Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 433: Peach Blossom Land

When Jian Heng heard the voice coming from the receiver, he was stunned for a moment, because it was Mr. Yao on the other end of the phone.

There was only one sentence from Mr. Yao: "Jian Heng?! We found what you wanted!"

"What did you say, did you find it?" Jian Heng was a little stunned, and his voice suddenly became louder. Fortunately, the surrounding area was full of excitement, so it didn't affect too many people, but just like this all of a sudden It also shocked everyone around him, including He Ye.

Hearing that the old man on the other end of the phone was sure to have found the blue blood tree python, Jian Heng turned his head and prepared to leave the ceremony.

Seeing that Jian Heng was about to move his legs to leave, He Ye immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed him: "What are you doing here?"

After being caught by He Ye, Jian Heng came back to his senses, and asked with a trembling voice while holding the phone: "Old man, did you say things are back?"

"I'll call you if you don't come back?" Mr. Yao spoke firmly and confidently.

Jian Heng then turned his head and said to He Ye: "I really have something urgent, it's extremely urgent! Anyway, I have already seen this place, and it will be fine if you sit here!"

Seeing Jian Heng's appearance, He Ye stopped blocking him, let Jian Heng into the elevator and went straight to the underground parking lot.

When he arrived at the parking lot to pick up the car, Jian Heng didn't stop here for a moment, he directly set the navigation on his phone to the location that the old man reported to him, and ran all the way there.

The location given by the old man was in the northwest. Jian Heng drove along the high road for almost two days, got down from the high road and turned to the national highway, then turned to the provincial road from the national highway, and finally drove for a long time on the rural road. In the end, I couldn't see any serious roads. Fortunately, Jian Heng drove an SUV. Although the oil was burning a lot, there was no breakdown on the good road, and I drove safely to the small village pointed out by the old man.

It is said to be a small village, but there are only a dozen or so families, and almost all of them are old people and left-behind children. Jian Heng didn't stay long in the village, and went directly up the stream along the river bed.

After walking for about 30 minutes, Jian Heng is now in the deep mountains in the southwest, surrounded by rolling mountains and green giant trees. If the old man hadn't given a sure signal, Jian Heng would have thought that he had entered the bird's nest. It's no man's land that lays eggs.

The river disappeared and turned into a waterfall, but Jian Heng found out the hidden intestines that the old man said.

The car can't get on, and it seems dangerous to run a tricycle on this road, let alone such a big Luhu.

Putting Lu Hu away with his hands, Jian Heng got himself a horse from the space, rode on the horse and continued walking towards the mountains. Unexpectedly, the more you walk up, the narrower it becomes. At the end, it is less than two meters, and it is not very smooth. Some sections of the road are covered with moss, and the horse's hoof is a little slippery when stepping on it.

After walking for about an hour, Jian Heng saw a team of horses coming towards him. Five or six men came towards him with seven or eight horses, and each man had a gun on his back. , The style of the gun is quite old, like a medium-sized gun used decades ago.

What disturbed Jian Heng the most was that these men were all dressed in uniform robes, which were traditional Hanfu. Although they didn’t know what dynasty they were from, all of these men looked like they came out of TV dramas. The robe has big sleeves, and the head is tied up.

But no matter how old the gun is, it is still a serious gun. It is far better than the rustic gun Jian Heng saw at the bottom of the hillside used by ethnic minorities. Far.

Jian Heng took Ma Li to the side of the road and climbed up the rock on the right hand side, ready to make way for others.

"Jian Heng, Mr. Jian?"

When walking away from Jian Heng, the leader of the horse team looked at Jian Heng in a daze for a second or two, then clasped his fists at Jian Heng on his horseback, and greeted Jian Heng loudly in a very loud voice. .

"It's me, are you?"

Jian Heng guessed that these were probably the people that Mr. Yao sent to greet him.

Originally, the old man wanted Jian Heng to stay at the bottom of the hillside, and someone would come to pick him up, but Jian Heng knew that there was only one mountain path, so he couldn't bear it, so he just walked up the mountain path.

