Legendary Hero

Chapter 485 Repelling is more sensible than killing

"Roar~" The Tyrannosaurus rex-shaped monster has rushed to a place two kilometers away. A layer of black mist has appeared on his body. Luo Lin who was motionless outside the mask.

Allen was still busy around the altar. She kept knocking the broken runes on the ground one by one. With the increase of these runes, the speed at which the entire mask transformed the power of the abyss was slowly increasing. If Rowling observed , you will find that the speed of mask expansion has been at least doubled.

Alan, who was concentrating on her work, ignored the giant beast of the abyss not far from the mask. Her current work cannot be stopped, otherwise, although all previous efforts will not be wasted, the base will have irreversible flaws due to the suspension of the cast of the rune, greatly affect future development.

The price is too great.

At this moment, she can only choose to trust Luo Lin, and she also has this confidence, because since the Goddess of Life has chosen Luo Lin as her guardian, she will naturally give him enough power.

The residents of the small town are already shrouded in light. Being in this extremely wonderful mask, every townsman can clearly feel the huge changes in his body.

There was no pain in this change, but a strange sense of relief. Under the radiance of the gods, the abyss power that polluted their bodies was not expelled, but transformed into a brand new power.

This power is warm and pure, nourishing their bodies like a clear spring.

The skin on the townspeople began to heal, and the rotting sores healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Men, women, children, and the elderly all showed their original appearance.

The earth is also being purified.

The originally dark black mud turned gray-brown, and the black grass stalks on the ground showed bright green for the first time. In the crevices of the stones and at the feet of everyone, new shoots full of vitality were breaking through the ground.

This change fills everyone with hope.

Molie Yukou took the lead and shouted: "Thank God, may your warriors be invincible!"

"May your warriors be invincible!" the townspeople followed suit.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the behemoths that were confronting outside the mask, and their hearts were full of worry.

No one wants the current situation to be just a short-lived beauty, and they hope that this beauty will last forever.

All of this depends on whether the envoy can defeat the invading giant beast.

"Roar~~" The abyss giant roared again, its patience was fading, because no matter how provocative and tempting it was, the opponent always stood quietly in place, motionless like a statue.

This silence made the beast feel oppressed, and its explosive temper made him eager to break through this pressure.

"Bang!" It stomped heavily on the ground, and amidst the dull sound, the ground shook violently, like an earthquake, and the big trees within a radius of 100 meters were even thrown out by the force spreading in the soil .

The giant beast began to charge towards Rollin.

It lowered its head, all the muscles in its body were tense, and it sold nearly 200 meters in one step. The distance of two kilometers was only ten steps for a giant beast of its level.

Ten-step lore is like a duel between swordsmen!

The war is on.

Amid the worried eyes of the townspeople, their guardian finally responded.

Behind him is the altar, which requires Luo Lin not to fly into the sky and fight with the giant beast, because the altar is the real target of the giant beast. This required Rowling to fight the monster hand-to-hand.

Luo Lin spread his wings and slammed at the giant beast facing him. A gust of wind appeared, and with a loud bang, the trees in front of Luo Lin were uprooted, and they shot at the opponent like giant crossbows. The soil was also swept up by the strong wind, tumbling and spinning in the air, forming a condensed soil arrow, hitting the giant beast's head.

"Roar!" The monster roared again.

When the big tree hits it, it is like a bamboo stick scratching it, and it is easily knocked away. The soil arrow hit his head, and he just shook his head. Except for his eyes blinking constantly because of the mud, his charging speed remained unabated.

But that was enough, what Rowling needed was to block the opponent's line of sight.

At a distance of two kilometers, the giant beast charging with all its strength rushed past, and it took no more than eight seconds before and after. When it rushed in front of Luo Lin, it opened its mouth and instinctively bit Luo Lin's neck. The sharp front claws, which were a little smaller than the hind legs, grabbed Rollin's body.

In the giant beast's mouth, there are three rows of teeth at the top and bottom, densely arranged, all of which are canines. The smallest is more than one meter long, and the longest canine is nearly two meters long. There are at least a thousand teeth. Being bitten, there is basically no possibility of breaking free, and it is basically a one-hit death.

The giant beast's front paws look inconspicuous, but the claws on the front paws have four fingers, and the sharp claws on each finger have hooks, and there are barbs on the hooks. The whole forearm, otherwise there is no way to break free.

Generally speaking, this giant beast is a killing machine for melee combat. Its attack method and its body structure all pay attention to the efficiency of killing with one blow.

The flickering cold light of the fangs could be clearly seen even by the townspeople who were far away. Seeing the giant beast attacking, the townspeople couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

But Rowling was already prepared.

When the giant beast attacked, his body began to dodge to one side, and the explosion of terrifying power gave his huge body, which was not inferior to his opponent, an almost dexterous quality.

