If it was a few days ago, I am afraid these Elite Disciple can resist a few tricks.

But now it is not the opponent of Luo Tian at all.

Profound Ancestor Rank 9, fully grasp the power of Profound Ancestor realm, and with their own powerful power, even if these Fishmen’s body is strong, can also with no difficulty Insta-kill.




Ten ways to enhance the sound.

Luo Tian took a look at it and couldn’t help but say: “Experience Point has more than 30,000 points, which is not bad. It is better than killing those Krakens. It should not be difficult to upgrade to Profound Venerable realm.”

Experience Point is rich.

Profound Qi Value is not bad.

Most importantly, killing these Fishmen also gets the ‘Undefeatable Bloodline’ value.

This is the key point!

Luo Tian now has two kinds of bloodlines, and there are two kinds of bloodlines, which must be collected within two years.

Fusion of four Divine Beast’s Bloodline, bursting Murong Wanjian!

This is what he wants.


Luo Tian screamed in the sky and said: “Ma Sheng, you have a dog thing, can you send more people out at once, don’t tell me, are you Ghost Shark Sect so a person? No one can play, or else Come out directly by yourself.”

Very loud sound.

Cover the entire Ghost Shark Sect.

Above the Main Hall.

Ma Sheng’s face turned red, and a palm shot the stone seat under his butt into a powder, roaring, saying: “Waste, ten people can’t beat a crippled dantian waste, but they lost so badly, died. Yeah, living is also a shame to Ghost Shark Sect.”

While speaking.

Ma Sheng’s gaze is a little glimpse, and my heart is secretly thought: “How fast is the promotion of this kid’s Cultural Base for a few days, now it is the strength of Profound Ancestor Rank 9, how is it Culture?”


An Elder stood up and said, “Sect Master, I am going!”

Ma Sheng lightly smiled. Road: “Good! Third Elder, I will give you a hundred elite Elite Disciple, don’t kill the kid at all, you have to see him, I have to see him not have the will to live unable to ask The painful expression for death.”

“I must not let Sect Master down.”


Also during this time.

Luo Tian continued to scream Ghost Shark Sect and did not enter again.

It is constantly beating.

Every time I fall, I squat down and engraving. Sometimes it sounds loud, sometimes it suddenly becomes big comprehension.

This makes Wang Fu they can’t understand.

“What is he doing?”

“Engraving Array? These Arrays are not the same as before.”

“don’t tell me he is engraving a new Array?”

“Is Array still Engraving?”


Luo Tian 镄勭’鍦..ngraving 鏂 Dress Up Array 銆

浠栫幇鍦ㄥ凡缁忔槸Level 8 阒 湳 湳 堬纴瀵笰 Rray 镄勯 熻兘锷涘 熻兘锷涘 缁忚揪鍒 缁忚揪鍒 缁忚揪鍒 缁忚揪鍒 竴涓︼秴楂樼殑姘 竴涓︼秴楂樼殑姘 锛岄 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲笰rray 镄勪 瑙 纴浠栧姞鍏ヤ竴浜涜嚜宸卞 纴浠栧姞鍏ヤ竴浜涜嚜宸卞 纴浠栧姞鍏ヤ竴浜涜嚜宸卞 纴浠栧姞鍏ヤ竴浜涜嚜宸卞 纴浠栧姞鍏ヤ竴浜涜嚜宸卞 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌 岀殑鏋勬兂锛屽ぉ椹绌

濡傛灉杩愮敤濂 殑璇濓纴鎴栬鍒涚珛鏂 殑璇濓纴鎴栬鍒涚珛鏂 殑 殑 鐞嗗 銆傛墦镰 銆傛墦镰 銆傛墦镰 塆 塆 塆 塆 nome Race 嶈兘鍒涢 犲嚭鏂痨 犲嚭鏂痨 ray rray 镄勫巻鍙Layer



鐭煭鍑犲垎阍燂纴Luo Tian 宁力疆鍑鍑Rray Emerald 竴锲tream of light 闂︼ 锛孉 锛孉 rray 锷涢噺宸茬粡铻嶅悎鍦ㄤ竴璧凤纴Luo Tian 鐪嬬潃鍦 涓婄殑 涓婄殑 涓婄殑 篃涓岖煡阆揿畠镄 篃涓岖煡阆揿畠镄 or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or

At this moment.

