Lord of War

Forty-four. How to deal with it

Kobold gathering place, this dungeon has a total of three bosses, all of them are mages.

The first and second bosses are both kobold mages who are good at elemental magic. The difference is that one is good at fire and the other is good at wind. As far as the difficulty of the challenge is concerned, there is not much difference between the two bosses, the only thing that needs to be paid attention to is the use of the terrain.

But the real trouble is actually the third boss.

At this moment, Sean and Cecilia came to a tent. Jem was sent by Sean to look for Ans and the others, and then asked them to rush to the northeast corner of the camp to solve the second boss. Of course, before that, he naturally tried his best to keep the action he encountered along the way. The kobolds were also cleared.

In fact, this coping strategy is the easiest strategy in the game.

After all the kobolds in the camp were eliminated, the team was divided into two groups and launched an attack on the No. 1 and No. 2 bosses at the same time. Although the game does not require two kobold mages to die at the same time, the sound that erupts after the battle is enough to attract other living creatures in the kobold gathering place.

If you focus on attacking one of the kobold mages first, then the final result is to face the attack of three bosses, and as a dungeon with a limit of ten people, facing the attacks of three mages bosses at the same time, the result is natural It is conceivable.

With the method of attacking two bosses at the same time in teams, although one team has to face the attack of the third boss, it is at least better than facing three bosses at the same time.

Originally, Jem proposed to Sean to come over with two more people to support him, but this proposal was simply rejected by Sean.

After all, Jem, Ans, and others don't know exactly how to attack the three bosses in this dungeon. Even if Sean temporarily talks about a way to deal with it, he still doesn't expect Jem to be able to deal with it. Remember all. And even if the magician came here to trouble him, Sean was sure that he could hold him back. At least with Cecilia's 35-point will, he would be completely immune to the opponent's mind control.

As for Sean, the high-level spiritual reinforcement scroll he brought from the Black Cat Chamber of Commerce was not for collection.

Inside the tent, the dogs barked faintly, as if there was a low-pitched argument.

Sean knew that there would be two guards beside the kobold mages. Although they were third-order occupations, they maintained the level of kobolds in other aspects except for the slightly higher endurance. However, the stamina value is reflected in the real world, that is, the ability to resist strikes is relatively strong, and the body is relatively tough, not easy to be poisoned, and the stamina is relatively high, etc., but it does not affect the health value in the game.

So if you come to the point, they also have to die.

Looking at Cecilia, the latter nodded slightly, and at the same time, the last magic syllable in his mouth was gently spit out, and the fluctuation of magic power was instantly strong.

Inside the tent, the barking of the dog stopped abruptly, followed by an extremely high-pitched sound.

Obviously it was the kobold mage who was panicking.

In the next second, Sean's long sword was picked up, and the tent's curtain was immediately cut off. Cecilia snorted softly, and the condensed secondary fireball technique suddenly slammed into the tent.

The sound of explosions, flames, and flames suddenly soared into the sky.

The secondary fireball technique is a simplified version of the fireball technique, and it is also the first attack magic that a magician apprentice can come into contact with. Generally speaking, the secondary fireball technique is only about the size of two fists combined, and the impact range after the explosion is about a one-meter radius, which is similar to the power of high explosives such as grenades on the earth, but In Miracle Continent, it is impossible for the secondary fireball technique to blow up the enemy at one time.

Unless the other party is a civilian without any rank.

And Cecilia's fireball technique,

But it is equivalent to the volume of one and a half basketballs, which is larger than the standard fireball technique, and its power is naturally more terrifying.

This is of course not because Cecilia is already an official magician. Although she is only half a step away from this threshold, what really caused her secondary fireball to have such a powerful mutation is because she has always Because of the crimson flames that I carry with me.

After Cecilia's mental stimulation and resonance, the crimson flame not only took on Cecilia's spiritual imprint, but also unlocked the seal on the gemstone, so any display by Cecilia of fire magic, its power and effect are at least increased. And with Cecilia's magical power and spiritual power - that is, the higher the occupation level, the increase that the Scarlet Flame can provide can be up to five times.

This is the true horror of the Crimson Flame!

Cecilia just blasted in with a fireball technique, and the entire camp was engulfed by the raging flames almost instantly. As for the two who started it, they knew the power of magic very well, so of course Sean and Cecilia couldn't be stupid enough to stand still after throwing the fireball, and they had already run to a safe area to hide.

However, Cecilia, who ran out, was also not idle either. She followed what Sean planned, and then condensed two fireball spells again, and sent them towards the tent with the farthest casting distance that she could reach. go out.

