Let You Take Charge of Xihong City, It's the World's First City Now?

Chapter 72 A historic breakthrough, Xia Guo's high-end medical treatment takes off!

September 20.

Magic City, a residential area.

Tao Jun, as usual, watched the Xia Guo news program at home.

on the TV screen.

The host broadcasted a report: "Today, the domestic medical heavy ion accelerator developed by Xihong Medical Equipment Group is clinically operated by Xihong First People's Hospital.

At the same time, this is also the first medical heavy ion accelerator successfully applied in my country.

So far, my country has become the fourth country with independent research and development of heavy ion therapy systems and clinical application capabilities, achieving a historic breakthrough in the field of large-scale medical equipment research and development!

Next, please see the detailed report......

The lens screen turns.

In the heavy ion therapy center building of Xihong First Hospital.

A huge domestic medical heavy ion accelerator appeared in front of all the audience.

The narrator makes the introduction.

"Xihong Medical Heavy Ion Accelerator, with a circumference of 56.2 meters, is equipped with a central controller, a physical planning room, a central control hall, a power distribution room and a power supply room, and is equipped with 4 treatment rooms. 55

"In the field of medical chemotherapy, the medical community has tried photon radiotherapy with gamma rays and X-rays, proton radiotherapy with proton beams, and heavy ion radiotherapy with carbon ion beams.

"Among them, heavy ion radiotherapy has obvious advantages. The carbon ions it produces can directly reach the lesion, release energy in a concentrated manner, and destroy Austrian cells. The treatment is painless and has few side effects."

"Carbon ion radiotherapy is the most advanced radiotherapy method in the world, and the Xihong Medical Heavy 22 ion accelerator in front of me is not inferior to imported equipment in terms of performance indicators and clinical feedback!

"As the first domestic medical heavy ion accelerator in my country, we have reason to believe that the heavy ion treatment center of Xihong First Hospital will bring new good news to countless cancer patients!

Camera switch.

Bing Bing, an expatriate reporter, and Qin Tai, general manager of Xihong Medical Equipment Group, appeared in front of the camera.

Bingbing interviewed: "Mr. Qin, such a large-scale medical heavy ion accelerator should be expensive, right?

"That's right! 99

Qin Tai nodded and said, "The Xihong Medical Heavy Ion Accelerator independently developed by us costs 1 billion yuan.

After the equipment is put into operation, the annual maintenance fee is 100 million yuan.

And the usual operation requires a large number of engineers and physicists.

Of course, with such expensive equipment, the cost of treatment is also extremely high.

Heavy ion therapy usually requires only 1 course of treatment.

Each course of treatment costs 300,000 yuan.

During the course of treatment, patients need 10 to 16 times of radiotherapy, each 30 to 40 minutes, over a 4-week period. 35

Hear this.

Bingbing was a little surprised.

Such an expensive price is really not affordable for ordinary patients.

She asked again, "Mr. Qin, what cancers can this device treat specifically?"

Qin Tai said truthfully: "In the field of heavy ion therapy, 32 types of tumors have been successfully cured.

Similar to nasopharyngeal cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, etc., it can be completely cured.

For malignant tumors in the early stage, the cure rate is above 95%.

Of course, some specific cancers are untreatable.

For example, non-solid surname tumors, that is, blood tumors, leukemia and so on.

For example, advanced cancer with multiple metastases from the primary surname has occurred.

For example, a cancer in which the same site has received multiple particle treatments within a year.

Although not all cancers can be cured.

But we believe that with the continuous advancement of technology, more cancers will be cured in the future.

in front of the TV.

Tao Jun's eyes lit up.

The cure rate of more than 95% of malignant tumors in the early stage is very exaggerated.

Xihong Medical Heavy Ion Accelerator can indeed bring hope to cancer patients!


He continued to watch the Xia Guo news.

The host reported: "Today, Xihong First People's Hospital is responsible for the clinical operation of the domestically produced endoscopic surgical robot "Xihong Surgical Robot" with completely independent intellectual property rights.

At the same time, this is also the first endoscopic surgical robot in my country, marking my country's historical breakthrough in the high-end medical field.

Next, please read the detailed report..."

The screen turns.

The operating room of Xihong First Hospital.

A cool-looking Xihong surgical robot stands in the middle.

The robot has 'three heads and four arms', and the whole body is white.

The Xihong surgical robot consists of a surgeon's console, a patient-side trolley, and a 3D high-definition imaging system.

At this moment, Meng Fei, a doctor in pancreatic surgery, is manipulating the Xihong surgical robot.

in the remote console.

Meng Fei used both hands to operate two main controllers and foot pedals to control the instruments and a 3D high-definition endoscope.

