Legendary Hero

Chapter 710 The Strange Woman In The Training Camp (Part 1) (1/3)

As expected, Aisha was punished.

Naturally, this punishment was incomparable to the torture of the Evernight Goddess. She was only grounded. Within a month, she could only stay in the Sun City training camp to teach the recruits in the camp, and was not allowed to go out a step during this period.

The training camp is very small, with a radius of less than 100 meters. Compared with the colorful world outside, it is a small place the size of a needle's eye. Aisia can get from one end to the other with a single step with all his strength.

The life in the training camp is also extremely simple and boring. Get up at 6:00 every morning, start training, rest and sleep until 10:00 pm, and enforce a strict curfew. If you wander around in the camp during the rest time, you will be punished.

The punishment for others is nothing more than increasing training, or cleaning the training ground, and at most it is locked in a confinement room to draw circles, but the punishment for Aisia is to delay the confinement period for half a month once it is discovered.

In Sun City, no one can hide from the eyes of God of War, so Aishia didn't dare to cheat. At the beginning, she thought it would be a month to stay still, what's the matter, just get through this month.

But she underestimated the power of grounding, especially against her.

After the first day, she felt bored.

Of course the officers at the training camp wouldn't control her, a super soldier in a natural rage suit, so she was free inside the camp. But she didn't know anyone here, so in the beginning, she could only practice martial arts by herself. Practicing silently without speaking for a day would make anyone feel bored, not to mention Aishia's lively and active personality. Fortunately, this was only the first day, she gritted her teeth and finally survived.

"It doesn't look like much. It's only a month, and it will pass soon." That's what she thought on the first night.

The next day, Aisia was too lazy to get up, so she lay down in the room of the barracks and fell asleep. She decided to sleep like this for a month, and she would not be bored when she fell asleep.

She had been lying on the bed until six o'clock in the afternoon, her whole body was rotten, and her whole body was devoid of energy. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable. It seemed that the whole world had become gray and hopeless. .

Originally, this was nothing. It would happen after sleeping for too long. Aisia had experience, but after lying so lazily for a day, when she accidentally touched her sword, she felt a sense of strangeness.


Aisia woke up suddenly. After a day of laziness, she even felt unfamiliar with her weapon. After that month, wouldn't she not even know how to use a sword? It's no wonder she wasn't beaten to death when she went out on a mission a month later!

Aisia immediately jumped up from the bed, washed and tidied up, swept away the laziness of the day, and hurriedly filled his stomach, and rushed to the training ground to practice martial arts.

This time, she put all her heart and soul into it, and practiced for more than three hours before she regained her energy and regained the sense of freedom in the battlefield.

On the third day, Aisia didn't indulge anymore, she began to comprehend the secret technique learned from completing the task a few days ago.

But the problem soon appeared again, the god who taught her the secret technique was too clear, and her brain was too easy to use, and there were too few secret techniques, only five, and she quickly mastered them, It took less than three days before and after.

On the fourth day, Althea found herself once again in a state of having nothing to do and being bored.

At this time, only five days had passed, and only one-sixth of the month's punishment had passed.

After barely staying up for another two days, Aisia felt like she was going crazy.

"How do you live this day~"

Helpless, after being driven crazy by the boring days, she could only sit on the outer wall of the training camp after finishing her daily training, watching the crowds coming and going in the streets outside the training camp, listening to a few voices from all kinds of people in the city. sound to satisfy your hunger.

She really wanted to go out and have a good time desperately, it was easy to achieve, God of War didn't set any special restrictions in the training camp, she could get out with just a little jump.

But she dare not.

The God of War has never let down the warriors of Sun City, he has done this, even though the Goddess of the Night robbed and killed her himself, he was finally rescued by the God of War.

There is another common saying behind it, but God of War never jokes.

Punishment is punishment, and it will be executed 100% without any sympathy. If Aisia jumps out, she is sure that her confinement period will be added by half a month immediately, and half a month of pain will be exchanged for a short period of time. It's cool, she won't do such a stupid thing.

