Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1646 Continue the Industrial Inspection Tour

After receiving news of the riots in Xinshou Village on the afternoon of February 14, the thirty-fourth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Mo Yangqiao ended their inspection tour of the production capacity of the new military industry and civilian industries on the Eastern Continent, and rushed to the village outside Xinshou Village. Shayuan Pass handles riots.

In fact, there was not much time before the end of Qu Mao and Mo Yangqiao's inspection trip. However, due to the handling of the riots in Xinshou Village, Qu Mao and Mo Yangqiao were delayed for almost three weeks, including the time on the road.

Now that the riots in Novice Village have been dealt with, Qu Mao and Mo Yangqiao naturally need to continue their industrial inspection tour. As for Novice Village where order has been restored, Qu Mao believes that with the garrison heroes of Shayuan Pass and the city lord of Shayuan Pass here, naturally It can be handled well.

Five special trains transported 15,000 army soldiers from Wucheng. Before leaving, Qu Mao asked Hua Tielan not to evacuate in a hurry, but to take them around the Novice Village first. On the one hand, he would promote the military power of Emperor Yi's territory, and on the other hand, he would They also inspected Novice Village again before it was moderately liberalized to prevent any resource mines from being discovered.

The God-Chosen players of Novice Village got their wish and built a town without wall protection called Liberty Town in the heart of Novice Village. The Yidi Territory will build a Yidi Bank terminal in Liberty Town, and will also build city administration Infrastructure such as the hall, the city lord's palace, material warehouses and granaries. Of course, a hospital, a Mongolian school, and a middle school will also be built.

For Yi Di's territory, Free Town is also a residential town within the jurisdiction of Liusu Empire, but most residents in the town do not have full resident rights.

Starting from March 1, the 34th year of Tianxuan, Xinshou Village will no longer enjoy the minimum living supply supplies regularly delivered by Shayuan Pass. All living supplies, survival supplies and other materials need to be used by the residents of Xinshou Village themselves. To purchase gold, silver or copper coins, of course, you can also use banknotes issued by Yidi Bank, provided they have them.

Originally, the industrial inspection tour was coming to an end. Qu Mao and Mo Yangqiao would not start over completely, but only inspected some industrial facilities that had to be inspected but were not inspected. Therefore, on March 17, the 34th year of Tianxuan, , Qu Mao and Mo Yangqiao ended their industrial inspection tour on the Eastern Continent and prepared to return to the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's territory.

Although it took another three weeks or so, Qu Mao and Mo Yangqiao spent the most time on the road during the three-week inspection trip, and actually did not spend much time inspecting the industrial production base.

After finishing his industrial inspection tour, Qu Mao did not consider inspecting the specific conditions of a total of 96 offensive routes on the other four continents. After all, in the thirty-third year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao spent nearly half a year on various fronts.

According to the battle reports sent back regularly by the Intelligence Department, the advancement of the 96 fronts on the other four continents is still going smoothly. They have not encountered particularly significant resistance from the forces of other God's Chosen player lords, and there has not been a large number of troops in Emperor Yi's territory. Casualties.

It's just that the advancement speed on the 96 fronts has involuntarily slowed down. This is not because the resistance of the attacked God's Chosen player lords is becoming more and more fierce. It is mainly because the Yi Emperor's territory has captured too much territory and lacks sufficient numbers. Administrative personnel manage and maintain the newly captured territories. On the other hand, more and more newly captured territories are being captured. Even with continuous immigration from the Holy Land and the Eastern Continent, they cannot keep up with the growth in the number of newly acquired residents.

Therefore, in the territory newly captured in less than a year after the war began, there are major problems in improving the residents' loyalty and loyalty, and may even pose a threat to the troops fighting on the front line. Therefore, the territory of Emperor Yi is in The speed of advancement on all fronts involuntarily slowed down.

The time for Yi Di's territory to generate economic benefits from re-captured territory was lengthened, and Qu Mao also felt that the risks were relatively high.

The commander of the frontline army and the members of the Chosen player management team in the 12 branch territories collectively wrote a letter to Qu Mao: asking Qu Mao to order to temporarily slow down the speed of conquering other Chosen player lords, and extend the originally planned one year time. Extended to three or five years.

After Qu Mao read the letter carefully, he agreed in principle. Anyway, Emperor Yi's territory has been developing for thirty-four years in the world of Zhenghe Continent, and he doesn't care if it takes more than two or three years.

After taking Mo Yangqiao back to the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's Territory, Qu Mao continued to take Mo Yangqiao on an industrial inspection of the fifteen islands in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's Territory, the land-building area along the reef chain, and the twin islands in the middle.

Although the area of ​​the holy land of Emperor Yi's territory is not as large as that of the Eastern Continent, there are actually many industrial facilities, especially military industrial facilities.

On the one hand, Qu Mao wanted to take Mo Yangqiao to continue to inspect the industries of the Holy Land, and on the other hand, he wanted to simultaneously inspect scientific research institutions.

Before officially starting his inspection, Qu Mao found Kong Ming, Xuande, Su Li, Meng De, Zhongmou and Kong Fu in the lord's cabin and held a small meeting.

At the meeting, Qu Mao felt that in the future, the Holy Land of Emperor Yi would focus on high-end technology research and development, cutting-edge industrial industries, and new military industries. As for other labor-intensive industries, especially civilian industries, they should move to the eastern continent as much as possible, even at the expense of Moved to the territories captured in the early days of Emperor Yi's territory on the other four continents.

Mengde, Xuande and Zhongmou expressed their overwhelming approval of Qu Mao's request.

Kong Ming mentioned that in most private industries in the Holy Land of Yi Emperor Territory and the Eastern Continent, investors and operators are gradually being distinguished, breaking the convention that investors were operators more than ten years ago, and private industries in Yi Emperor Territory have also emerged. Lots of rich people.

Qu Mao believes that under this background, it should be possible to establish a financial market under the leadership of Yi Di Territory Lord’s House to facilitate entrepreneurs’ financing.

Kong Ming wanted to recall Su Yan to the Holy Land to participate in the planning of the financial system, but Su Li objected because Su Yan was pregnant.

Among the early aboriginal heroes in Emperor Yi's territory, most aboriginal heroes were very concerned about Qu Mao's heirs. No one could refute Su Li's reason for Su Yan's pregnancy.

Because Su Yan was pregnant, even Su Qiaoer, the second internal affairs officer of Emperor Yi's territory, was forced to return to the Liusu Empire to assist Su Yan in handling the government affairs of the Liusu Empire, not to mention giving Su Yan new tasks at this time.

Qu Mao thought again and again and said: "Let's do this. Mo Yangqiao and I will continue to patrol the Holy Land. Since Su Qiaoer has returned to the Liusu Empire to take charge of daily government affairs, then Su Nan will also be recalled to the Liusu Empire to take charge of affairs, and Su Yan will be recalled to Emperor Yi's territory. A holy place to raise a fetus.”

Kong Ming shook his goose feather fan and said: "Well, sir, this arrangement is more reasonable. Madam Su Yan is not responsible for the construction of the financial system, but she can provide support as an expert."

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