LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 255 Tang Lu Special 2

Tang Lu only felt that when he heard these words, his world was spinning.

His vision went dark, and he lost all strength to stand still.

The person in charge of the game company quickly supported him: "Mr. Tang, Mr. Tang?"

The look of the other party who had suffered a huge blow really worried him. Looking at his pale face, if something went wrong in the company, no matter what, he would have to bear the responsibility.

The person in charge secretly regretted: who knew that there would be someone who was taken advantage of and willing to spend huge sums of money to buy such a game that was outdated long ago?

When he reported this matter to his boss not long ago, the boss reprimanded him, saying that he should be pragmatic and not dream about such daydreams.

But now, someone really came here with a huge sum of money, but their game has already been determined to self-destruct.

The person in charge persuaded Tang Lu a few times: "Mr. Tang, you don't have to be sad, it's just a game. Our company's new "Five Elements", the main creative team is the original team of "Tai Chi" back then, and many settings are the same. Follow the "Tai Chi" in..."

Tang Lu couldn't hear what the person in charge whispered in his ear.

He just thought, could this be fate?

"Just tell me, can "Tai Chi" still be kept? Can the technicians restore it?"

He grabbed the collar of the person in charge of the game company and almost screamed.

His eyes were red at the moment, and his emotions were obviously very intense. The person in charge didn't dare to say anything serious to provoke him, so he could only say: "This... our holographic online games have a main network intelligent system, and the daily maintenance is all only The system is responsible, once the system starts to self-destruct..."

"There is nothing that can stop this program from running."


Tang Lu didn't know how he left that company.

He just felt that his heart was empty.

nothing left.

Returning home in a daze, a bright and warm light enveloped him.

Guanghan sat on the sofa waiting for him as usual, and there was a glass of squeezed juice on the tea table.

Tang Lu's messy thoughts suddenly became peaceful.

He didn't know if she knew the news, but the two of them had a tacit understanding and never talked about this topic.

He hopes for miracles in the future, but he knows very well that reality is cruel after all.

His wife, wearing a white dress, walked around the room like a beautiful butterfly.

so alive.

If we are destined to leave, then let us be happy at the moment before separation, at least both parties should not leave any regrets.

I will watch over you till the end of your time and mine.


Zhong Qing didn't feel any pain of leaving.

Yes, she is essentially just a bunch of data.

A string of data, how can you know the pain?

No, I know.

Just like at this moment, she was alone in this quiet and dead space, clutching her chest, the silent and tearing pain made her want to cry.

"System, we were all smiling when we left, but why am I in such pain?" She asked in a low voice. I don't know if I'm really asking the system, or asking myself.

The system can only tell her: "You have to go on, he is waiting for you."

He is waiting for you.

It is this sentence, and the truth hidden behind it, that has always supported her.

No matter how painful the process is, keep going.


Well, the story of Tang Lu and Guang Han is completely over.

Regarding the next story, I looked through the comments, and 80% of them want to see people and beasts. If this is the case, then write about orcs.

Good night babies!

Ask for a ticket with the lid on the pot~

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