There is no acquaintance outside the outer walls of the training camp, not even Oliver. This is the regulation of the lockdown period. During this period, no one outside the training camp can communicate with her.

The most painful thing in the world is not to put the most delicious food in the world where you can see and smell it but can't reach it when you are hungry and are about to starve to death.

What Aishia faced was a similar kind of pain. There was a colorful world outside, but she could only look at the ocean and sigh.

"Hey~" Atheya didn't know how many times she sighed, she felt that she had become sentimental. God, she is the peak warrior in Sun City, she has always been decisive in killing and attacking, how could she become the ghost she is now.

"Hey~~~~" Aishia sighed again, today is only the eighth day, and it is still far away from the one-month deadline. This is simply an unreachable period of time, as long as the end of the world .

She looked down at the sword in her hand. The sword was radiant and beautiful. Aishia liked it very much: "My healing skills are still flawed. Why don't I stab myself with the sword and practice hard?" '

She was already bored to a certain extent, just when she was really about to try, a cold voice suddenly came from behind: "Sir, are you free now?"

This is the first time someone has spoken to her in eight days. Aisia looked outside the training camp and her head bounced back like a spring, with a smile on her face: "I'm free, I'm free!" , I'm bored."

She saw the person clearly. This is a human woman. She is very young and looks to be in her twenties. Her skin is very fair and her facial features are not very delicate. French. The most special thing about this woman is her pair of eyes, which are very cold, like condensed frost, as if there is nothing in the whole world worthy of her attention.

'Oh, what a lonely little girl. ’ Aisha had such a feeling in her heart. Even though she was only born for less than a year, she couldn't resist her good brains, plus she has been doing bounty missions in the dark place, has rich experience, and she has incomparably powerful power and is respected everywhere, so She instinctively felt that she had lived for a long, long time and was a senior figure in Sun City. The status should be only under the gods who have established sentries.

The other party asked: "Can I ask you some questions about martial arts?"

Aisia was bored, she jumped down from the outer wall of the training camp, patted the dust off her clothes, nodded and said, "Of course it's fine, but why don't you introduce yourself first?"

The woman was startled, then nodded, and said solemnly: "My name is Jasmine, I am from the plane of Troll, and I am 23 years old. My weapon is this sword, and it is called 'Ice Whisper'."

"Well, very good. My name is Aishia, you must know my name, so I won't say more. Now you can ask, Jasmine." Aishiya said with a smile, and she suddenly felt that pointing young juniors is A very interesting thing.

Jasmine drew out her own sword, made a gesture, and said, "My problem lies in my sword. Then I will start, sir, please be careful."

Aisia was taken aback, and then realized that the other party was preparing to compete with her in martial arts. This feeling was very novel. She had never experienced it before, and she suddenly became very curious: "Oh~ Is this the way to ask? That's okay. Ah. I will restrain my strength to the same level as yours, let's compete in martial arts."

Jasmine nodded, the sword in her hand flashed coldly, and the sword pierced out, stabbing at the vital point of Aisia's heart, and she said at the same time: "Sir, the sword is ruthless, please be careful!"

"Haha, little girl, your tone is quite loud." Aisia didn't take it seriously. She could see the strength of her opponent clearly at a glance. He was just a fighter at the peak of legend. Her own strength, but her eyesight and reaction of being a demigod is still a huge advantage. She is a god, so it is not easy to deal with the attack of a mortal?

Seeing the opponent's sword coming, she raised the sword casually to parry.

"Dang!" The two swords collided, and with one blow, Aisia felt that something was wrong. The strength of the opponent's sword was extremely strange. When it was passed, she actually felt a slight numbness in her hand, as if she had been electrocuted. The sword in his hand couldn't be grasped.

This unexpected situation surprised Aishia Xiaoxiu, who immediately retreated and took a defensive position, but she still followed her promise and never used more strength than the opponent.

