Legendary Hero

Chapter 638 The Miracle in the Swamp

Ahead is the swamp in the south of the Crimson Land, the hometown of the Black-toothed Snakeman.

This place is close to the endless sea, the terrain is low-lying, and it is often flooded by the sea water, so the water network on the ground is vertical and horizontal, and many strange-shaped plants rely on this salty and wet environment to survive, forming a dangerous place covered with a reddish smelly mist.

Luo Lin's Allied Army of the God of War came all the way to suppress them. When they reached the edge of the swamp, they were attacked by surprise and had to stop to set up a camp.

Although the gods can quickly build a strong and safe camp with the help of divine power, it will consume a lot of original force, and it is not a cost-effective business. Therefore, this kind of temporary sentry is built by soldiers cutting down swamp plants bit by bit. .

There are more than 2,000 coalition forces, and the camp is very large. Although it is only temporary, it will take three days to complete the construction. During this time, a large number of scouts sneaked into the swamp to investigate the internal situation.

The poisonous gas was rampant in the swamp, and it was difficult for ordinary scouts to persist for a long time. They had to retreat at most fifty miles deep. After only half a day, the situation around the camp had been basically ascertained. There were some dangerous beasts, but there were no black-toothed snakemen Mark of.

The Black-toothed Snakeman is the overlord of this swamp and the main target of the coalition forces. And here is the opponent's home field. If you can't find your opponent and don't know the opponent's situation, the camp will be in danger at all times.

For this reason, Luo Lin formed a vanguard army composed of twenty elite fighters, led the team with his right-hand incarnation of God of War, and went all the way to the depths of the swamp.

On the first day, Luo Lin led the team to go more than a hundred kilometers deep, and there was no sign of the black-toothed snake all day long. Until the evening, when the blood-red sun in the sky was about to set, the front finally A camp-like thing appeared.

A few scouts sneaked closer, circled around the camp, and then came back to report: "My lord, it is indeed a camp with a nest made of grass and trees, but I didn't see any people, it seems to have been abandoned."

"Abandoned?" Luo Lin thought for a while, and decided to enter the lair to see what happened.

The crowd soon arrived at the entrance of the lair. There was a small lake here. The lair was built around this lake. It was mixed with dead branches, vines, leaves, grass stems, etc. There was only one roof for rain and sun. But it was a piece of muddy land. You could see many snake-like traces on the muddy mud, but the traces were vague, obviously it had been some time.

Luo Lin sensed it carefully for a while, but found no life breath in the lair. The scouts around him also checked carefully, and after confirming that there were no traps around, a group of people entered the lair.

The small lake in the center of the lair is about 20 meters wide. The water inside is so clear that you can see the bottom at a glance. When you throw a stone into it, there is a "gudong" sound. Judging from the sound, it is about four meters deep.

Walking around the lake, there are no living things in the lake, no aquatic plants or fish, let alone the black toothed snake man.

"My lord, there are a lot of traces of the black-toothed snake people living in the lair, but there is no one, only this one was found." A scout came over and reported that he was holding a brown egg in his hands, which was about the size of a basketball. There was a hole in the eggshell, and there was a very stench coming out of it, which made people want to vomit, and the surrounding soldiers instinctively covered their noses.

Luo Lin also held his breath, asked the scouts to put the egg on the ground, and used a sword to pry open the egg shell. With a 'crash', an extremely stench of decay rushed out, and at the same time there were a lot of dark green The liquid flowed out, and the surrounding soldiers instinctively retreated.

Luo Lin provoked a few more times with the sword, and the contents of the eggshell were fully revealed. This was a snake-human embryo that died halfway. The strange thing was that its body did not rot, but it seemed a little tense and swollen, as if It was the strength in his body that was propping his body apart, but many strange rune marks could be vaguely seen on the surface of this swollen body. These marks did not appear naturally, but were engraved on them the day after tomorrow.

These runes are very strange, and Luo Lin doesn't know them. There is a faint breath flowing on the runes, giving Luo Lin an extremely strong sense of darkness, like an abyss. After careful perception, this violent feeling suddenly rushes In the morning, even Luo Lin felt a momentary trance in his mind.

"A very evil rune. This rune seems to have devoured all the essence and spirituality of this snake-man hatchling. But why did the snake-man do such cruel things to his own hatchling?" Luo Lin was very puzzled.

"Could it be the eggs of other snake-men tribes?" A scout speculated that the black-toothed snake-men in the swamp were also divided into many tribes, which was somewhat similar to the situation in the withered plain, and the tribes were often feuds.

"There is this possibility..."

Before Luo Lin finished speaking, he heard a soldier who was carefully inspecting the lair suddenly let out an exclamation with a different tone. The soldier flew out of a lair suddenly, his face was pale, and there was a deep shock left on his face. color.

"What's going on!?" Luo Lin rushed over.

The warrior had already started to vomit while clutching his chest. While vomiting, he pointed to the inside of the lair. Although he couldn't speak, the horror on his face had already told everyone that there was something extremely tragic in the lair.

Luo Lin's heart also tensed up. These scouts have seen big scenes, and ordinary things can't frighten them at all. What is in this lair that makes a soldier who is almost indifferent to life and death have such a violent reaction?

He was mentally prepared and entered the largest lair with a few scouts.

This lair is a little different from the others. Its roof is semicircular and wraps around the surroundings. It has a large space inside, about three meters high and ten meters long and wide. The ground is also wet and muddy, and the air is filled with a smell similar to the snake egg just now. The further you go in, the stronger the smell becomes. When you get to the innermost part, the smell is almost choking, and people's eyes hurt a little. .

