Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 546 Suspect

Under the guidance of Kafei Cologne, Flynn and Lindy walked in the dense forest and rushed to the earthquake center.

About half an hour later, they came to an area full of fallen trees and hideous cracks on the ground.

Some of these hideous cracks not only spread extremely far, but also were extremely huge, and the widest part was even enough to swallow a house.

Without Kafei Cologne's reminder, Flynn and Lindy realized that this place should be the center of the earthquake.

The earthquake center is the most severely damaged place, and the degree of damage to the terrain here is very likely to be the earthquake center.

"Elder Sox."

"Elder Harlowin."


Other mystics who participated in the search have already rushed here. When they saw Flynn and Lindy, they all respectfully greeted them.

"Have you found any unnatural traces, such as buildings?"

Flynn asked the mystic who arrived first.

"No, no traces of buildings or the like were found."

Assy shook her head.

"Have you ever explored the ground?"

Lindy thought for a moment and asked.


Essie shook her head.

"Let me investigate, Night."

Lindy used the extraordinary ability of the night, and the darkness enveloped the surrounding area, making the surrounding area in the field of night.

Then, with the help of the perception ability of the night domain, the perception goes underground.

For a moment, she canceled the field of night, ending perception.

"How about it?"

Flynn asked quickly.

"I didn't find it. It is possible that the previous judgment was wrong, or it may be that the depth of my dark night domain is too shallow."

Lindy thought about it.

"I'll try it."

Flynn called out the mysterious gun, transformed it into a sniper rifle, and then looked at the ground through the perspective of the scope.

As Flynn looked into the scope, the situation underground appeared before his eyes.

He slowly moved the scope of the sniper rifle, searching the ground area by area, looking for abnormal places.

After reaching Transcendence, today's sniper rifle scopes, even without other aids, are enough to see tens of kilometers away.

And see through the ground, the deepest can see through to a depth of hundreds of meters.

If there are relics underground, it should not exceed this depth.

If through this method, the abnormal place still cannot be found, either the previous speculation was wrong, or this place is probably not the center of the earthquake.


Flynn, who was searching the ground, suddenly changed his expression slightly, and looked at the ground through the scope more intently.

"What did you find?"

Seeing the change in Flynn's expression, Lindy asked quickly.

"Found a collapsed building."

Flynn said while looking down through the scope.

Through the perspective of the scope, he saw an underground building.

It should be because of the earthquake that the building has collapsed.

Many places are buried by the collapsed soil, only some places still have hollow areas, and artificial traces can be vaguely seen.

It proves that this place was not formed naturally, but was excavated artificially.

"Is it a relic?"

Lindy asked.

"Not a relic."

Flynn shook his head and said.

"Judging from the traces of the building, this underground building was not built for a long time, at most no more than ten years."

As a "Jewelry Antique Appraiser", Fei Lin is extremely sensitive to age and workmanship, and can keenly judge the age and workmanship style of a thing.

According to his judgment, this underground building is not a relic, but was excavated and built by some forces in recent years.

"It's not a ruin, it took less than ten years to build it..."

There was a faint dangerous light in Lindy's eyes.

From this information, it is almost certain that this earthquake did not occur naturally, but was artificially created by a certain force.

In other words, this is a man-made disaster, which caused the deaths of millions of people.

In the past few days, the Kingdom of Heidelberg has calculated the approximate casualties. A dozen cities plus the surrounding villages and towns add up to a million deaths.

"Look for any clues left, and see if you can figure out what forces did it."


Flynn responded, and carefully inspected the collapsed buildings underground, trying to find directional clues.

After a long time, Flynn stopped searching and said.

"No clues were found, and the clues may have been erased by the forces."

"It should be that the affiliated forces were worried about being discovered by the Security Bureau, so they erased the relevant traces."

Lindy frowned slightly.

At night, in a hotel in Waddell City, Flynn, Lindy, Ivy, and Aixi were discussing.

"Although we haven't confirmed what forces did it, what is certain is that this earthquake was man-made. Do you have any opinions?"

Lindy asked.

"Judging from the clues we have so far, this earthquake must have been man-made, but I can't figure out how this force caused an earthquake of this scale."

"After all, an earthquake of this scale is simply not something Chaofan can do."

Flynn held his chin slightly with his hand and said.

"I haven't figured this out, but I don't think there should be any existence far beyond the extraordinary in this force."

"If there are existences far beyond the extraordinary, there is no need to sneakily create earthquakes."

