Lord of the Star Ocean

Chapter 316 Apprenticeship (Continuation 1)

The next day, when the hour of Chen arrived, the bell of Tongtian Pavilion rang five times in a row.

Tongtian Pavilion is one of the three heavenly pavilions of Haoyuanwu Pavilion. Every day at Chenshi and Shenshi, the ten thousand catty copper ancient bell hanging on the top of the pavilion will ring, and the sound can spread throughout Haoyuan City.

So over time, the residents of the city became very accustomed to the morning and evening bells of Tongti Pavilion, and many shops even used the Chen and Shen bells as the opening and closing times.

The ringing of the Chen bell in Tongtian Pavilion also represented the opening of the gate of Haoyuanwu Pavilion.

When the bell rang, Nie Feng had just stepped out of the house and rushed to Haoyuan Martial Pavilion.

Today is the first day he entered Haoyuanwu Pavilion to practice. Since Longwu Lane where he lives is near Haoyuanwu Pavilion, it only takes less than half a quarter to walk, so he walked very leisurely.

Not only was Nie Feng alone, but many surrounding residents rushed out at this time, as if they were coming towards the Martial Pavilion like a trickle.

This kind of aura gathered from all over the world made Nie Feng truly feel the powerful background of Haoyuan Wuge!

As a freshman student of the Ministry of Fire, Nie Feng got the class schedule and "Hao Yuan Wu Ge Law Rules and Regulations" when he signed up yesterday, so he knew exactly where he should go on the first day.

He came to the lecture hall of the Ministry of Fire.

The Martial Arts Lecture Hall of the Ministry of Fire is an antique palace with a large area. When Nie Feng came to the Martial Arts Lecture Hall, there were already hundreds of people sitting in it.

Eight thick wooden pillars support the high dome, and bright light shines in from the open windows all around. Together with the young freshmen present, a vigorous and upward atmosphere is formed.

Nie Feng liked this atmosphere very much.

He sat down in his own place, sitting on the floor.

It is said to be a seat, but it is actually an animal skin cushion placed on the ground. I don't know what material it is made of. It is still very comfortable to sit cross-legged on it.

In front of each cushion stands a small plaque with the student's name and military plate number engraved on it.

This shows the difference of Haoyuan Martial Court. Many of the Martial Court's compliance are military regulations, because they pay more attention to discipline and rules, and even the seats are not allowed to sit randomly.

Nie Feng glanced left and right, but did not see Peng Yi and the others.

These guys like to drink, sleep late and wake up late, Nie Feng is a little worried that they will be late.

It is not a good thing to be late on the first day of martial arts training.

However, Nie Feng's worry was obviously unfounded. Peng Yi, Hong Jiu and the others were old soldiers. They understood the military rules better than Nie Feng.

But everyone's positions were all broken up, and everyone could only wave their hands to say hello, and they didn't dare to run around at will.

Half a moment later, the lecture hall was full of seats, and an old man in a white Confucian shirt held a bamboo board and appeared in front of everyone with his head held high.

There was a sudden silence in the lecture hall, so quiet that a needle could be heard.

The first class on the first day today is "Imperial Military History". "Imperial Military History" is the only literature class among the seven basic subjects of knights. The lecturer is Lu Yong.

Lu Yong is a well-known figure on Haoyuan Star. He was born in the Imperial Academy of Arts and is a well-known Confucianist today. He was relegated to this immigrant star because of his conviction.

But even if he was guilty, no one dared to underestimate this great Confucianist. Haoyuan Wuge hired him as a lecturer of the Wuge Wen class because he respected his talent and reputation.

Although most of the students here are young and unruly, no one dared to be rude to a great Confucian like Lu Yong, so everyone couldn't help holding their breath and being cautious.

Lu Yong was tall and thin, and wearing a set of loose Confucian shirts gave the impression of a bamboo frame. His cheekbones were raised high, his expression was stern and his eyes were sharp, and he had an aura of calm and prestige.

Standing still on the podium, he said in a deep voice: "From today onwards, I will be your lecturer of "Imperial Military History". My name is Lu Yong, and you can call me Master Lu."

As soon as his words fell, hundreds of new students in the lecture hall stood up together, bowed and said, "I pay my respects to Master Lu!"

"Sit down..."

A smile appeared on Lu Yong's skinny face, and he said, "Today I will teach you the first lesson of "Military History of the Empire", "From Stardust"."

"Military History of the Empire" is actually the history of the Xianluo Empire. The Xianluo Empire was established on the ruins of the pre-Qin Empire. It has a long history of military establishment with too many legends and classics.

Knowledge of Imperial military history is a must for any Imperial officer.

Lu Yong's explanation of "Imperial Military History" is not just based on the scriptures, but has added his own unique insights and comments, and has an in-depth analysis of many events experienced by the Imperial Army since its birth.

This makes his lectures so engrossing that even the most impatient can enjoy them.

As a time traveler, Nie Feng listened more attentively.

This course is the best opportunity for him to learn about the Star Sea World and the Xianluo Empire!

Lu Yong's voice is not loud, with a hint of hoarseness, but it can always reach everyone's ears just right. His narration does not have too strong emotional ups and downs, but it can make people's hearts surge again and again.

The entire lecture hall was shrouded in an invisible aura released by him, making all the young geniuses bow their heads and listen carefully.

Nie Feng felt the most obvious about Lu Yong's aura.

He even had a certain resonance.

Unknowingly, the Yueyao Mingxing in Nie Feng's sea of ​​consciousness emitted thousands of rays of light, and the "Shangqing Longwu Kunyuan Zhengfa" was running on its own, and pale golden runes quietly emerged one by one.

Nie Feng's mind became clearer and more peaceful than ever before, every word Lu Yong said was engraved in the sea of ​​consciousness, without any omission!

Although Nie Feng has been mastering "Longwu Kunyuan Zhengfa of the Upper Qing Dynasty" for a long time, he spent most of his time improving his martial arts cultivation and did not pay too much attention to the cultivation of the soul.

This is also a very helpless choice, because Nie Feng is faced with life and death dangers again and again, martial arts strength is the key to ensure that he can survive in this world of the jungle.

However, the benefits of opening up the sea of ​​consciousness and condensing the primordial spirit are obvious. Nie Feng was able to break through the level of star wheel manifestation so quickly.

Nie Feng did not expect that Lu Yong's explanation of "Imperial Military History" would actually resonate with his soul and guide him to practice "Longwu Kunyuan Zhengfa of the Shangqing"!

So if he specifically explained to Nie Feng the method of Confucianism's soul cultivation, what kind of effect would it have?

Nie Feng couldn't help yearning for it leisurely!


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