go deal with the Ember!!

After seeing such an action.

The audience of the flower country..

I started to get a little worried.

Face the Tier 5 player on the opposite side.

That is...

It is equivalent to the existence of a third-rate general.

The warriors of the country of flowers..

Is it okay?

【Supplement the first update】

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