The light here is very dark. Luo Lin used a simple lighting technique, and under the light, he could see an opened hole. The hole was about one meter square, and the strong stench came from this hole.

Luo Lin glanced into the hole, and immediately understood why the previous soldier lost his composure. Even with his concentration, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously took a step back.

The fighters around him glanced inside, and after just one glance, several fighters stepped back again and again, their faces pale, and some fighters started to vomit like the previous fighter.

The entrance of this cave is not big, but it has a small cavity and a large cavity. In the cavity inside, there are at least a hundred black-toothed snakemen, including adult warriors, women, and children, all of which have rotted and pus. A thick puddle of water had accumulated on the ground. The common features of these corpses were round eyes, sunken cheeks, and burst pupils. They must have experienced unspeakable pain before they died. The skin of each snake man was scratched and rotten. , They were scratched by themselves, the bones were exposed, the intestines were ripped out, and they were scattered everywhere, and some people even gnawed their own flesh in their mouths.

This scene directly refreshed everyone's impression of the abyss.

After overcoming the initial sensory shock, Luo Lin couldn't help but think in his mind: "Who did this? Could it be that the snakes killed each other? Or something terrible appeared in this swamp?"

One after another, mysteries flooded into Luo Lin's mind, but there were no answers and clues were needed.

'Huh', Luo Lin, who forced himself to observe the horrible corpse cave, suddenly noticed something unusual. He found that there was a black bead the size of a thumb in the center of the horrible pile of bones.

The bead was very inconspicuous, but it attracted Luo Lin's attention because it was 'growing', and it seemed to absorb something from the pile of corpses.

It didn't grow fast, but it wasn't too slow either. Luo Lin narrowed his eyes and looked carefully, and was surprised to find that there seemed to be strange runes on the surface of the black pillar that were similar to the snake-man larva in the previous snake egg.

As if unwilling to be observed, the black bead began to shrink into the depths of the corpse cave, as if it wanted to run away.

Luo Lin felt that the bead had a strange relationship with the snake egg outside, and with a thought, divine power surged out, forming a bare hand, reaching into the hole, grabbing the black bead at once, and then pulling it out.

In the abyss, it is very difficult for divine power to use this kind of magic-like power. Luo Lin's move was only available because the divine power began to crystallize, but it was still very restricted, and the power of this hand was very limited.

As soon as he grabbed it, Luo Lin felt the black pillar resisting his strength, he pulled back, but the black pillar fled inside, and Luo Lin pulled it out little by little with all his strength.

As the black beads slowly left the pile of corpses, Luo Lin could clearly see the black lines between the beads and the corpses. Hundreds of corpses had hundreds of lines, which looked like black spider webs.

As the distance between the beads and the pile of corpses increased, the resistance of the beads began to weaken, but the black thread still existed, and none of them broke.

Seeing this scene, Luo Lin's heart moved, and he said to the soldiers beside him, "Go and get that snake-man larva outside."

"Yes, my lord." The scouts were eager to get out of this ghostly place as soon as possible, and quickly retreated. After about a minute or so, two scouts walked in with the rotten snake-man larva wrapped in grass stalks.

"Stand back."

After everyone backed away, he himself took out his sword to defend himself, then controlled the black bead, and threw it into the swollen and tense snake-human juvenile.

At this moment, a strange dark fluctuation appeared in the air, and immediately after that, the snake-man larvae and the pile of corpses in the cave began to change at the same time.

The body of the snake-man larva began to swell and grow rapidly, while the pile of corpses began to melt, melting like a candle, turning into yellow pus.

This change was really weird, Luo Lin ordered loudly: "Stand back, stay away from him!"

At the same time, he raised a sword in his hand, the sword energy surged, and the roof of the lair was blown away with a 'boom'. The light from outside shone in, and the surrounding area immediately became empty. Everyone stepped back and watched the snake from a distance. Weird changes in human larvae.

"Get your weapons ready, and attack if you see something wrong!" Luo Lin ordered.

Ahead, the snake-man larva has grown to a length of more than two meters. The muscles on its body are knotted and it looks very strong. The four arms on its body look extremely strong. This arm has no fingers, and weapons grow naturally at the end of the arms, all with barbs of spikes.

About half a minute later, the pile of corpses had completely disappeared, and the snake-man larva had grown to a height of more than three meters. His whole body began to squirm, and his arms began to wave wildly, but he seemed disorganized, and he couldn't even stand up. Steady, his eyes were also opened, but there was no expression in them, he looked like an idiot.

"This is a corpse refining ceremony, and this snake egg is the crystallization of the essence of the corpse." Luo Lin understood, he wanted to test the physical strength of the grown snake-man larva, and raised a sword in his hand, a sword light flashed, cutting past.

For this sword, he used 70% of his strength, and this kind of attack can break even the defense of the abyss monster.

"Pfft~" There was a muffled sound like an old cowhide cracking, looking at it, there was only a very inconspicuous crack on the surface of this guy's body, and the crack closed in a blink of an eye, looking intact.

"Crossbow!" Luo Lin was surprised at the body of the snake-man larva.

'Beng bang bang! ’ The scouts also attacked, but the opponent didn’t even know how to hide, the crossbow arrows shot past, there was a continuous sound of ‘poof’, and then they were all bounced off, unable to harm the opponent at all.

"What a high defense!" Everyone was very surprised.

This is just a product of a failed corpse refining ceremony, what if it was successfully refined? Rollin felt a little bad.

"Subdue it and take it back." Luo Lin ordered, if he wanted to deal with this kind of ghost, he had to understand it first.

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