The time came to July 2nd of the third year of Tianxuan, and Qu Mao and Su Yan spent another night in the excitement of opening treasure chests.

After the dialogue between Liu Qianhui and Qu Mao, the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance remained silent for about three days.

In the past three days, heroes have been looking for Qu Mao, and Qu Mao himself has a lot of planned things to involve energy, but he has no time to manage the third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance.

However, Qu Mao did not intend to continue to let the third batch of the anti-Yicun alliance's invasion fleet land so comfortably. After all, the Yicun territorial navy still needed to arrange at least 100 warships to guard the mouth of the bay at the southeast corner of Ji Island.

Although the army of the Yi Village Territory has begun to transfer to other islands, 60,000 troops are still necessary to besiege the area surrounded by five villages. For the Yi Village Territory, it is the last stronghold of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance. Qu Mao actually restrained so many troops in the territory of Yi Village, this is not allowed by Qu Mao.

On July 1st of the third year of Tianxuan, the recruitment vouchers for its own residents were purchased and handed over to Su Yan and other internal affairs officials and heroes to deal with. Qu Mao arranged the matter properly and began to clean up the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance the last remaining strength.

At nine o'clock in the morning on July 2nd in the third year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao communicated with Sylvia Ocean, Chafidel, Fur Swamp, and Zhao Pan successively, asking the navy and the army to coordinate and try everything Measures to carry out operations, gradually consume and eat away at the last troops of the third batch of invasion fleet landing soldiers of the trapped Anti-Yi Village Alliance, do not require killing, try to capture in batches.

The reason for this request is, on the one hand, to further reduce the strength of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance, so as to avoid accepting too many prisoners of war in one breath at the end, and on the other hand, it is also to force the remaining third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance to survive. Soldiers make a decision as soon as possible.

Of course, because the self-owned resident recruitment coupons were in place in July, Zhen Fu also took the initiative to stop the work of persuading the prisoners of the Zhongdao Prisoner of War Camp to surrender, and instead transformed the surrendered soldiers into free civilians.

At present, the territory of Yi Village does not have enough energy to differentiate the treatment of the surrendered citizens who transferred to freedmen and the freedmen who were self-owned. In fact, there is not much difference between the two at present.

At most, it is just the difference in territorial subsidies. From self-owned citizens to free citizens, in addition to being equipped with houses, farmland and food, a certain amount of coins will also be given. However, after surrendering troops and leading civilians to free civilians, 10 people are often allocated a zero-level territorial residence, and only a small amount of food is given, and basically no arable land is provided.

Of course, Qu Mao was also in great pain. The soldiers of the third batch of the anti-Yi Village Alliance’s invasion fleet landing force were mainly men. Except for a few heroes and commanders who were female, all of them were men. Imbalance in the gender structure of the population.

The resident recruitment voucher provided by Lai Dima is the same as the recruitment voucher obtained by Qu Mao in the cheat mall and opening the treasure box. The sex ratio of the recruited residents is generally about six to four. Kong Ming has already helped Qu Mao make a prediction. After the Yi Village Territory digests all the prisoners of the third batch of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance's invasion fleet, the population will reach one million, but the total number of female residents may be less than 200,000. The population gender structure of the entire Yi Village Territory will be Seriously out of balance.

On July 2, the third year of Tianxuan, after Qu Mao issued an order, the navy and army took action one after another.

At noon on July 4th in the third year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Su Yan stayed up all night, and finally opened all 1713 treasure chests.

Qu Mao has obtained 1,723 gold coins from opening the treasure chest alone, and has not used a single hero recruitment ticket. He has obtained a total of 32 tickets, including 8 hero recruitment tickets and 24 low-quality hero recruitment tickets.

In addition to the three tickets that Sylvia Ocean led the navy to get from the treasure chest obtained by the Naka Island Raider's Folding Space, Qu Mao already had 35 hero recruitment tickets in his backpack.

Qu Mao has not recruited any of these hero recruitment coupons at present, and plans to recruit them at the Yi Village Tavern after returning to Yi Island.

In the past few days, on the one hand, the army and navy have frantically expanded their forces to replenish the number of soldiers killed in the final offensive on June 20. On the other hand, they are also methodically forcing the third batch of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance to follow Qu Mao's request. The last remnants of the invasion fleet.

Whether the number of naval soldiers exceeds 100,000 is not clear to Qu Mao, but it is certain that the number of army soldiers will exceed 100,000. Qu Mao did not restrict the heroes from expanding their strength.

However, the requirement of not allowing the remaining troops of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance to be killed also made the army and navy fight more uncomfortable. From the morning of July 2nd to the afternoon of July 4th, two days and two nights During the period, the total number of prisoners of war captured by the navy and army in military operations was only about 5,000.

Qu Mao is also considering the last remnants of the third batch of the anti-Yi Village alliance's invasion fleet. Tomorrow is July 5th of the third year of Tianxuan. Su Yan and other internal affairs officials and heroes will definitely convert all the recruitment coupons into the territory of Yi Village Of its own residents, the rest will only be the placement of prisoners of war.

The next step will be the development of a total of 11 islands in the sea area further south of the territory of Yi Village. Of course, before the official launch of the development plan for the 11 islands, Qu Mao still hopes that the battle against the remaining troops of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance will be over.

On the one hand, these prisoners of war are the excellent labor force for the development of the 11 islands in the south of the Yi Village Territory. On the other hand, they do not want the last remaining soldiers of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance to involve a large number of troops in the Yi Village Territory's army and navy.

Thinking of this, Qu Mao once again sent remote communications to Sylvia Ocean and Zhao Pan before the meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon, warning the two military heroes to speed up the attack on the remaining troops of the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance. Last oppression.

At the same time, he also clearly told the two heroes that whether it is the navy or the army, they must continue to increase their troops and train them. The stalemate in the battle will continue. Qu Mao told the two heroes that he does not rule out the use of strong attacks, even if it requires some soldiers. The cost of casualties.

After finishing the remote communication with the two heroes, Qu Mao felt that his confidence had recovered a bit, and he began to think about what he needed to say in the upcoming meeting at 3:00 pm.

At noon on July 5 in the third year of Tianxuan, Kong Ming had already returned to Ji Island from the eight islands in the south with little vegetation. Kong Ming also needed to attend the afternoon meeting.

The afternoon meeting was nominally a mobilization meeting for the final counteroffensive, but Qu Mao knew that what he was going to talk about was definitely not just about the deployment of the remaining troops of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance.

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