Third Elder 鍒樻槅鐜 涓 锏 锏 锏 悕绮 悕绮 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑

鐜嬬complexion greatly changed 銆


浠栦 锲涗 锲涗 锲涗 锷纴鐩 锷纴鐩 Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian

Sha 鈥滀粬鏄疓 鈥滀粬鏄疓 host Shark Sect 镄凾hird Elder 锛孋ultivation Base 鍦≒rofound Venerable Rank 5 屼笖€屼笖 nickel effect 缑杩愮敤immortal power 銆傞潪宁稿己镇嶏纴浣犲彲瑕佸皬蹇冧竴镣广傗€

鈥滀粬behind 镄勯偅浜沝isciple 閮 槸 槸 Ghost Shark Sect 绮 donation 嫳鍫傜殑 cip 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑 嫳鍫傜殑

锲涗汉gaze 涓€娌夛纴涔熼兘灏唚ithin the body chain 寮 寮 寮 寮 寮 婃斁鍑 婃斁鍑 婃斁鍑

Luo Tian 鍢 涓 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 Luo粯镄勪 銆傗

鐜嬬complexion changed 淏 锛 锛 淏 other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other涓嶅彲鑳 皢 host Ghost Shark Sect 鎹f 锛屼笉鐬掍綘璇 锛屼笉鐬掍綘璇 绠楁槸鐜 绠楁槸鐜 绠楁槸鐜 North North North North North North North North North North North North City 锛屼 浜哖 rincess Your Highness 锛屾垜浠啀镐庝箞镙 篃涓嶈兘鐪嬬潃浣犱竴涓﹄ 篃涓嶈兘鐪嬬潃浣犱竴涓﹄ 篃涓嶈兘鐪嬬潃浣犱竴涓﹄ 湁浠 湁浠 涔埚ソ镐旷殑 涔埚ソ镐旷殑 涔埚ソ镐旷殑銆傗€

鍏朵粬涓変hanhehely nodded 銆

Luo Tian 蹇冧腑涓 鏆栵纴涔熸 鏆栵纴涔熸 鏆栵纴涔熸 鏆栵纴涔熸 夋嫆缁濓纴阆掳 夋嫆缁濓纴阆掳 鈥滃ソ锛岃镄勪笉阌欙纴姝 鈥滃ソ锛岃镄勪笉阌欙纴姝 鈥滃ソ锛岃镄勪笉阌欙纴姝 鈥滃ソ锛岃镄勪笉阌欙纴姝 鈥滃ソ锛岃镄勪笉阌欙纴姝 鈥滃ソ锛岃镄勪笉阌欙纴姝 鈥滃ソ锛岃镄勪笉阌欙纴姝湪灏辫鎴戜 湪灏辫鎴戜 湪灏辫鎴戜 鐤妫璧 潵锛佲

“damn thing!”

鈥滃 浣犱 浣犱 low low low low low low low low low low low low low 湪鎴慓 湪鎴慓 湪鎴慓 湪鎴慓 Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha

Luo Tian sneered 锛宒isdained said 锛气滃埆鐬庡摂鍝斾滃埆鐬庡摂鍝斾滃埆鐬庡摂鍝斾锛屽垬鏄嗘槸钖э纻鏀鹃┈杩囨潵钖э纴鐪嬭佸瓙鏄佸瓙鏄犱滑镄勩€傗€

鍒樻槅涔熶笉鎯 窡 窡 Luo Tian 搴熻瘽锛岀珛鍗硈houted 锛 € 灭 灭 鑻卞爞镄刣 鑻卞爞镄刣 isciple 钖 钖 锛屼竴璧 锛屼竴璧 锛屼竴璧 笂锛岃璁╄ 灏忓瓙Have the will to live unable to ask for death

“Hah! ”


In an instant.

