Qu Mao glanced at Su Yan in astonishment, so much so that he stood still when he stepped off the horse. Su Yan's horse head surpassed Qu Mao's horse head all of a sudden.

After Su Yan saw it, she quickly controlled the horse and took a few steps back, walked to Qu Mao's side, and said, "My lord, what's wrong with you? Why don't you leave?"

Qu Mao said: "I'm dizzy, Su Yan, this can tell that the enemy's commanding general will directly choose to surrender when there are still 70,000 to 80,000 full troops?"

Su Yan glanced at Qu Mao, and said, "My lord, what else do you want?"

Qu Mao spread his hands and said, "Damn it! Zhao Pan can't let Zhao Pan charge again and kill at least 10,000 to 20,000 enemy troops?

Even if there are 70,000 to 80,000 pigs standing there for you to kill, you will have to kill them all night.

With so many troops, I don't think it is possible for the general in charge of the enemy army to surrender directly. "

Su Yan smiled and said: "My lord, it may be impossible to switch to other nobles, but the Zhang family in Zhicheng will definitely surrender. They never want to put their family in a dangerous situation. It is also the biggest guarantee of survival for their family.

He has to drag it all night because he doesn't believe that the fleet's rear army has been completely defeated by us.

The former Liusu Principality has become the top ten forces in the entire continent with the territory of a mere principality, and the army's combat effectiveness is still very strong.

After being usurped by the traitors, although the strength of Liuwang Principality fell to the third rate, but Liuwang Principality has only ruled the country for more than a year, and most of the army are old soldiers, but these old soldiers have lost their energy.

My father was still very powerful back then, but it was a pity that he was overthrown by his best friend in the end..."

Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "Su Yan, tonight is not the right time to talk about your sadness. Let's wait for Zhang Zhiyong's final choice."

But Qu Mao never expected that when he arrived at 10:30 in the evening, about half an hour before Su Yan's deadline for the enemy's general Zhang Zhiyong, Zhang Zhiyong was riding the maroon horse and wearing a cloth shirt. , Holding a white flag, he walked towards the position of the Yizhen Territorial Army.

After Su Yan heard the soldiers report the situation, she came to the front line, and Qu Mao naturally wanted to accompany her.

Seeing Su Yan, Zhang Zhiyong immediately got off his horse, knelt down on the ground ten meters away from Su Yan, and shouted loudly: "The guilty minister Zhang Zhiyong, I apologize to His Royal Highness the Third Princess.

The guilty minister really didn't know that this place was the honorable place of His Royal Highness the Three Princesses, so he took the liberty to send troops to offend the Three Princesses, and begged the Three Princesses to surrender, and now led the remnant troops to surrender to the Three Princesses.

The guilty minister pleaded guilty, the soldiers are innocent, please the Third Princess tie up the guilty minister, and let the remnants of the soldiers go.

I have heard the good name of the three princesses who are close to the people and compassionate to the people. The soldiers in this battle are innocent, and the criminals are willing to bear all the responsibilities! The soldiers who went to the expedition were all loyal and brave subordinates of Her Royal Highness in the past, and there are also a large number of soldiers from Yancheng. Please be aware of the third princess.

The soldiers of the remnants have reached a consensus, and they are willing to change their banners before the battle and return to the orthodoxy of the Duchy of Liusu. Please send troops to take over the remnants of our army. "

Qu Mao looked at Su Yan, and Zhang Zhiyong on the opposite side seemed to have surrendered, but after talking nonsense for a long time, Qu Mao didn't understand what Zhang Zhiyong wanted to do, so he had to see how Su Yan would respond.

Su Yan rode her horse and was about to step forward, Zhao Pan immediately rode on the horse and stopped in front of Su Yan.

Qu Mao glanced at Zhao Pan, then continued to look at Su Yan.

Su Yan smiled and said, "Master Zhao Pan, I was not afraid of the enemy commander with armor and weapons in his hand, and tens of thousands of troops guarding him, but now that he has surrendered, you are not at ease?"

Not wanting to forcefully break through Zhao Pan's obstruction, Su Yan increased her volume and shouted: "Since Earl Zhang is a gentleman who knows current affairs, he chooses to surrender.

Mr. Zhao Pan, send troops to receive the surrendered soldiers, they are all my people, please do not intentionally harm them.

Earl Zhang understands righteousness and treats each other with courtesy! "

After thinking about it, Su Yan still rode her war horse, accompanied by Qu Mao and Zhao Pan, walked forward for more than ten meters, passed Zhang Zhiyong who was kneeling on the ground holding a white flag, and loudly shouted at the soldiers who invaded Liuwang Principality behind. Said: "Soldiers and soldiers of Liuwang Principality, soldiers of Yancheng, I am your third princess Su Yan.

I don't blame you for the criminal ministers usurping the country and dusting the road.

But now I am in front of you, and I hope you can turn your back on your way. As long as you put down your weapons, you will be like normal people in my territory.

In my territory, there are a large number of nationals, and your relatives may be among them. I hope you can meet again here. "

"Allegiance to Your Highness the Princess!" Suddenly, some uneven shouts sounded from the opposite army formation.

Qu Mao pulled Su Yan's horse and retreated to his own army, but when Su Yan passed by Zhang Zhiyong, he waved, and two fourth-tier guards stepped forward, helped Zhang Zhiyong back to Yizhen's territory Army positions.

Qu Mao said to Zhao Pan: "Zhao Pan, arrange for the army to receive the surrendered soldiers, and do as Master Su Yan asked.

As long as Liuwang Principality descends troops to find and visit relatives, as long as it does not violate the territorial regulations, officials at all levels should support them and not cause trouble for any reason. "

Zhao Pan said: "Yes, my lord!"

The total number of Liuwang Principality troops who surrendered near the fisherman village exceeded 70,000. Under the custody and guidance of the Yizhen Territory Army, they walked towards the east gate of Yizhen one by one. Before entering the east gate of Yizhen, they had to put down their weapons and take off their clothes. equipment.

Su Yan didn't leave the scene completely, but returned to the east wall of Yi Town, and stood in the gate tower on the east gate, watching Liu Wang Dukedom's troops lined up under the city wall waiting to enter Yi Town.

The soldiers could also see Su Yan when they lined up. Many soldiers from Liuwang Dukedom would kowtow to Su Yan when they saw Su Yan. Su Yan told Qu Mao that these were basically soldiers from Yancheng.

It wasn't until 4 o'clock in the morning on September 3rd in the third year of Tianxuan that all the soldiers who surrendered from Liuwang Principality entered Yi Town and temporarily settled in the Yi Town barracks.

Su Yan and Qu Mao set off to return to the lord's hut, but Su Yan seemed to be in a trance from lack of sleep.

Qu Mao also felt a little dazed, and kept talking to himself along the way: "Damn! This is the end, is this the end of the fight?"

The other heroes were also very puzzled that Yi Zhen's territory had been prepared for so long, yet it was finished in less than a day.

Sylvia Ocean and his navy received the news as early as 8 o'clock in the evening on September 2, and the fierce battle at sea was over.

The navy only has some warships and sea ships cruising the northern waters, with the purpose of salvaging enemy soldiers who fell into the water.

The navy also captured a large number of prisoners of war and warships. More than 120 complete warships were captured, and no more than 20 were sunk. Even if the rest were damaged, the damage was not high.

Regardless of whether everyone accepts it or not, the first fleet of Liuwang Principality's invasion of Yizhen's territory was completely wiped out by Yizhen's territory in less than 12 hours.

Kong Ming immediately found Qu Mao and said, "My lord, it's time to consider further expanding the results of the battle."

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