Immediately, two tents were set ablaze, and kobolds even started to scream in terror.

With the sound of explosions, flames soaring into the sky, and any kobolds still alive in the camp must know that something has happened.

But at this time, not too many kobolds appeared, and the few three or four just ran out of the tent, they were already solved by Sean's neat sword. And the current situation is exactly what Sean expected: even if there are more than fifty kobolds left in this camp, it will never exceed this number, otherwise in this camp It is impossible not to see the kobolds on patrol.

And fifty or sixty kobolds are scattered in a camp that can accommodate thousands of people. It will take a long time to gather them all, and when they come to the point of the incident, I am afraid The battle here should also be almost over, which is also because there is no kobold commander in the camp.

But at this point, Sean was very happy.

In the tent where the kobold mage was located, the burning flames suddenly shrank and then exploded. Still burning continuously.

But right now, Sean and Cecilia's attention wasn't on the flames.

A kobold in a tattered orange-red robe stood in it, it bowed and looked a little old, and its eyes were no longer as clear as a normal kobold, but turbid. Wooden stick - it was a kobold's wand. It mixed trees and gems with magical power fluctuations in an extremely simple way. Its quality was not even ordinary, it could only be regarded as inferior.

This is the unique magician of the kobold family, the third-order professional [Kobold Mage].

Standing next to this kobold mage, there are two kobolds who look obviously much younger. They wear light leather armor and hold a halberd in their hands. Their eyes are full of anger and hatred. The human mage is also a third-order professional [Kobold Guard Officer], but the momentum exuding from his body is completely inferior to the kobold mage who seems to have half footed into the coffin.

At this moment, the three kobolds looked extremely embarrassed, with large black marks on their bodies, and a peculiar smell of burnt odor. One of the kobold guards even lost half of his tail, and there was still a flame burning at the end. Although he tried his best to beat it, the flame didn't go out for some reason, but he didn't light his entire body. into a torch.

This weird appearance reminded Sean of a pet in a cartoon that was popular on Earth many years ago.

However, that pet was much prettier than the kobold.

The kobold mage made a series of rapid dog barks. The frequency, speed and fluctuation of the sound were completely different from those of humans, but the only thing that could be judged was a burst of anger.

After the kobold mage's cry, the two kobold guards immediately rushed towards Sean and Cecilia.

Kobolds do not have the superb fighting skills of humans, but the kobold race has advantages in speed and magic, so any of their occupational derivatives are based on these two aspects. Even the two kobold guards in front of them, although they are responsible for protecting the kobold mages, are not based on defense such as endurance, but more on the enhancement of speed, so as to contain and attack the enemy, giving Kobold mages provide safe spellcasting.

This is a tactical change brought about by hesitant race issues.

Right now, the two kobold guards are planning to take advantage of their speed, one to contain Sean, the other to attack Cecilia, and then allow the kobold mage to cast spells smoothly to destroy the opponent.

There's nothing wrong with these tactics themselves, it's just that they chose the wrong opponent from the start.

Sean attacked with a sprint, cut into the middle of the two kobold guards dignifiedly, and the offensive of the long sword in his hand opened and closed. This is the third type of swordsmanship offensive embodied by the secret swordsmanship. Although more flaws were revealed, once the swordsmanship was unfolded, it completely covered the two kobold guards, so that they could only move at the same time whether they were advancing or retreating, and could not be separated at all.

And once the distance is too far apart, Sean's swordsmanship will suddenly change and become violent. How could the kobold guard, known for his speed advantage, resist Sean in this way? All the initiative has been completely in Sean's hands, whether to advance or retreat is entirely up to Sean's thoughts, so even if another kobold can escape from Sean's sword cover, there is absolutely no way to stop it. Celia causes harassment.

Almost when the two kobolds' attacks were completely unsuccessful, at the northeast corner of the camp, a strong explosion roared at this moment.

Sean knew that Ans and Jem's attack had already succeeded!

And then, it's up to the magician from the Medusa Chamber of Commerce to make a choice.

========Dividing Line========

Today, I went up the mountain to sweep the graves. I was really tired, and there were some things at home, so there was only one watch tonight.

But you can rest assured that tomorrow will break out on the fourth day to make up for it.

By the way, the new book period is finally over, and the result is still very gratifying, at least I am quite satisfied! However, Sanjiang's No. 1 result is in jeopardy right now. I'm not very satisfied with this! So, although there is only one update tonight, I still have the cheek to ask for Sanjiang tickets!

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