On July 18, the thirty-third year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao was ready to leave the Tai Chi Empire. Starting from July 15, the thirty-third year of Tianxuan, Di Taiji was chattering in front of Qu Mao and talking about Tai Chi over and over again. The empire has been infiltrated and destroyed by the Overseas Chinese Federation Empire, and the territory is no longer safe. I hope Qu Mao can cancel his plan to go to the commercial port from the territory of the Taiji Empire.

Qu Mao was so muttered by Di Taiji that he had no choice but to choose to return from the teleportation array in Taiji City to the teleportation city of Liusu Empire in the Eastern Continent, then back to the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's Territory, and then take the underground railway train from the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's Territory to the Western Continent. From Xirong City, they bypassed the commercial port and headed directly to the Western Continent Shaliu Empire.

Just when Qu Mao was about to leave the Taiji Empire, return to the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's Territory via the Liusu Empire in the Eastern Continent, and then go to Xirong City in the Western Continent via the underground railway in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's Territory, Di Taiji hurried over to see Qu Mao again.

Qu Mao glanced at Di Taiji in astonishment and asked: "Di Taiji, I have prepared to leave through the teleportation array according to your request and made a big circle to the Western Continent. Why are you still in such a hurry to come to me? Yes? Did something serious happen?"

Di Taiji said: "Qu Mao, you really got it right. A recent topic on the lord communication channel: Sure enough, the homeland of other God's Chosen player lords was destroyed by other hostile God's Chosen player lords. And it caused the death of the aboriginal heroes.

Haven't you been paying attention to the lord's communication channel recently? In the past few days, they all scolded our 12 branch territories for not respecting martial ethics and brazenly launching a war when everyone chose to recuperate, making the struggle for hegemony in the continent unstoppable. Although there are still voices that continue to scold us, those scolding us are no longer the mainstream on the lord communication channel. The mainstream voices are condemning the chosen player lords who took the lead in launching destruction behind enemy lines.

Of course, except for a few God's Chosen player heroes and aboriginal heroes who are in the resurrection process, all the God's Chosen player lord forces have not seen too many problems in this new struggle situation. Large casualties.

The main reason is that this tactic is disgusting and makes the original residents feel panicked and unable to resume farming and production wholeheartedly. In addition, the town buildings and other buildings were destroyed, and the Chosen player lords lacked the necessary resources to repair them. "

Qu Mao smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said: "Indeed, I knew this matter was disgusting when I analyzed it with you. The more critical issue is: except for our 12 branch territories, there seems to be no God-chosen player lord. The forces are still capable of dealing with this matter."

Di Taiji nodded and said: "That's true. Almost none of the royal guards and garrison troops of the Taiji Empire were sent out to fight. Therefore, the Taiji Empire has enough troops to deal with the destruction of the Qiaolian Empire. The general situation of the other 11 branch territories is also the same. almost.

Therefore, our 12 branch territories should be able to easily face such an attack. As for the Holy Land of Emperor Yi and the Eastern Continent, I believe that the ordinary God's Chosen player lords will not be able to lurk in, even if the miniatures now reduce the space distance. "

Qu Mao frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Di Taiji, we cannot completely ignore this form of attack just because we have the ability to deal with it.

I suggest that you take the attack that the Taiji Empire encountered in the early morning of July 11th as an example and convey this incident to all branch territories and teach them their response experience.

The management teams of the Chosen players in each branch territory, as well as the managers of each independent territory and each city, are required to pay high attention to this form of attack, and even if they encounter such an attack, they must reduce the losses to a minimum.

Compared with the forces of other God-Chosen player lords, our Emperor Yi territory still has an advantage. At least we still have enough troops to deal with it. "

Di Taiji nodded and said: "Qu Mao, don't worry, I will arrange this matter.

You can continue your itinerary with peace of mind. When it's time to inspect the battlefield, go and inspect the battlefield. On the way, you can also check the study status of the case where our Tai Chi Empire was attacked.

If you must go to the commercial port of Qu Mao, you can first go to the Shaliu Empire in the Western Continent, then go from the Shaliu Empire to the North Port of the Asan Empire, notify the navy warship to pick you up at the North Port of the Asan Empire, and then go to the Central Continent Commercial Port. Looking for Lai Die, the sea journey is estimated to be only one day and one night. "

After a slight pause, Di Taiji continued to explain: "Qu Mao, it's not that I don't want to send troops to escort you to the commercial port.

Since the bird man from the Eastern Overseas Chinese Federation has sent people to Taiji City to cause destruction, there will definitely be spies from the Overseas Chinese Federation Empire in other territories of our Taiji Empire.

Our Tai Chi Empire doesn’t care about this little move by the Oriental Overseas Chinese Federation, but the problem is that you are not suitable to hang up at this stage. Even if we fail just once, it will be a huge blow to the morale of the soldiers fighting in our 12 branch territories.

We can’t lose big at the expense of small things, and don’t be angry with me..."

Qu Mao rolled his eyes and said, "Damn it! Di Taiji, I don't like hearing what you say.

I have already accepted your suggestion and plan to return to the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's territory through the Eastern Continent first, and then go to the Shaliu Empire in the Western Continent. What's the use of this?

Don't worry, although the image is still the same as when I came to fight for the continent, after all, I have lived in this world for thirty-three years, and I am not an ignorant child. I understand everything you said.

Returning to this new struggle situation, I still have to remind you tirelessly: You must attach great importance to this aspect of work. There is no need for you to worry about the Holy Land, the Eastern Continent, or myself. The security is many times higher than yours.

Under the new struggle situation, the independent territory we have newly captured in six years of miniature operations will definitely increase the difficulty of centering operations and cultivating loyalty, so we must be mentally prepared in advance. "

Di Taiji nodded, and while accompanying Qu Mao to the teleportation array within the walls of Tai Chi City, he said, "Don't worry, Qu Mao, we will handle it well, there won't be any big problems.

For the aboriginal people in independent territories, after we seized the right to rule, we were able to keep them fed countless times better than the original rulers. How could they still miss their homeland?

What needs to be guarded against is only the vested interest class under past rule, and this class is often not large in number. "

Qu Mao also nodded and said: "I'm not unfounded, nor do I distrust your abilities. I'm just worried that you are keen on expanding your territory and don't care about the improvement of internal affairs.

I'm back, keep working hard. "

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