A small fishing boat sailed to the dilapidated and dirty port full of green water. After getting off the fishing boat, Diya wiped the corners of his mouth and shook his body. Then, he stood on the dirty dock and took a deep breath. tone.

When the granular gas filled his lungs, he was moved to tears.

No one knows how he got here in the past half month. A small fishing boat wanted to reach Zaun from the sea. The crisis was beyond human imagination, but with the blessing of the goddess Janna, he did it. He really did it. Did it.

That damn Demacian!

He said he was being spared, but he only gave himself a fishing boat. What was the difference between this and killing himself? !

However, he successfully led a group of people to Zaun in a small fishing boat from the port of Shurima!

This is a feat!

But unfortunately, before Diya could get excited about returning to Zaun, he saw several strong men walking out of the shadows, and they surrounded him with doubts on their faces.

"Where's the goods?"

"Diya, you arrived a week late. Why are you still missing the boat you set out on?"

"How many people can your small fishing boat hold? We ordered eleven people this time, right?"

"It's a long story." Diya looked at them. This group of people were also his partners. They all worked for the same person.

"Forget it, it's none of my business. Anyway, Hilko has been waiting for you for a long time. If something goes wrong with the potion in the final development stage, he will catch you and feed it to the sharks."

"Hopefully this isn't the last I see of you."

After saying that, they lifted Dia up and walked to a place carrying her.


Outside the trench area of ​​Zaun, in an abandoned factory, Dia entered a small room with some trepidation.

The room was filled with faint purple light, accompanied by a thin figure. He stood under the faint purple light, holding a small bag in his hand and feeding several ugly fish in the fish tank.

Hearing the noise, he turned his back to Dia and asked:

"Where's the goods?"

"Sorry, boss, I couldn't get the goods." Dia knelt down and buried her head on the ground.

"Tell me why."

"Reese is dead. Uzeris is now controlled by a group of Demacians. We got to the shore and had a conflict with the locals. Both Babu and Grevan died at the hands of the Demacians."


Hearing the words Demacia, the man couldn't help but turn around.

On a thin and gloomy face, one eye was scarlet, which looked like a prosthetic eye. However, anyone with some influence in Zaun knew that Silko would not assemble a prosthetic body on himself, so that was a prosthetic eye. A dead eye, a broken eye.

"Demacia? Why is Demacia involved?"

He looked at Dia, stepped forward, stretched out his hand to help Dia up, and said seriously: "Tell me in detail."

"They call themselves the Glow Business Group, but boss, I dare say they are definitely not businessmen. That woman. That woman is so fast that I can't even see her speed with my prosthetic eyes. It only took her more than ten seconds. Our people They all fell down, our weapons were like toys in front of her, they are definitely not businessmen."

"And their boss, a young man with black hair, he. He seems to know you."

"I've never known a Demacian." Silko shook his head at Dia.

"But he knows your name, and he asked me to give you a sentence." Dia hesitated.

"Say." Hilko said calmly.

"He said that he won't care what you do, but if what you do affects Demacia and harms Demacia people, then he will come to you. He also said that Uzeris will be the next one in the future. As long as there is one person missing, he will think it was you."

".What's his name?" Hilko frowned.

He was sure that he had never made friends with Demacians. He had spent half his life in the trenches of Zaun, thinking about how to step on the faces of the Piltover people and how to make the Piltover people recognize the Zaun people.

A Demacian, a young man with black hair, Silko was sure that he had never made friends with such a person.

"He didn't say." Dia lowered her head and said.

Silko paused, then he reached out and patted Dia on the shoulder, saying softly: "Have a good rest for a few days, and then go to Bilgewater."


"People have said so, why should we go to Shurima? It just so happens that Bilgewater has no shortage of dead people and corpses. Although the data from the in vivo experiments are better, there is no need to get into trouble." Silko said easily. .

"I see."

"Oh, by the way, during these few days of rest, pay attention to the developments in the black alley."


After Dia left, Hilko returned to the water tank and looked at the fish in the water quietly. After a while, Hilko threw a piece of meat into the fish tank, and the fish tank suddenly started rolling.

The big fish rushed towards the piece of meat, and they tore it into pieces fiercely.

Hilko watched this scene, and then he slowly stretched his hand into the fish tank.

An ugly and thin sea fish rushed over and bit off a piece of meat from Hilko's hand. Hilko shook his hand calmly and whispered in a soliloquy voice: "It's still the same. Not well-fed”

"What a resemblance. The alchemist baron who fights in the nest, bows down to the people of Piltover, but severely squeezes those who show kindness to him and are with him."

Wrapping his hands, Hilko sat back down, lit a cigar and started smoking, looking forward faintly.

Zuan still has a long way to go.


Uzeris, in half a month, Uzeris has undergone new changes. First of all, the flow of people in the harbor town has increased a lot. In the nearly three months since the Glow Merchant Group settled in, The business groups in surrounding towns all know that Uzeris's protection will be destroyed, and there is also a Demacia business group that can sell clean water resources.

Just four words of Demacia were enough for them to take the risk and go to Uzeris. In the eyes of the merchants, the benefits outweighed the danger, not to mention that the protection organization that originally occupied Uzeris had been forced to disband, and the danger had been eliminated.

Therefore, Uzeris has welcomed many guests these days.

But today, Uzeris had a different guest.

Wearing a thick coat to protect against wind and sand, it looks like he is coming from the depths of Shurima, because only people in the depths need to wear such wind-proof and sand-proof clothes. The other party's mental state also proves this point. He was swaying on the road, and it was obvious that he had not slept for a long time.

Because his face was covered and he wore clothes that did not reveal his hands and feet, only a pair of tired but beautiful eyes were exposed, so it was impossible to tell whether he was a boy or a girl.

Until this man walked into the Glow Merchant Group and came to Rowan who was lazing around.

"Water, how much is it?" The voice was very nice, with a bit of deep magnetism, and was very ladylike, which was exactly the opposite of Lux's sunny and cheerful voice.

"In terms of money, a bottle of water only costs three gold securi coins. Of course, you can also choose to pay with something else."

Rowan was halfway through speaking, and then he looked at the person in front of him strangely.

In Tantianxia, ​​Luo Wen saw the other party's status bar.

It's going to be you


[Friendliness: zero stars]

【Age: 20】

[Race: human]

[Strength: No danger]

[Skills: Throwing (8) Temperament (6) Quickness (6) Physique (5)]

[Luck: Ascended Queen (SS/cannot be activated) Wheel Blade (A)]

"Of course, you can also pay in other ways." Rowan said immediately.

"?" Sivir's expression changed, and the hand hidden under his clothes clenched the dagger.

Then, the other party's next words made Sivir change his expression.

"Like, work."


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