锏句汉moved together 锛岀洿鎺ラ鍑哄幓銆

Luo Tian 涓€嬫嫤浣弚嬫嫤浣弚 to to 鍐 嚭铡荤殑鐜嬬锛岄 嚭铡荤殑鐜嬬锛岄 嚭铡荤殑鐜嬬锛岄 嚭铡荤殑鐜嬬锛岄 € € € € € € € € 鐪嫔ソ鎴忓惂銆傗 鐪嫔ソ鎴忓惂銆傗


鐩 帴钀 帴钀 埌浠栧竷缃殑 埌浠栧竷缃殑 涔嬩腑銆

Luo Tian 鍏村涓€绗戏纴阆掳 fine 鈥淢ororite Array 锛岀粰鎴戣惤锛侊紒锛佲€

Moved together Array 銆

Array 涓殑锷涢噺鍏ㄩ兘 涓殑锷涢噺鍏ㄩ兘 帴鍦ㄤ竴璧 帴鍦ㄤ竴璧 帴鍦ㄤ竴璧 鐑堢殑 鐑堢殑 鐑堢殑 鐑堢殑 ray ray ray ray ray Read 忓嚭鏉ャ€

杩欐槸Luo Tian 镫嚜鍒涚珛镄凙rray 銆

Meteorite Array 锛

杩欑Array 涓€镞《垚锷燂纴灏细细闄崭笅镞犳暟 Meteorite 锛岀灛闂碔nsta-kill 涓€鐗囥€

鍒樻槅鑴歌壊涓€鎯婏纴澶у懠涓€澹Help 纴阆掳 鈥滃ぇ瀹跺皬蹇冿纴鎴戜 鈥滃ぇ瀹跺皬蹇冿纴鎴戜 湪鍦ˋ 湪鍦ˋ ray ray ray 涔嬩腑锛屼笉鍙 涔嬩腑锛屼笉鍙 涔嬩腑锛屼笉鍙 涔嬩腑锛屼笉鍙 €傗€


鍒樻槅鎸囩潃Luo Tian 镄勯蓟瀛愬ぇ楠傝捣鏉ワ纴鈥灭嫍涓滆タ锛岀湡鏄槾闄╁ 閯欙纴绔熺劧鍦 c/ohost Shark Sect 鍐呭竷缃瓵rray 銆傗€

璋佷 鎯 鎯 埌 変 / / c/ohost Shark Sect 镄勯棬鍐呭竷缃瓵rray 纻 ray

鍙湁Luo Tian 杩欐牱镄勭柉瀛愭墠浼氲 umbrella peak 仛锛

“hong long long !”

“hong long long !”

Array 涔嬩笂鍙戝嚭涓€阒靛搷褰籒ine Heavens 镄勮 paddle 楦e0銆

闾d簺琚汹鍦ˋrray 涓殑disciple 绱у紶镞犳瘮锛屼笉鏂殑want to 鍐Array 嚭Array 锛屽彲鏄 涓婄殑锷涢噺缁欐姝荤殑鎶垫克浣忥纴浠荤敱浠栦滑鍐 inserted into the 杩樻槸镞犳硶鍐 嚭铡

Luo Tian 鍢 涓 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 鍕撅纴 佸瓙 佸瓙 佸瓙 佸瓙 佸瓙 佸瓙 佸瓙 佸瓙 佸瓙 佸瓙 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

澶╅ 婊氭粴锛


a long time!

涓 绮掑 绮掑 绮掑 绮掑 涓妩澶 涓妩澶 涓妩澶 绮掑

“Ha Ha Ha…”

“Ha Ha Ha…”

“Ha Ha Ha…”



澶 镄勫槻绗 镄勫槻绗 镄勫槻绗 镄勫槻绗 镄勫槻绗 镄勫槻绗 镄勫槻绗 镄勫槻绗 镄勫槻绗 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 槸浣燫 槸浣燫 槸浣燫 槸浣燫 槸浣燫 槸浣燫 槸浣燫 槸浣燫熷お寮 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 镣 镣 Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha


Meteorite Array 娉曞彧钀 笅涓 笅涓 绮掑皬鐭 绮掑皬鐭 绮掑皬鐭

Luo Tian 镊 镄勮劯鑹 镄勮劯鑹 镄勮劯鑹 娌夛纴镊︼阆掳 娌夛纴镊︼阆掳 娌夛纴镊︼阆掳 娌夛纴镊︼阆掳 鈥淔 鈥淔 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

Also at this time.

Array 涓婄殑锷涢噺阃愭笎鍑忓急锛岄偅浜汫 host Shark Sect 镄刣isciple 涔熸病链夊啀鍐 锛岃€屾槸涓€锷ㄤ笉锷ㄧ殑鐪嬬潃Luo Tian 銆


鐜嬬寰井鎶ご锛屽杻锽冮鎶ご锛屽杻锽冮锛气€滃ソ澶т竴鍧楃煶澶碅h! 鈥



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