LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 556: There Are Ghosts in the Mountains 2

Zhang Mingqiao knew the rumors about Yinshan, so naturally he didn't dare to leave too late.

Saying goodbye to the neighbors who woke up early to send him off, Zhang Mingqiao walked out of Sihu County together with his servant Han Sheng who had grown up with him, carrying a burden.

He was wearing a blue gown today, which was specially sewn for him by Mrs. Hu, who had the best stitches. She said that we Mingqiao were going to participate in the autumn festival, so naturally we had to dress decently.

Zhang Mingqiao had a good appearance, with handsome features, tall and straight figure, and a handsome young man. People who watched him grow up said that he looked like his mother.

It was not far from the county seat to Yinshan Road, and when the two of them reached the foot of the mountain, the sun had just broken out half of its head from the sky.

The sky is already abundant.

"My lord, this Yinshan Mountain looks really gloomy." Han Sheng shrank his head and said in a low voice.

Han Sheng was about the same age as Zhang Mingqiao, and he was also born with delicate features and looks very clever.

The two said that they were in a master-servant relationship, but because they had been dependent on each other since they were young, they were more like brothers.

Zhang Mingqiao looked at the deep mountain in front of him.

It's already daytime, but the mountain in front of me seems to be still at night. The clumps of leaves and branches are like a giant net that keeps the sunlight out, and it looks like a beast growing up. Big mouth, waiting for innocent travelers to fall into the trap.

It is indeed eerie.

Zhang Mingqiao smiled lightly, and said, "I don't talk about strange powers. In this world, how can there be any ghosts and monsters?"


He said, and walked towards the mountain first.

"Hey—my lord, wait for me!" Han Sheng raised his head in fear, looked at the figure in Tsing Yi who had walked a few steps ahead, gritted his teeth, and followed up.

The master and servant went into the mountain.

It's not obvious from the outside, but when you actually walk in, you can feel that this place is really different from the outside.

It was a bright sunny day, walking on the path of Yinshan Mountain, not to mention seeing the sun, even a sporadic daylight was hard to see.

Han Sheng raised his head, he could only see the tall trees as if covering the sky and the earth, covering the sky above his head tightly, and he could only see a little light of the sky outside from the occasionally scattered branches.

Perhaps it was his illusion, Han Sheng always felt that these branches seemed to have a sinister smell.

He shrank his head and hurriedly took two steps, getting a little closer to the young master.

The old people said that a scholar is protected by the stars of Wenqu, and has the righteousness of heaven and earth to help him. He is not afraid of those ghost tricks. He has to follow the son well.

The two walked very fast, because according to the footsteps of the Yinshan Mountain, it would take a whole day to get out even if they were speeding up on the side.

The two hurried on their way, occasionally saying a few words to make the atmosphere less dull.

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Mingqiao felt a little hungry, and raised his head, but the top was blocked by dense branches, and he couldn't see where the sun was.

He estimated that it should be near noon.

"Han Sheng." He shouted.

"Ah?" Han Sheng looked up at him.

"I'm hungry, let's sit down, have a rest, eat something before continuing on our way," Zhang Mingqiao said.

"Okay!" Han Sheng wanted to rest a long time ago.

Both he and Zhang Mingqiao had never experienced hardship since they were young. After walking for half a day, their legs were already sore and weak.

The two found a broken stump and sat down. Han Sheng took out two pieces of dry food from the bag behind him, and took out a water bag and handed it to Zhang Mingqiao.

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