"That's good." Curtis whispered: "Let them eat more days."

Bai Qingqing was pleased, so the problem was solved?

But what does "That's good" mean?

Soon Curtis gave Bai Qingqing the answer. Bai Qingqing felt a cold on his leg, and Curtis's cold palm touched the base of her leg along her thigh.

"Ah!" Bai Qingqing exclaimed, his breath suddenly chaotic.

"what are you doing?"

During Bai Qingqing's speech, that hand had touched her privacy-place, protruding from the inner and inner sides of the snake slough, and then slender and smooth fingers penetrated her body.

It's cold, like Curtis's character, cold and direct.

"The pregnancy rate of our snakes and beasts is too high, and we can definitely get pregnant after mating and mating. Every time you and the leopard and beast-mating and mating, I am jealous.

Bai Qingqing was slightly stunned. Are you jealous? Curtis thought so.

Then agree today. Anyway, the baby has been born for a month, and even if it is confinement, the time is up.

"Okay, wait until I finish squeezing ..." Bai Qingqing didn't finish talking, and his voice was forced to swallow his belly.

Curtis kissed Bai Qingqing's face. As soon as the snake letter subtended, he got into the pink lips that Bai Qingqing opened to speak, and stirred inside.

"Hmm ~" Bai Qingqing closed his mouth subconsciously, but tightened the letter.

This is undoubtedly a warm response for Curtis. Curtis's kiss suddenly became fanatical, set aside the stone bowl, put Bai Qingqing on the ground, and pressed his body closely.

A warm current hit him in the chest. Bai Qingqing immediately woke up and covered his chest: "Oh, it's a waste."

"Hehe ..." Curtis chuckled, handed through Bai Qingqing's back and turned her over. "Then you lie on it."

The cubs had already drunk the first bowl, all around the edge of the second bowl.

Curtis took the empty bowl and placed it under Bai Qingqing's chest. He pulled away Bai Qingqing's hand, and the sound of ticking water was heard immediately below.

The squeezed youngest man smelled the scent and ran over to drink it. Curtis opened it with his backhand and turned a few heels before stopping.

The third son had to go back to the side to continue to eat.

The dripping sound stopped gradually, and Bai Qingqing had to support his body and could not continue to squeeze. He was also very ashamed of this posture. of."

"No, I will help you."

Curtis said in an irresistible tone.

"Well!" Bai Qingqing shook violently, and I wondered if it hadn't been done for a long time. It felt very bracing and still aching.

But soon, Bai Qingqing just wanted to withdraw, and it seemed unable to shake.

It will get looser after giving birth, how can I bear Curtis still so hard?

Immediately Bai Qingqing felt two moving objects in his body and opened his eyes in horror.

"You went in together?"

"Hehehe ..." Curtis chuckled, his chest against Bai Qingqing's back, Bai Qingqing could feel the powerful vibration of his chest, and his heartbeat couldn't help but be in harmony with him.

The hand stretched out to Bai Qingqing's chest-section. In the torrent of "brushing", Curtis' hoarse voice passed into Bai Qingqing's ears.

"You are very sensitive-sense there."

Bai Qingqing's body was trembling like the fallen leaves that had fallen in the autumn wind.

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