The opponent immediately followed closely, stabbing again and again, the connection was so coherent that there was not even the slightest adjustment time. This time the sword pierced her vitals, this time it was not her heart, but her liver.

The speed of this sword is extremely fast. At the power level of the legendary peak, this speed already represents a limit.

Aisia could only take another step back and block again, and then she felt that strange force again. Although she was mentally prepared, the force was much stronger than the previous sword, which was still beyond her expectations. She had to retreat again to give herself a little time to recover.

Jasmine made a third strike.

Her mind has been completely empty, there are no distracting thoughts in her heart, only the sword in her hand, her eyes are also empty, it seems to be open, but if you look closely, it seems that there is no focus.

She had gained the upper hand in the two consecutive sword strikes before, and the power in her body circulated seamlessly, with a high-spirited momentum. The power of the third sword rushed out like a waterfall pouring down, and there was no return.

Between one sword strike, a swirling cloud pattern suddenly appeared on the side of the sword. When the speed of the sword exceeded a certain limit, a bright light suddenly appeared at the tip of the sword, which was extremely dazzling.

This scene is just like the eve of dawn, when a storm breaks out on the calm ocean, and the huge waves are churning, and when the sky and the earth are dark, the golden sun suddenly jumps out of the sea, and the brilliance breaks through all the darkness, and the sky and the earth are suddenly bright.

This sword contained an incomparably majestic aura, and Aisia actually had the illusion that as long as she stood in front of this sword, she would melt like white snow in the sun, and she instinctively regenerated to retreat.

But her rich combat experience told her that this sword could not be retreated any longer, otherwise she would capsize in the gutter and be defeated on the spot by this young female warrior who appeared out of nowhere.

"Are all the fighters who come out of the training camp freaks? How can they be so strong?" Aisia couldn't figure it out. She even felt that her life was in danger. Strength and speed grabbed a first-line opportunity, and also pointed out with a sword.

"Ding!" The two swords collided, and a little force exploded from the collision point, turning into a gust of strong wind, sweeping across the entire camp in an instant, and a circle of dust was raised around the two bodies.

With this sword, Aisia rushed out, and his strength was far from reaching the limit. However, Jasmine poured down all the way, erupting to the peak of her own strength, and the two sides fought evenly.

After this sword strike, Jasmine withdrew her sword, and then bowed to Aisia: "Thank you for your advice, sir."

Then she turned and walked away, because her purpose had been achieved.

The previous three swords were all the confusion she had accumulated in the past few days, but in this almost actual combat, the three swords flowed like a river, and they were completed in one go, and the blockage she had in practicing swords was also relieved.

She was already at the pinnacle of the legend, and she was only a hair away from igniting the divine fire. This time, the strength in her body also undergoes a qualitative change due to this full blow. In the deepest part of her body, a little light has shown traces, which is the immortal fire.

This is her own unique divine fire. From now on, she will break away from the mundane and enter the realm of immortality.

Aisia felt a little baffled, so she chased after her and asked, "Hey, what's the name of your sword? Why do I feel a little familiar? Your last sword is very powerful. How did you use it?"

But the other party didn't look back, instead he walked a few steps quickly, turned into a barracks and disappeared.

"What a strange little girl." Aisia couldn't help but shook her head, the curiosity in her heart was really hard to suppress, but the other party didn't want to say more, and she couldn't catch up and force her to ask. She never played unprepared war.

After grabbing a passing soldier, Aisia asked, "Do you know Jasmine?"

When the soldier heard this, he waved his hands in front of him, "Jasmine, that woman is a lunatic. She practices martial arts, eats, and sleeps all day long. One night, when I passed by her room, I heard a voice and looked inside. At a glance, I saw her talking to my sword, and her tone was exactly the same as talking to someone, I was shocked!"

"Oh, there is such a thing?" Aisia's eyes brightened. From this point of view, she was really wasted in this camp a few days ago, and she missed such a fun thing.

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