Ivy said in a slightly cold voice.

"Ivy is right. I also think that this force should not be far beyond the extraordinary. As for how to trigger such a large-scale earthquake, it is indeed very puzzling."

Essie said.

"As long as you find this force, you will naturally know how this force caused such large-scale destruction. The most important thing now is to find this force."

Lindy said.

"There is no trace of the underground building, so it is definitely not possible to start from the building, and the only way to start is through other aspects."

Flynn put down his hand on his chin and said.

"We can investigate which forces are most active in the vicinity in the past few months or even in the past year."

"Although it may not necessarily be the force that caused the earthquake, it is very likely."

Ivy said.

"It's really a direction."

Lindy nodded, and then said.

"In addition, surveys can be conducted from beneficiary subjects."

"Beneficiaries? You mean the beneficiaries from this earthquake?"

Flynn asked.

"Yes, since this force created this earthquake, it must want to benefit from this earthquake."

"And the force that benefits the most from this earthquake must be the force that caused the earthquake."

Lindy said with a sharp light in her eyes.

Some forces may benefit from the earthquake, but the one that benefits the most must be the one that caused the earthquake, because this force knows that an earthquake will happen and must have made sufficient preparations for it.

"I agree with Miss Lindy's point of view. To investigate which force benefits the most should be able to find out the force that caused the earthquake."

Essie said.

"Investigate the forces that benefit the most? This is indeed a good way to find out the forces that create earthquakes."

Flynn and Ivy also nodded in agreement.

"Okay then, let's investigate the forces that benefit from it and find out the forces that benefit the most."

Lindy made a decision.


Two days later, Lindy looked at the information she had obtained, and after reading the entire information, she said to Flynn.

"According to the investigation, there are six beneficiary forces, one of which is the Violet Eye."

"This is a mystic organization that accepts employment. The earthquake caused a deterioration of law and order. Many rich and nobles chose to hire mystics from the Violet Eye to protect their safety. This organization is one of the beneficiaries of the earthquake."

"The other five forces are all cult organizations, namely Death Eye, Hell Ghost Face, Scarlet Blood, Dragon's Evil, and Natural Calamity."

"These five cult organizations promoted the earthquake as a punishment from evil gods and bewitched the survivors in the disaster-affected area. Many survivors were bewitched."

"Among these six forces, which force has benefited the most?"

Flynn asked.

"The forces that benefit the most are natural disasters."

Lindy said.

"It's a natural disaster?!"

Flynn was a little surprised.

Among the six forces, the most powerful are naturally the three large forces of Death Eye, Hell Ghost Face, and Scarlet Blood.

Of the remaining three forces, the secret organization Violet Eye is just a small force.

Dragon's Evil once became a large-scale force, but because the previous Dragon's Evil Pope died at the hands of the Security Bureau, it was re-downgraded to a medium-sized force.

And the natural disaster is also just a medium-sized force, even worse than the evil of the dragon, and can only rank second to last among the six forces.

After all, the evil of the dragon was once born into a supernatural force and became a large-scale force, but natural disasters have never been born into a supernatural force and become a large-scale force.

Considering that in order to trigger an earthquake of this scale, his own strength must not be weak. He doubted the three large forces, but he didn't expect that the one that benefited the most would be the second-to-last natural disaster among these forces.

"It is indeed a bit of an accident, but judging from the intelligence, it is indeed natural disasters that benefit the most."

"Almost shortly after the earthquake, the cultists of the natural disaster appeared in the affected cities, secretly preaching and absorbing believers."

Lindy put down the information and said.

"Shortly after the earthquake, it appeared in all the affected cities, and the natural disasters responded faster than the three major cult organizations..."

Flynn frowned slightly.

Natural disasters are just medium-sized forces, and logically speaking, their intelligence capabilities are not as good as those of the three major cult organizations. How can they respond faster than the three major cult organizations?

After a moment of thought, he said.

"It seems that the most problematic thing is indeed the natural disaster."

"Next, we will focus on the investigation of natural disasters. We will arrest and interrogate the cultists of natural disasters. Whether the earthquake is related to natural disasters will be known soon."

Lindy said with a cold light in her eyes.

Not long after, the order to search and arrest the Scourge cultists came out.

Not only the mystics recruited by Flynn and Lindy participated in the operation, but also the mystics from the Security Bureau of Waddell City and the security bureaus of surrounding cities also participated in the operation.

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