"Anchor, are you going to start making sculptures again?"

"I'm looking forward to it, I don't know what the anchor is going to carve the ancient sunken wood into. "

"Look at me, I'm a bar spirit: I don't know if the ancient sunken wood is real, seeing that the anchor carried it so easily yesterday, I seriously suspect that the wood inside is rotten and hollow. "

"Didn't the little carpenter say that it was an ancient sunken wood?"

"Look at me, I'm a bartender: people also have times when they look away, how can he know if he hasn't been to the scene. "

"Poof... Upstairs is really as good as its name suggests. "

"Little carpenter: The one fished out underwater yesterday must be an ancient sunken wood, although I don't know how the anchor lifted it, but the color density will not be wrong, it must be an ancient sunken wood!

In a large furniture store in H City, the little carpenter is staring at the live broadcast room at the moment.

Ever since Chen Tian dug up the ancient sunken wood, he has been waiting in front of the live broadcast room.

The little carpenter was right, the ancient sunken wood dug up yesterday was indeed carbonized from golden silk nanmu, and it has a history of more than 10,000 years. "

Chen Tian glanced at the barrage and said calmly.

"it!10,000 years?!This wood hasn't rotted into slag for so long?!"

"Anchor, are you bragging, 10,000 years? This is not 5,000 years more than the 5,000-year history of our empire??!。 "

"Look at me, I'm a bar spirit: anchor, you say it's an ancient sunken wood is an ancient sunken wood, I don't believe it!"

"Poof... You've reappeared, you've reappeared~!"


Chen Tian glanced at the barrage and smiled.

"To distinguish whether it is ancient sunken wood is actually very simple, first of all, we look at the appearance, because the ancient sunken wood has been buried deep in the mountains or river bottom for a long time, and after the ancient sunken wood is carbonized, the surface will appear coal-like black. "

"The second is to look at the inside, because the ancient sunken wood is carbonized and squeezed by the rock, the inside will become extremely hard, not breathable, and it will feel very smooth to the touch. "

As Chen Tian spoke, he came to the ancient sunken wood in the backyard, took out a knife and sawed a small piece.

I saw that the small piece that had been cut off was indeed as black as coal on the outside, but on the inside it was black and red, with a dense texture and a smooth surface.

"The characteristics of ancient sunken wood are that the wood is extremely hard, smooth to the touch, incorruptible and immortal, which can be called the best wood, and the female joint in front of it has all the above points. "

"Listening to what the anchor said, it seems to make some sense. "

"I'll go, how can the anchor know so much?! "

"Little carpenter, come out, what the anchor said is right, it won't be making up nonsense to bluff us, right?"

"Little carpenter: Well, what the anchor said is right, and even a lot of knowledge about ancient sunken wood I don't know as much as the anchor, I guess only my grandfather... No, my grandfather shouldn't know, after all, my grandfather has never seen the ancient sunken wood of golden silk nanmu with his own eyes, let alone 10,000 years old. "

The little carpenter was also shocked when he looked at the live broadcast on his mobile phone at the moment, because he found that what Chen Tian said was not right at all, and even a lot of knowledge he didn't understand!

The little carpenter admired Chen Tian very much at the moment.

He only knew so much about wood knowledge every day, but Chen Tian knew more than him, a carpenter who had been passed down for three generations!

"I'll go, the anchor is awesome, this amount of knowledge is really leveraged. "

"The anchor must also be a student bully at school, 666!"

"Tsk.. Strange knowledge has increased again, but it is useless, and I am afraid that I will not be able to buy such a log in my life. "

"Compared with the anchor, I feel like I am a fish that has slipped through the net in nine years of compulsory education!"

"Upstairs is confident, it's pre-school. "

"Fart, it's prenatal education. "



[Wearing a white veil and running to the auditorium to reward the anchor Super Rocket X1!]

[The little carpenter rewarded the anchor Super Rocket X1!]

