Although Qu Mao has made it clear that the development of outlying islands should be prioritized after empty islands, Kong Ming still spent a full day, accompanied and protected by two teams of third-tier princess guards, between the big river and the coastline. The area of ​​the corner is inspected back and forth repeatedly.

He didn't even return to the temporary resident during lunch time, but lit a bonfire in the wild to barbecue wild animal meat.

When he came back in the evening, Kong Ming ran directly to Qu Mao's tent and said to Qu Mao, "My lord, my subordinates like Lidao more and more.

The terrain here is low, and the outlying island river flows into the sea and forms an angle with the coastline. There is a large area of ​​land in the angle area, which should be very fertile.

The subordinates strongly suggest building a detached village here. In order not to disperse the development resources of Yidao at this stage, the detached village can only build zero-level territorial houses and first-level residential houses, which will be used to resettle the freemen and locals in the territory of Yicun in the future. Freemen all chose to be retired by Tier 1 fighters and Tier 2 fighters, and there was no problem in loyalty.

There is no need to increase the number of citizens for the time being, but the outlying village may not be able to form a natural population growth ecology. After all, there are only 4 women in the military ship doctor, and there are nearly a hundred sailors and people who come to the outlying island with us.

After the civilian wharf is built, we should also take down some resource mines. At that time, we will directly arrange the leaders who are on duty to build the civilian wharf to produce resources at the resource mines. Li Village will soon become a resource point in the territory of Yi Village. up.

If the people in Yidao have enough money, they can transfer directly to the outlying islands. After cultivating enough arable land, even if it only takes one season, the outlying islands can supply the air island with food..."

While listening to Kong Ming's eloquent planning and description, Qu Mao kept nodding in approval, and at the same time beckoned a third-tier princess guard to invite Zhao Pan over.

Zhao Pan soon came to Qu Mao's marching tent, and Qu Mao briefly explained Kong Ming's ideas to Zhao Pan. Naturally, Kong Ming would not be idle and kept supplementing Zhao Pan with his plans.

Qu Mao also seemed to be interested, and kept supplementing his own views in Kong Ming's plan.

Zhao Pan patted his thigh and said, "My lord, tomorrow, my subordinates will organize soldiers to explore outlying islands in batches, and hunt to replenish food. The emergency food that Lord Wang Ping prepared for us should be allocated to the empty island as much as possible.

Qu Mao said: "Yes, Outlying Island is larger than Yi Island, with denser vegetation and more beasts than Yi Island. You must be mentally prepared for long-term exploration, first collect the god-given treasure chest, and then look for the entrance to the folding space. Resource mines should also pay attention.

Be sure to pay attention to the safety of the soldiers when searching. It is recommended that you control the search range within a radius of three kilometers from the center of the village planned by Kong Ming. "

Zhao Pan nodded and said, "Yes, my lord!"

From the next day, Qu Mao and Kong Ming determined the location to build the village in Kongming, and began to direct some of the people and the army to log and level the land, and to build zero-level territorial houses and first-level houses. Zhao Pan split the soldiers into Four or five teams of ten people radiated to the southwest corner.

The three of them were divided into two groups, and each was busy all day. In the evening, Zhao Pan led the troops back to Li Village, which was under construction.

Qu Mao and Kong Ming have led the citizens and some soldiers to repair 20 zero-level residential houses and 10 first-order houses. Basically, all the soldiers and citizens can be placed in permanent buildings for the night.

Two public toilets were also built, but the other buildings, Qu Mao, were not built. Cultivated land was also left uncultivated due to a lack of natives with agricultural talent and skills.

Zhao Panhui reported: "My lord, a total of 7 soldiers were injured in the battle with the beast today, fortunately the injuries were not serious.

Compared with Yi Island, the wild beasts on Outlying Island are more dense. When the troops are concentrated to attack one, the whole nest will come out immediately, and sometimes even different kinds of wild beasts will attack the troops together. "

Qu Mao immediately said: "Immediately arrange for the ship doctor to treat the injured soldiers, no matter how minor the injury is, they must be treated in time. Tomorrow, I will lead the leaders to build two medical rooms."

Zhao Pan continued: "My lord, the next time my subordinates leave the village, they will immediately arrange for the wounded soldiers to go to the ship doctor's marching tent for treatment.

My lord, compared to Yi Island, the materials are more abundant, the trees are thicker, bigger, and denser, and the resource points are relatively concentrated. Today, my subordinates only led the troops to search the area with a radius of three kilometers. It is equivalent to only searching a small area in the southwest direction.

We have discovered 2 metal mines, 1 crystal mine, 1 rune stone mine, and 1 gemstone mine..."

Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "How many resource mines are there in total? Is it guarded by wild beasts or guarded by monsters? You don't need to go into details, first tell me how many resource mines have been discovered in total?"

Zhao Pan blushed and said, "My lord, a total of 27 resource mines have been discovered within a radius of three kilometers..."

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and then he searched a radius of about three kilometers, and it was a fan-shaped area with a small included angle. He actually found 27 resource mines, which are more than double the density of resource mines in Yidao. .

Turning his eyes to Kong Ming, Kong Ming smiled and said to Qu Mao while waving a goose feather fan: "Congratulations, my lord! Congratulations, my lord! The resource points here are more concentrated, and it is the first choice for the development of Yi Village's sub-base."

Zhao Pan said: "Master, in the area searched today, a total of 8 suspected folding space entrances were found..."

Qu Mao jumped up unsteadily, and said, "Damn! This can't be done? Is this why you search for a place that's too big?

Next, we need to attack these places as soon as possible, digest, absorb, and transform these resources. By the way, how about the harvest of the god-given treasure chest? "

While applying for a deal with Qu Mao, Zhao Pan said with a smile, "My lord, the harvest is not bad. I have obtained seven treasure chests in total."

Qu Mao glanced at the treasure chest that Zhao Pan traded. The highest level is still the silver treasure chest, and there is only one. The rest are 2 bronze treasure chests and 4 black treasure chests. But the victory lies in the quantity. If you just spend some cheating points, at least 99 copper coins will not be able to escape.

With such a dense harvest of treasure chests and resource mines, Qu Mao himself began to waver, whether to follow Kong Ming's fanatical suggestion and develop outlying islands with the same importance as Yi Island.

After all, Yidao has searched over and over again for nearly three months, and almost all the treasure chests, folding spaces, and resource points should be cleared, and the remaining folding space is the existence of which even the cheating system is unwilling to tell itself.

Qu Mao even wanted to open the current treasure chests directly to transform them into Yi Village's territory, but in the end Qu Mao decided to wait until Su Yan arrived.

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