All the information that Jian Heng has now proved that none of the owners of the secret realm in history could gather all the animals together. The main reason is that in the past, the spread of both transportation and knowledge was very slow. Even if there was a TV, the speed of information was far from being comparable to that of modern times.

So when the beads fell into the hands of the Chinese, they didn’t even mention the mutated green tree pythons, like the African buffalo, but they fell into the hands of the British. Don't know, let alone look for it.

There are some strange beasts next to the pool in the gathering space. Once this idea came to his mind, Jian Heng had no way to stop this idea from rising in his mind. Besides, don’t look at driving all the way these days, and only rest for less than four hours a day. But now Jian Heng is still full of energy and vitality.

"Uncle Yao sent us over to pick you up, but I didn't expect you to come up by yourself!" The man didn't say much, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

As soon as the man moved, the middle-aged men behind him immediately dodged to the side of the cliff, giving Jian Heng the safe way out.

"Don't be too polite, everyone just turn your head, don't need to be particular about it." Jian Heng saw that he was walking awkwardly here, so it would be more convenient for everyone to change from the front team to the back team directly.

But the man said: "You are the master of the sect, if we go ahead, it will be impolite, please, sir!"

Jian Heng grinned after hearing this, and thought: These people are really troublesome!

Seeing the expressions of the men, Jian Heng felt that what he said was superfluous, so he could only urge the horse to carefully walk past the men.

Just such a group of people turned around, and it took about five or six minutes to wait for the formation that the man thought was in line with the etiquette. A quarter of an hour passed before the whole team set off again.

The man who spoke was at the head, followed by Jian Heng, and behind Jian Heng's ponytail was a group of remaining men urging their horses to follow.

After walking for about an hour on the mountain road, all the men focused on Jian Heng's horse.

"Sir, your horse is amazing!" the man in the lead said first.

"What's so great about it?" Jian Heng didn't realize how powerful his horse was.

The man in the lead turned around, looked at Jian Heng's horse again, turned around and said: "Generally, a horse of this height will be out of breath in half an hour at most after running on this kind of mountain road. , You have no signs of your horse so far! It is very rare for such a tall horse to adapt to the mountain path."

Hearing what the man said, Jian Heng finally understood the reason.

Because you have to walk on a mountain road and there will be trees covering the road from time to time, Jian Heng, who has ridden countless times in the wild, naturally knows that at this time, the horse should be short, so that people riding on it will be lowered and will be scraped by the trees above their heads. probability.

The horses in Jianheng's space are all big horses, and those with a shoulder height of less than 1.6 meters have already been skinned and cramped. It's the turn of the breed to be passed down, so this horse was picked.

Who knows that the horse in the space is short, but the height of the horse in the current team is really too high. These men have big arms and round waists, and their bodies are strong enough, but the mountain horses are short. Now these horses have average shoulders. He was only about 1.1 meters tall, 50 centimeters behind Jian Heng's horse.

What is this concept?

From a distance, these men seemed to be walking with bowed legs, but Jian Heng was the only one riding a horse in the team.

There is no man who doesn't like tall horses, and no real man says he likes riding a donkey-like pony, so the men walked longer and longer as the distance traveled, and found that the endurance of the horse that Jian Heng stepped on was so good, it was natural Very hot eyes.

"If you like it, I'll give you ten horses!" Jian Heng said generously.

Compared to the blue blood tree python, these horses are really nothing.

The man is also a simple and honest man. Hearing this, he said he couldn't do it, but the expression on his face still completely betrayed his thoughts.

After walking for an hour and a half, the team took a break, and about a quarter of an hour later, the team went back on the road. They walked on the trail for a long time, rested several times, and finally came to a small open space.

It is more like a cliff platform than an open space. On one side is a deep abyss, and on the other side is a steep cliff. The gap that the next person will pass through, no need to ask, the path everyone is going to go right away is in this gap.

Looking at the gap between the cliff and the cliff, Jian Heng's mind suddenly jumped out of a text "Peach Blossom Spring" that he had learned in school before.

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