[Little Tomato rewarded the anchor Super Rocket X1!]


After listening to Chen Tian's explanation in the live broadcast room, they were very admired, and there were many people who rewarded them, obviously they liked this feeling of both relaxing and learning knowledge.

"It's not too early, so I'll cut the old wood and make furniture. "

Chen Tian said and took out the toolbox, which was full of special carpenter tools he bought in the system mall, and he used these sharp tools to do carpentry, which was very fast.

"Chen Tian, my, my~!"

Seeing Chen Tian take out the toolbox, the little Chinese medicine doctor brought a small bench and sat on the side and waved his hand excitedly: "Chen Tian, make one for me, I also want a sculpture." "

"Okay, I'll make one for you. "

Chen Tian glanced back at the little Chinese medicine doctor and nodded.

Open the skill proficiency, the junior carpentry skill has more than 90 points of proficiency, and it is estimated that you can upgrade by making a few more sculptures.

It just so happens that there are some white sandalwood leaves over from the last lotus pond at home.

Chen Tian plans to use these white sandalwood to make a few small sculptures to practice his hands, and after upgrading his skill level to a higher level, he will use ancient sunken wood to make high-quality furniture with effect.

"Whatever you want, I'll make one for you. "

Chen Tian moved to the white sandalwood and looked at the little Chinese medicine doctor.

"I... I want a big wooden bed 1.8 meters long! I want to carve two five-clawed golden dragons at the head of the bed! At the end of the bed, I can simply carve some cloud anchovies, this fish is very good-looking, and if you carve a little cloud pattern on both sides, it is similar to the pattern on your dragon and phoenix play beads, I also like this pattern, and I also want two matching bedside tables......

The little Chinese medicine doctor excitedly gestured with his hands on the side, and his mind was YY with the super-large, super-domineering, and super-perfect five-clawed golden dragon bed.

And Chen Tian listened silently on the side holding the saw, and after the little Chinese medicine doctor finished speaking, he patted him on the shoulder calmly and nodded:

"Well, you want to carve a little white rabbit, right, no problem, leave it to me. "

Little Chinese Medicine: "???"

What's the white rabbit, isn't what I just said about the five-clawed golden dragon bed?!!

The little Chinese medicine doctor had a black question mark on his face, and Chen Tian had already begun to cut white sandalwood and start making it.

"Poofhaha, the little Chinese medicine doctor was still talking there excitedly, but I didn't expect the anchor to decide what to carve for him. "

"Anchor: I just casually asked you what you want to carve, tsk, you take it seriously. "

"Anchor: If you say what you want to carve, I'll only carve a white rabbit for you anyway!"

"Poof, the anchor is so bad. "


"No, brother, that, mine, the five-clawed golden dragon bed..."The little Chinese medicine doctor still didn't give up in a whisper.

Chen Tian gave him a blank look, "Do you think this bit of white sandalwood is enough to make a big bed for you?

"Don't, don't, forget about the coffin, I'm still young, I don't need to book so quickly in advance...."

"But, brother... It's a little golden dragon, the little white rabbit is too intimidating. The little Chinese medicine doctor retreated to the next thing.

"I decided to go for the White Rabbit, which happened to have a model and made it easier to carve. Chen Tian said,

The reason why he chose to carve the little white rabbit was entirely to save some wood, after all, Chen Tian wanted to use these white sandalwood to impact intermediate carpentry skills and carving skills.

It would be embarrassing if you ran out of wood and didn't improve your skills.

"Well, then... The little white rabbit is the little white rabbit. The little Chinese medicine doctor nodded helplessly and accepted, comforting himself in his heart, it was carved by Chen Tian, and it would not be bad.

Put it on the table, maybe it can be powerful... bar.

Thinking of this, the little Chinese medicine doctor looked at the cute little white rabbit in the backyard with some unconfidence.


The little Chinese medicine doctor suddenly felt that it was better to have a five-clawed golden dragon.

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