He twisted his neck slightly, and avoided the opponent's big mouth bite by a few meters. There was a 'click', the sound of teeth colliding, and Luo Lin could even feel the saliva splashing from the opponent's mouth on his neck.

His body also began to sway sideways, also dodging the giant beast's sharp claws with a tiny distance. Originally, the giant beast could adjust its attack, but his eyes were fascinated by the mud before, and his vision has not been fully recovered until now, which made him unable to make timely and effective attack adjustments according to the opponent's evasion.

After dodging the opponent's attack, Luo Lin raised a forearm. The moment the thick arm was raised, a large number of ostentatious black curves appeared in the air around his arm.

It is the vortex force, the vortex force of the Dacheng stage emitted by the body of the abyss dragon. At this moment, all the power in Luo Lin's body is spinning, the physical power and the power of the abyss are spinning at high speed, forming a vortex, all Converging towards his front palm.

His body also adjusted accordingly. The thick dragon tail supported the ground and formed a stable triangular structure with the two hind legs, which gave Rollin a solid foundation for this burst of strength.

There is a foundation, and only after the strength bursts can it last.

Taking advantage of the moment when the giant beast of the abyss bit the air and its body was still charging forward, Luo Lin slapped it on the head.

When he hit his opponent in the end, Rowling purposely withdrew a three-pointer. He didn't want to kill this guy all at once, because he wanted to verify his initial guess.

But even if he withdrew his strength, this attack was extremely terrifying.

'Bang ~ Kacha Kacha' There was a loud bang at first, and then there was a continuous sound of bone shattering, flesh and blood splashed out, one side of the giant beast's face collapsed directly, and one eye was blown away.

Its head was also dizzy from being shot, and under the inertia of the previous charge, its entire body was thrown obliquely.

With a series of dull footsteps of 'bang bang bang', the body of the giant beast rushed past the altar behind Luo Lin uncontrollably. It let out a painful howl, obviously seriously injured.

However, this giant beast is also amazing. After suffering such a serious injury, although it staggered, it still didn't fall down. It just ran wildly all the way, spraying blood all the way, and disappeared into the distance.

It even ran away.

Luo Lin didn't chase, because his most important responsibility was to protect the safety of the altar, not to kill opponents. After watching the giant beast leave, he waved his dragon claws, pulled aside the flesh and blood belonging to the giant beast on the ground, then curled up on the ground again, and began to rest.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Lin didn't yell, and didn't make any other demonstrations to the opponent. He just slapped the opponent fiercely when the opponent rushed up, and the slap caused a serious injury.

But judging by his indifferent appearance now, it seems that what he did just now was not a major matter of protecting the altar, but an insignificant matter.

The townspeople went crazy, and Molie Yukou yelled: "Goddess is above, the guardian is invincible!"

"The guardian is invincible!" The townspeople, especially the young people among them, roared wildly, looking at the abyss dragon outside the town with enthusiasm.

The guardians are really too powerful, they are just as invincible as the God of War, they are seriously injured and escaped from the abyss behemoth that they will never be able to defeat in one blow.

This time the victory of the giant beast confrontation filled everyone with infinite confidence.

On the other side, Allen was still hitting the talisman on the ground around the altar. She seemed unaffected, but if you look carefully, you can see that her footsteps are much lighter, and her previously tense face has also relaxed. Obviously, when the giant beast attacked, she was still under some pressure.

Another five minutes passed, and Allen cast the last talisman. The moment the talisman was completed, the muddy ground around the altar changed its shape in an instant, becoming a hard and smooth bluestone ground, on which mysterious runes shone, and the material of the statue also changed. Under the infusion of divine power, The original wooden statue turned into crystal clear and pure white jade, which looked extremely beautiful.

The speed at which the mask absorbed and digested the power of the abyss increased again, and the speed at which the mask expanded reached five microns per second. At this speed, it would reach 432 meters in one day and night.

If there is no accident, it will reach more than 15,000 kilometers in one hundred years, and the diameter of the mask is 30,000 kilometers. This is already a very large volume, enough to purify the entire world.

At this point, the base was initially completed. After Allen appeased the townspeople, he walked up to Luo Lin and asked, "Did you show mercy just now?"

Of course she could see that the power of that palm was enough to blow the opponent's entire head, rather than injure him to death.

Luo Lin nodded, and spoke softly with a vocal cord: "I guess, that giant beast is also a lord. If he doesn't die, no other lord will come to replace it. So repelling it is better than killing it."

Allen was startled, then nodded: "If your guess is correct, then this giant beast has become our umbrella. I hope you are right."

If so, they can buy valuable development time and safely pass through the initial vulnerable stage.

Thinking of this, Alan took a serious look at Luo Lin. It seemed that it was no accident that this mortal was able to deceive her.

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