Lord Chu’s Wife is Wild

Chapter 258 I am not a statistician

Chu Sihan said calmly: "Make a pot of tea in a while, and send it to Tianzi No. 5."

"Okay, the guest officer will go back and wait for a while, the tea will be delivered soon."

As soon as Chu Sihan turned around, he heard the sound of "Ah Zhong" swallowing saliva clearly, his thin lips raised a sneer, and he went upstairs calmly.

The Qi-Blocking Pill can only last for half a month, and now that these monsters have found them again, they must have smelled their blood again.

When Chu Sihan entered, Lu Sheng was still sleeping.

He stepped forward to tuck the corner of the quilt for her, and then went back to the table and took a seat.

There was a knock on the door, and it was pulled open immediately, and "Ah Zhong" walked in with a pot of tea.

"Guest officer, the tea you want."

This time, what this phantom demon sent was real tea.

As for whether there are other things mixed in, it is not known.


Chu Si replied coldly, but out of the corner of his eye, he found that "Ah Zhong" was staring at him with a salivating face.

The moment he raised his head, "A Zhong"'s expression instantly returned to normal.

"Do you have other things?" Chu Sihan asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Ah Zhong" shook his head, then nodded again.

He hissed, sucked in his saliva, stared at Chu Sihan with a ferocious expression and said with a strange smile: "The blood on this inn is really fragrant!"


Chu Sihan smiled faintly, "If you want to suck my blood, it depends on your ability."

This phantom demon's cultivation is much higher than the original one, but it's not enough to be afraid of.

"Ah Zhong" was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Do you know that I want to suck your blood? Do you know my identity?"

Could it be that his illusion was not real enough?

This is not right, this human being is just a temporary guest of this inn, and he has never met Ah Zhong, so it stands to reason that he is the person who is the least likely to find out his identity.

Seeing Chu Sihan bring up another pot of tea, "Ah Zhong" realized something was wrong belatedly.

There is a fire in this room, and there are well water and tea leaves for making tea beside it. If this human being wants to drink tea, he can cook it himself, and he doesn't need to send it at all.

"Ah Zhong" narrowed his eyes slightly, "You already knew I was a demon?"

how can that be? This human looks like he is only in his teens or twenties, and there is nothing special about him except that his blood is more fragrant than other people.

Chu Sihan asked curiously: "How many monsters escaped from your demon world this time?"

"How do I know?" "A Zhong" snorted coldly, "I'm not a statistician."

"Since you have been identified, I will suck your blood dry now!"

After he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and showed his fangs, and rushed towards Chu Sihan.

Chu Sihan sat still, waved his big hand, and a red light instantly attacked "Ah Zhong".

"Ah Zhong" was caught off guard, and was directly sent flying, hitting the door.

"You are from the underworld!"

"Ah Zhong" got up from the ground, clutched his chest, and looked at Chu Sihan in horror.

Chu Sihan didn't speak, but slowly poured half a scoop of water into the teapot, then lifted the teapot and put it on the stove to boil.

There are earth dragons buried in the inn, so the water inside cannot freeze.

That "A Zhong" knew that he was not Chu Sihan's opponent, so he rolled his eyes and was about to open the door and escape.

However, just as his hand touched the door, before he could pull it away, another red light attacked and hit him directly.

"Ah Zhong" didn't even have time to scream, and it disappeared.

The little girl likes to accept demons because she is a monk.

But his highness of the underworld doesn't like to collect monsters.

It was bad luck for this phantom to disturb him when the little girl was asleep.

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