The control system extends his eyes and hands naturally onto the operating table.

The robotic arm of the Xihong surgical robot will hold the tip of the surgical instrument and move synchronously with his hands.

on the operating table.

The patient-side trolley consisting of four movable base robotic arms operates in an orderly manner.

The central robotic arm, the mirror-holding arm, is responsible for holding the camera system for 3D imaging.

The remaining three robotic arms are responsible for holding surgical instruments.

I saw a robotic arm that cut the epidermis of a cherries, and then completed the peeling.

Then, the two robotic arms sutured the epidermis completely.

next to the operating table.

There is an ultra-clear 3D-HD imaging system, which shows the pictures taken by the robotic arm at a glance.


Meng Fei continued to control the robotic arm and showed off his skills continuously.

He used Xihong surgical robot, folded thousands of paper cranes, carved jack-o-lanterns, put together Lego toys, and drew miniature paintings.

Of course, news space is limited.

Meng Fei's demo shots were all edited in a post-acceleration process.

on the screen.

Bing Bing, an expatriate reporter, interviewed: "Dr. Meng, the most high-end endoscopic robot in the medical world, is the Da Vinci surgical robot of the American Intuitive Surgical Company.

I would like to ask, what are the differences between the Xihong surgical robot and the Da Vinci surgical robot?

Meng Fei said directly: "What the Da Vinci surgical robot can do, the Xihong surgical robot can do as well, and do it better!

The advantages of Da Vinci are that it can help doctors increase the field of vision, significantly improve the accuracy of operation, avoid hand tremors, shorten the operation time, make the patient's wound smaller, and recover faster after surgery, etc.

These advantages can be easily achieved by Xihong surgical robot.

In addition, the Xihong surgical robot comes with advanced intelligent graphics processing functions, and the impact system is clearer.

Its robotic arm is smaller and lighter, with an expanded range of motion, allowing for more complex surgical procedures.

Its overhead suspension device enables the robotic arm to rotate in a skirt group, freeing up valuable space for the surgical environment.

It has a brand-new endoscope, which is simpler and more convenient to use, and can save preoperative preparation time.

When the robotic arm is positioned, it uses laser positioning assistance, intelligent and precise positioning, allowing doctors to control surgical minimally invasive surgical instruments more flexibly.

Its four robotic arms can rotate 720 degrees, which is 4 times the range of motion of the human hand and 3 times larger than that of the Da Vinci robot.

Its four robotic arms can be used 20 times, more than 10 times for the Da Vinci robot.

As long as there is an optical cable, the operating table can be placed thousands of miles away to realize remote surgery.

The voice fell.

Bingbing was taken aback.

After calming her mind, she asked, "Dr. Meng, if the Xihong surgical robot goes on sale in the future, how much will it cost?

"8 million yuan a set!"

Meng Fei said truthfully: "The price set by Xihong Medical Equipment Group is two-thirds cheaper than the Da Vinci surgical robot.

The Da Vinci surgical robot has been a myth in the industry since its launch in 1999.

It sells for about 10.06 billion yuan abroad.

We Xiaguo Hospital imported it, it would cost 22 million to 25 million yuan to buy one.

It costs 60,000 yuan to open a machine, and the annual maintenance cost is 1.2 million yuan.

Even so, many hospitals in China have bought Da Vinci robots at high prices and suffered a dumb loss.

If you don't buy it, you won't be able to do many high-end surgeries.

If you buy it, you will be slaughtered by others.

Fortunately, Xihong Medical Equipment Group independently developed the Xihong surgical robot, and its performance is better than that of foreign countries!

Hear this.

Bingbing was full of sighs.

She turned around and said to the camera: "Surgical robots are the new infrastructure of hospitals, and the same is true for the medical equipment track. The battle is who can become the leader of the subdivision track.

We have reason to believe.

The birth of Xihong surgical robot can completely break the foreign medical monopoly! 39

in front of the TV.

Tao Jun scolded: "22 million to 25 million units? Foreign companies are really black! 35

After scolding for a while.

His mood calmed down.

No matter how many dumb losses the domestic hospitals have eaten in the past.

From now on, no hospital will ever buy a da Vinci surgical robot again!

Wouldn't it be fragrant to spend 8 million yuan on a Xihong surgical robot with better performance?

on the Internet.

Netizens watching this issue of Xia Guo news are all excited.

Medical heavy ion accelerator!

Xihong surgical robot!

The birth of two high-end medical equipment has transformed Xiaguo's medical industry from passiveness into activeness and achieved a take-off in the high-end medical field.

Just like what Qian Lao said in the past.

What foreigners can do, can't the people of Xia do it?

At this moment.

Netizens all want to say that what foreigners can do, we can do it too, and do it even better!

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