LOL: The days of cultivating immortality in Rune Continent

Chapter 143 New Year, Grand Ceremony, Bear God, Surprise?

January 4th, year 988.

Today is the New Year, so Demacia is more lively than ever. Because of the Hex Train, residents from all over Demacia can now take the Hex Train to the capital.

And because of the two cities, Demacia now also has gunpowder, and today, Demacia will set off a fireworks display to celebrate the rebirth of Demacia.

Therefore, Xiongdu was crowded with people early on. The grand square was crowded with people, and the same was true for other places.

Friends from the two cities also came to Demacia early to participate in this grand ceremony as allies of the Allied Powers.

Not only the two cities, but also many people from small countries such as White Cloth Country and Nokmoch, also took the Hex train and came to the capital.

After identity verification, they were all put into Demacia one by one.

They also saw the magnificent appearance of the capital for the first time, and they also saw the power of Demacia's soldiers.

But what's strange is that.

Isn’t Demacia’s equipment proud of its pure white and holy silver? But why is there so much blue on the armor they see now?

Yes, the equipment worn by Demacia's soldiers had more or less a touch of blue, which made them feel strange and surprised.

Wandering in the most prosperous city, all foreign tourists soon forgot about time.

Time quickly came to night.

As night fell, the grand square was filled with people, and a bright white light lit up a place that was forbidden to approach throughout the day.

It was so dazzling that it attracted everyone's attention.

At the same time, a man's voice also sounded.

It was the voice of His Majesty Jarvan III.

Through the Hex loudspeaker, Jarvan III's voice reached the ears of everyone in the city. His voice was solemn and solemn.

Jarvan III first told his subjects what Demacia had done this year.

Expelled the Noxians, protected the Allied Powers White Cloth and Nocmoch, established diplomatic relations with the Twin Cities, and defeated the powerful Freljords.

This year, the Noxians finally became honest.

This year, the enemies in the north showed their claws.

This year, Demacia and the Twin Cities will establish schools.

This year, Demacia completely changed forbidden magic.

This year, Demacia's agricultural harvest has greatly improved.

This year.

Jiawen III talked a lot, and finally, he said loudly:

"Finally, use this fireworks to wish us greater success this year!"

"Four months later, the schools established in Demacia and the Twin Cities will be established. The academy will be willing to accept everyone. As long as you can pass the entrance examination, it doesn't matter whether you are a noble, a commoner, a Nokmachite, or an Allied citizen. The college will accept you!”


Jarvan III said loudly.

Accompanied by everyone's cheers, the bright white light receded, and then there was a shocking "whoosh" sound. Then, far away, but clearly visible, the fire rushed into the sky.

The flames rose to the sky, and with a "pop", it exploded. The night was dyed with strange colors, and the sparks scattered around were like the most perfect paintbrushes, painting intoxicating pictures. Every ray of fire, blue, purple, and red, is like a dancing elf, filling the sky above Demacia with strange colors.


Xisilia stood next to Mrs. Lestara, and Lestara was leaning on a man's chest. Barrett, who had returned home for the rare occasion, was standing in the garden with Lestara, Look at the scenery in the sky.

"It's so beautiful. Is this also made with the technology of the Twin Cities people?" Barrett said sincerely.

Lestara buried the side of her face in her husband's chest, with bright eyes and a gentle smile on her face, and said softly: "Yes, this is also the technology of the people of the Twin Cities."

"Unfortunately, Sona is not at home, and neither is Kashina."

"It's okay, Lestara, our daughters are grown up and they have their own ideas." Barrett grabbed Lestara's hand and said with a smile.

He looked up into the sky and said, "Although they are no longer with us, now, I believe we are seeing the same picture."

"They must be watching too."

"Only you can talk." Lestara rolled her eyes, but then she laughed again.

Everything is getting better.

Nothing happened to Rowan, he was just frozen in the ice. Demacia became richer and stronger, and had more allies.

Just like the fireworks right now, Demacia is thriving!

All this was brought about by the big boy.

Thinking of this, Lestara felt proud.

Rowan, a knight of Bouvier's family, was the talent she discovered.

On the Throne Mountain, Xin Zhao, Mate, and Jarvan III were sitting side by side. There was a dark prop not far from the old emperor. Mrs. Piltover said that it was a microphone. The old emperor's voice was previously transmitted to the audience through that. For the whole city.

Different from the casualness in the past, Jarvan III today was dressed extremely grandly, with Demacia aristocratic clothing, paired with a heavy crown, and his hair and beard were neatly trimmed, making him look like a handsome old boy.


Jarvan III said with a smile.

At the Gate of Sorrow, the short-haired man guarding the border suddenly raised his head. He stood up and looked at the sky in the distance. That place was Xiongdu.

"Galen, what are you looking at?"

"Look, Lanster, Zeyi, look in the direction of Xiongdu." Galen stood on the stone and looked into the distance, with a touch of excitement on his face.

"Those are fireworks. Lux told me on the transmitter, but we can actually see them here!"

The two brothers from the Maho family quickly stepped on the stone and looked where Galen was looking. Then, their eyes widened.

"Holy shit, this is so spectacular!"

"Oh my god, is this what we Demacians will see at our grand ceremony?"

The two Mao brothers were also stunned.

Galen, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and quietly appreciated the beauty.

In Noxus, a dark crow with scarlet eyes landed on the window sill. The white-haired man staggered up and stretched out his blood-red arm. The crow landed on his arm, and he closed his eyes. On the eyes.

And the crow became sluggish.

In the next moment, with the help of some kind of power, the man saw the world in the distance.

