After the war with the Anti-Cheating Alliance United Fleet, the total population of Yi Village has exceeded 15,000 people. Although there are no problems with the original 14 villages, it is foreseeable that they are basically not enough.

At the hero meeting in Yicun territory, both Sunan and Kong Ming raised this issue one after another, and Sunan also proposed to build a new village.

After the hero meeting, Su Yan, Su Qiaoer, Sunan, Franklin Jin and Jia Sixie gathered at the restaurant of the lord's cabin in Yi Village, and the five of them discussed until late.

Of course, the heroes didn't spend the night in Yi Village, but rushed back to their respective sites overnight to watch the preparations for recruiting recruits from the surrendered troops. After all, Qu Mao didn't have much time left for them.

Early the next morning, when Qu Mao went downstairs to eat breakfast in the restaurant of the lord's hut, he happened to meet three island owners and two internal affairs officers.

Qu Mao then asked: "Su Yan, what happened to your discussion about building a new village?"

Su Yan said: "My lord, there are currently 14 villages in the territory of Yi Village, and each village has about 500 residents on average, which is actually 7,000 residents.

The 5,800 civilians who surrendered and the 1,200 civilians purchased by Baigang City are mainly stationed in various out-of-village projects and resource mines for construction and production, which will not cause us resettlement pressure in the short term.

In addition, soldiers from the navy and army are mainly distributed in temporary camps, garrison points and barracks, which will not bring pressure on our resettlement, so the existing 14 villages do not have much resettlement pressure in the short term.

Last night I had a long discussion with Su Qiaoer, Subor and the two island owners. I planned to plan the resettlement of the villages in advance according to the Tibetan technique that Lord Xuande said, and give priority to resettling the 1,200 leaders purchased by Baigang City in advance. , and carry out the transformation of the free folk.

After these 1,200 leaders came to the territory of Yi Village, they experienced the first war with the Anti-Yi Village Alliance, and the degree of return was relatively good.

The result of our discussion is to build a new village on the south bank of the Lihe River on the outlying island and on the west side of the artificial lake, called Beihu Village and Donghu Village respectively. On the south side of the water blocking dam of Lihe Reservoir on Lidao Island, a brand new village will be built, which is currently named Reservoir Village.

Considering the positioning of Sky Island, we decided to build a brand new village on Sky Island called Muma Village.

Yidao currently does not plan to build new villages, and the rest are some new villages that do not build functional buildings according to Xuande's Tibetan technique.

Including three villages in the Yi Village plan, one small village in the Northward Village plan, another village in the Lakeside Village, and one village in the Mingang Village, a total of six villages.

Divide six villages and build four new villages, a total of 10 villages are planned. "

Qu Mao asked: "Is this the result of the discussion between the five of you?"

Su Qiaoer said: "My lord, what Miss is reporting is the resolution that the five of us discussed last night."

The other three island owners also said that this was a good deal.

Qu Mao said: "I don't have much opinion on building a new village on the empty island, and three new villages on the outlying islands: Beihu Village, Donghu Village, and Reservoir Village. A total of four new villages will be built.

I have no objection to the separation of Yi Village into three small villages, the separation of Hupan Village into a small village, and the separation of Mingang Village into a small village. In particular, it is necessary for Mingang Village to be divided into a village in the east direction. After all, the civilian wharf is there. Every time the people who come back from the purchase need to be temporarily resettled there, it is still a bit far to arrange for Midway Village.

However, I think it may not be enough to separate only one small village from the north to the small village. One small village can be divided from the north to the south from the north to the small village, that is, two small villages can be divided from the north to the small village.

In addition, Nanlai Village mainly gathers our excellent-level qualified citizens and technical citizens. As the cradle and base of Yi Village’s technical leaders, I think it can be divided into two small villages.

Because of the war, we opened up a hidden space in Fulou Village on outlying islands. At that time, it was mainly to prevent the war from developing and the enemy troops landed. We had a place to hide the villagers of Fulou Village. I think that place has already been well established. The foundation can be regarded as a subdivided village from Fulou Village. "

While taking notes, Su Yan said: "My lord, this means that we will build four new villages and divide out ten villages, which is a total of 14 new villages, which is equivalent to doubling the size of the village and also in line with our goal of doubling the number of people. multiple."

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Maybe it's not enough!"

Su Yan looked at Yi Village's territory account, and said: "My lord, 14 villages are barely enough. If we don't bring back gold coins from Yancheng, I'm afraid we won't have enough gold coins to build more villages."

Qu Mao glanced at Franklin Jin, Jia Sixie, Sunan and Su Qiaoer one by one, and asked, "Jia Sixie, Franklin, do we have enough food?"

Franklin King and Jia Sixie looked at each other, and Jia Sixie said, "My lord, from what you said, how could we be short of food?

Planting food on the cultivated land owned by our territory can completely ignore the farming time, and a season can be harvested in 3-4 weeks. According to the amount of cultivated land on our current outlying islands and empty islands, it is not a problem to feed a million people. Please rest assured, my lord.

Now only grain reserves, not counting grain production, can ensure that one million people can feed for a whole month, and we now have less than 20,000 people. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Su Yan, since you mentioned returning from Yancheng, we must think further.

After coming back from Yancheng and Baigang City again, the number of people in the community has definitely exceeded 20,000, and it is obviously not enough to build 14 more villages.

I think there is still something missing in building four new villages and dividing ten villages.

At least two villages can be separated from the small military village, a new village can be built in the original prisoner-of-war camp, let’s call it Shengli Village, and a village can also be separated between the small fisherman’s village and the salt farm.

In this way, we have five new villages, and a total of thirteen villages are divided, which is equivalent to the planning of 18 villages. This is barely enough, but it is not a dynamic development plan.

I think Sunan will definitely go to outlying islands to build roads in the future. At present, Nanli Village is still too far away from Fulou Village, about 12 kilometers in total.

My idea is to plan to build two brand new villages between Fulou Village and Nanli Village, one is called Kan Village and the other is called Lou Village, but the specific location has not yet been planned.

These two newly built villages can be prioritized a little later, and it is not too late to plan and start construction after the other 18 villages are completed. "

Su Yan took a deep breath and said, "My lord, in the first phase of the construction of five new villages, there are thirteen small villages, and in the second phase of construction of two new villages, there are a total of 20 villages."

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Twenty villages are barely enough, and the refugee shelter is almost finished!"

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