A corner of the garden at Crownguard Manor——

Lux and Rowan were sitting on the ground among the flowers. Lux hugged her legs and looked at Rowan with a serious expression: "I understand, I will go and have a look, but don't worry too much, although he is locked up. , but from what you said, his magic ability is not strong, so the demon seekers will probably just imprison him for a period of time and then release him. The worst case scenario is that the demon seekers will use him for experiments. That would be really troublesome.”

"The question is, Lux, why is he locked up?" Rowan asked Lux.

Lux stood up and stretched, stretching her young but full of sunshine and vitality. Lux was not as helpless as she seemed. At least she was wearing close-fitting clothes at the moment, with a small waist and chest. Little prides are all of a certain scale.

Especially the waist. Rowan didn't think there was anything attractive about a thin waist before, but Lux's waist is really beautiful. Although no skin is visible, under the tight clothes, Lux's waist is healthy and thin, and you can see it. To a clear curve, is it the vest line?

It's not surprising that Lux would have a vest line. It should be said that women in Demacia have more or less vest lines, because Lux also had knight training when she was a child. This is training that every child of a noble family will receive.

After listening to Rowan's words, Lux looked down at Rowan and said with a little unhappiness on her face: "Do you still need me to answer this question? Don't you already know the answer?"

"Because he is a mage." Rowan said.

"Yes, because he is a mage." Lux affirmed.

"But that's what's wrong. He didn't do anything. He just awakened his power." Rowan hoped that Lux could say something that would make him firmer in his thoughts.

"Yes, this is very wrong, but this is Demacia, Rowan, and complaining is useless. I have known this since I was fourteen years old. If complaining can change Demacia, then I I used to complain about this day and night, but nothing has changed." Lux showed a bright smile to Rowan, she stretched out her white and tender hands towards Rowan, and then said: "When I have time. "Okay, let me take you to see a big friend. He made me realize this. I am not a sinner and I did not make any mistakes."

"But he made me realize this, but he didn't let me confirm whether it was correct, because he was not a human being. The person who really made me believe that I was right was you, Rowan, do you remember What you said when we first met in the restaurant."

Rowan took Lux's hand, and with a little effort from Lux, Rowan stood up smoothly.

Then, the two looked at each other.

"Magic is just a weapon, just like a knight's sword and gun. The key is to look at the person who uses the weapon."

"Some people use weapons to destroy other people's homes, and some people use weapons to protect their own homes. I believe I will be the latter because I am such a kind person." Lux said confidently.

Rowan looked at Lux silently. After a while, Rowan smiled. He showed a smile to Lux and nodded: "I understand."

"Then, please go and see him."

"I, Lux, will complete the tasks assigned by my best friend perfectly!" Lux assured her, patting her chest.

"Then, I'm going to do what I have to do."

Lux did not ask what Rowan was going to do.

Because with her little mind, it was not difficult to guess what Rowan was thinking.

Yes, if it was Lux who was at the scene at that time, maybe she would have gone out to stop her, and then timidly retreated after being told by the demon seeker. She had also been hiding her identity as a mage, and had a conflict with the demon seeker?

Lux didn't dare.

During her time in the capital, Lux has discovered the dark side of Demacia.

In the past, she thought she was the only mage among the nobles, but after coming to Xiongdu and getting to know the Illuminator Order, Lux realized how ridiculous the so-called forbidden demons were.

How many mages are there among the nobles in Xiongdu?

At the last tea party she attended, Lux sensed no less than seven mages!

There are seven mages from eleven different families!

Is this Demacia's forbidden magic?

Why weren't they found by the Demon Searchers? Just because they are nobles?

Fair and fair, is this really fair and fair?

Lux didn't like this kind of Demacia, so she secretly made a decision. She wanted to change everything. She wanted to make Demacia a country she was proud of and liked.

And Rowan should have the same idea as her.

Lux thought so.


Demacia Duel Arena——

What happened at noon today did not affect the situation in the duel field. The appearance of heretics is a common thing in the capital, but this time the heretics appeared suddenly and displayed their evil abilities. That caused commotion in the crowd.

Otherwise, in most cases, the demon searchers would arrest the heretics as soon as they appeared. In more cases, the heretics would surrender themselves and be imprisoned in prison.

Although they don't know how they do it, the Demon Searchers have their own way of checking mages. They can clearly find and identify mages.

And they recognized them very accurately. The mages they recognized were all civilians, which made the people of Demacia believe that mages were heretics and demons.

Otherwise, why would there be no heretics among the nobles?

It is precisely because the nobles are noble, just, and fair, so there will be no heretics among the nobles!

The reason why heretics appeared among the civilians is that they were bewitched by the demons!

When Rowan came to the duel arena, many people entered the door of the duel arena one after another.

Rowan also walked in and went directly to the person in charge of the duel arena.

The duel arena in Demacia is not only for the nobles to resolve disputes, but also a channel for the knights to rise. The higher the ranking of the knights, the easier it is to get the favor of the nobles and gain their sponsorship.

Therefore, the duel arena is scheduled.

And Rowan found the person in charge of the duel arena.

"Lord Rowan, what are you going to do?"

"I want to participate in the duel. What do I need to do?"

"You want to participate in the duel? The Bouvier family will prove it for you. You don't need to do anything. But are you sure? Entering the duel field, life or death, no one will be responsible if something goes wrong." The person in charge looked at Rowan with interest.

He knew Rowan's deeds in Nockmochi, and he also believed that this matter was true. Because of this, he hoped that Rowan was not here to tease him. Rowan wanted to participate in the duel field. How much heat will this bring to the duel field? !

"Of course." Rowan said affirmatively.

"Then sign it, because you just entered the duel field, so you start from the bottom, is it okay?"

"How many games can I play in a day?" Rowan asked him back.

"It's up to you. As long as you are willing to play, I can arrange it for you at any time." The person in charge said with a smile, and he gave an example: "Miss Fiona once won thirteen duels in one day. Now, she is almost the queen of the duel field."

"Okay." Rowan took the pen and signed his name on it.

Then, he handed the document to the person in charge.

The person in charge clapped his hands, carefully put the document away, looked at Rowan and said: "Starting from today?"

"Starting from today."

Rowan nodded.

Let's start with

becoming the Lord of the Arena.

Rowan wants more Demacians to know him, remember him, and recognize him.


Please read this chapter!

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I am not deliberately going to black Noxus. On the contrary, before writing the Alliance article, I also like Noxus, because Noxus's power supremacy is in line with the principle of the capable being superior, which is suitable for the development and survival of the protagonist. But because I did my homework and understood the background, I found that it was not as simple as I thought.

Let's put it this way, using a timeline as an example.

990 years ago, Demacia was better than Noxus. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment. The problem of mages did not break out. It was hidden under the water and was peaceful. But 990 years later, Silas revolted, Demacia fell into turmoil, the people were suspicious, conspiracies were born from the aristocracy, and the whole country fell into chaos.

Another is Noxus. 990 years ago, Darkwill was in power. He was incompetent and cruel. Under his rule, Noxus attacked several countries at the same time. The national finances and people's living space were greatly compressed. The whole country could only fight and could not stop. Once it stopped, Noxus would perish. Noxus was in chaos at this time.

But then, Swain came to power, executed Darkwill personally, and captured Leblanc. Noxus changed. At this time, Noxus rested and rested for a short time. The crows changed Noxus and made Noxus better. The turmoil in Noxus was changed. The crows did not allow the conspiracy of the upper-class interests to harm the interests of Noxus.

I thought of this, so I'll say this first!

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