Under the colorful firelight, there are people full of glory and joy.

He watched quietly, and after a while, he opened his eyes.

Then, he praised sincerely.

"So lovely."

"I really want to let the Noxians take a look."

he murmured.

But then, he cheered up, shook his arms, and the crows on his hands flew away, and he said to himself: "Rather than watching this beautiful ceremony, what I should do now is continue to liquidate those nobles. "

"The new Noxus does not need the bugs of the old era."

The sound of war drums resounded on the glacier. Under the drums, a group of fully armed soldiers banged their shields, making a dull sound.

A woman riding a giant boar holds a yoke, and behind her are groups of Freljordians.

The sound alarmed the terrifying presence.

From the shadows, on the other side of the river, a standing bear walked out of the shadows, his hands wrapped with terrifying lightning, and he said in a deep voice:

"Stop! Further forward, there is the realm of Volibear, the great god of war!"

"I'm a bear, I'm here to send a message to Volibear!"

With its sound, more and more bears came out, and then some monsters.

Yes, monster.

It was a weird mix of bears and other creatures.

Something from legends, nightmares and folktales.

They were all humans once, but now they have been completely swallowed by the true beast spirit, and they have long lost the appearance of normal animals.

The biggest one had a body as big as a hill. The huge bear-like creature appeared suddenly. The trees were crushed and the earth let out a painful wail.

Where its head should have been was a rotting elk skull, surrounded by a mane of black feathers. Its eyes burned with blue fire, and after opening its huge mouth, a child's face appeared inside. Then the child opened his mouth again and spat out foul brown mucus. Other nightmare creatures followed it as it emerged from the woods, limping, crawling, and swaying forward.


Sejuani frowned.

Is it really the right choice to obey the high priest and associate with the bear people?

The god in charge of thunder and war has changed. It seems to have been contaminated by some kind of existence and became what it is now.

However, there was nothing Sejuani could do.

Winter's Claw needs to use the power of the Ursine to wash away the shame of failure. At the same time, Sejuani also needs powerful gods to help herself.

During the time she returned to the Freljord, Sejuani fell into a deep sleep for two months. During those two months, various memory fragments appeared in her mind. She was still herself, but what about the future?

She was afraid that she would no longer be herself, so.

"Winter's Claw, why did you summon us?"

Sejuani took a deep breath and said loudly: "I ask for the strength of the Ursine, and I ask you to fight alongside my tribe!"

"You asked the wrong person, Winter's Claw, I'm just a tool for Volibear to send messages!"

"I have brought a sacrifice, please consider it carefully!" Sejuani said loudly.

"Volibear needs faith. I will make Winter's Claw become its believer and bring more believers to it."

"I'm just its tool. I have no right to make decisions for Volibear." The leading bear said loudly.

But then, a gust of wind blew over, twisted branches rose from the ground, manic magic rose and restless, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder flashed, and a huge creature appeared, taller than the snow-capped mountains, blocking the sky and the sun.

It roared into the sky, its sound echoing throughout the Freljord.

Its incarnation, the incarnation of the Bear God appears.

Just by appearing, it crushed everything with overwhelming consciousness. On the other side of the river, except for Sejuani, everyone in Winter's Claw fell into fear.

This is not an existence that humans can deal with!

"Volibear, I want to make a deal with you!"

Sejuani summoned her courage and shouted.


The front of Owendale.

Lux, Kai'Sa, and Sona sat together in front of a Hex heater, lighting a fire and bringing many snacks.

"Lux, are you old enough to drink?"

Kasha looked at some wine on the ground and frowned.

"Why not?! I'm going to be an adult!" Lux said loudly immediately. She looked at Kaisha dissatisfied, and then reached out to touch Sona, "Sona, are you right?"

Sona showed a shallow smile and said nothing.

"Ah, I forgot again that you can only communicate spiritually with Rowan." Lux snorted.

Then, she asked: "What does Rowan say now? Sona, write it and let me see it."

Sona did as she was told.

"Huh? Will I cry or make trouble after drinking?"

"Not at all!"

"I'm a good drinker!" Lux said loudly.

Looking at the fireworks set off by Xiongdu, Lux narrowed her eyes. After drinking some wine, she chattered a lot.

Then, she said to herself: "Rowan, do you think these fireworks are good-looking?"

"I think it looks great, better than what I saw in Piltover."


Lux said to herself.

Then, she lowered her head in disappointment and started drinking again.

It's damning why only Sona can communicate with Rowan?

Me, I really want to talk to Rowan too!

I haven't spoken to Rowan in almost half a year!

Lux thought sadly.

And at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out and snatched the bottle from her hand.

"Ka'Sa, if you want to drink, open it yourself." Lux looked at Ka'Sa.

Then, he saw Kasha holding a bag of snacks and looking at him confused.

Lux was surprised, "Sona, do you drink too?"

Lux looked at Sona again, but Sona was shaking her head with empty hands, and her chest was swaying, which made Lux's teeth itch.

Big deal?

Eh. No, what about my wine?

Lux was dazed, and then a jar was placed on her head.

Somewhat cold.

Looking up, Lux saw a smiling face.

He blocked the moonlight and fireworks, and under the faint starlight, Lux could see his face clearly.

Black hair, dark eyes, a gentle smile, and extremely bright pupils.

"Surprise?" he asked.


"Asshole!" Lux jumped up.

In the early morning of January 5, 1988, Rowan broke through the ice.


Oh, it almost timed out.

This chapter is close to 4,000 words, and the previous chapter is 3,000 words.

Today is a 7,000-word update!

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