Legendary Hero

Chapter 479

On a flat-topped mountain near the Stone Forest.

With a loud bang, a faceless man covered in cuts and bruises was thrown heavily on the ground. The faceless man was nearly three meters tall, and his strength was not weak, but in the hands of the black shadow behind it, he was weak and weak. Just like a rabbit.

At this time, the abyss has already dawned, but there is no sun in the sky, it is still gray, and the surrounding fog has no sign of weakening, and the whole world is still in a mysterious horror.

"Crack" a big foot covered with blue and black scales and with sharp claws stepped on the back of the faceless man, and there was a sound like a hissing and exhaling sound: "Tell me carefully in front of the lord what you saw ?”

This unique voice belongs to the abyssal lizardmen. Their height is about three meters, but their hands and feet are full of sharp claws, their bodies are muscular, and their explosive power is very strong. It's much worse than that.

Normally, one lizardman can easily kill two faceless men, but this talking lizardman, after killing two of them, captured the third faceless man who wanted to escape.

In the mist in front of the Faceless Man stood a humanoid creature nearly four meters tall. This creature's body was in a mess, and the muscles all over its body seemed to explode at any moment. It had curly horns on its head, and lava-like flames emanated from its horns, head, and eyes. It quietly looked at the Faceless Man without speaking, but it was enough to create a suffocating pressure.

The abyss lord, the overlord in the abyss, the upper-level hunter, whose territory ranges from thousands of square kilometers to hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. The larger the territory, the stronger the lord's power.

This abyss lord is the owner of the 80,000 square kilometers of land.

The faceless man trembled and said tremblingly: "Master, I saw Eleanor fighting a foreign god. That god seemed to be injured, she was weak, and fought Eleiro to a draw... ...Oops!" But he was scratched by the lizardman again on the back.

"Eleanor is dead, is this called a tie?" The abyss lord spoke, and as soon as he spoke, black flames burst out of its mouth, carrying a strong smell of sulfur.

"It's really a tie, master, it's true. Eleanor was killed because this god also brought a mortal, and this mortal helped, and he could transform into a body as tall as a hill, Eleanor Nuo was killed, I saw it with my own eyes!" The Faceless Man swore, waving his arms to increase his persuasiveness.

Hearing this, the abyss lord nodded, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed the faceless man's head at once. Then, with force, the faceless man's head shattered, and a dark light and shadow appeared in the abyss lord's hand.

The light and shadow roared, and the shape of the Faceless Man could be vaguely seen, which was its soul. The leader of the abyss opened his mouth wide and swallowed the faceless man.

After devouring the soul, the lord closed his eyes and moved his mouth slightly, as if savoring the taste of the soul carefully. After about ten minutes, it opened its eyes again and nodded: "I can feel that it told me the truth. A The god who fell into the abyss fell on my territory. This kind of good luck, if I don't become a demon god, who will become a demon god? Sino, go, get my horn."

The divine soul is extremely precious, as long as it can swallow that thing and digest it thoroughly, it can gain the power of a god, even the weakest divine power, but it is still a god, enough to look down on ordinary abyss lords.

The lizardman Xino led the way, and after a while, together with several lizardmen, it came over pushing a cart loaded with a huge spiral horn.

The abyss lord walked up to the horn and waved to his lizardmen servants. These lizardmen hurriedly hid behind the boulder and covered their ears tightly.

The abyss lord took a deep breath and blew the horn.

"Woooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…… Abyssal creatures have very sharp ears, and the sound of the horn can still be heard hundreds of kilometers away.

The sound of the horn is regular. It sounds every two seconds, and each sound lasts for five seconds. According to the agreement between the lord and the creatures in his territory, this means: "There is an intruder, catch it!"

After blowing for about three minutes, the abyss lord put down his horn and said to his lizard man, "Let's go, let's go after it!"

The residents of the abyss have never had so-called loyalty. The abyss lord is very aware of this. He doesn't expect the strong men in his territory to help him catch that god. Stop her from moving forward.

And it can easily perceive the special smell emitted by the gods and the inhabitants of the abyss when they are fighting, and track it all the way.

The reason why it was able to detect the changes in the territory and find the Faceless Man before was precisely because it sensed the breath of power emanating from the battle between the god and the thousand-eyed tentacle monster.


Luna Allen has been in this abyss for a day. During this day, she has learned the previous lessons and dared not be too public. She has been restraining her strength and walking cautiously in the black forest.

Her destination was thirteen hundred kilometers away in the north, and a god's intuition told her that there was a natural space-time channel, from which she could get rid of the abyss, return to the endless void, and gain freedom.

But she didn't go smoothly this way. Since the sound of the horn sounded half a day ago, the creatures in this land seemed to be crazy, looking for her everywhere.

So far, Allen has escaped three waves of hunters, but she knows that there are at least two more waves of hunters behind her.

There are many creatures in the abyss who are extremely sensitive to smells. In particular, she has always maintained the purity of her divine power and has not been polluted by the breath of the abyss. This makes her as dazzling as a torch in the dark night, and can be easily spotted. In terms of concealment, Luo Lin, who has been polluted by the power of the abyss, has the advantage.

Allen stayed behind a big tree where she was hiding for more than three minutes, carefully sensing the surrounding environment, and after confirming that there was no danger, she turned out from behind the tree and dived towards the safe path she was optimistic about.

But this time, she made a mistake.

Just less than five steps away, a huge boulder more than five meters high suddenly came to life in front of her, stretched out her hands and feet, roared, and rushed towards her like a chariot.

"It's an obsidian beast!" Allen recognized this kind of creature. This thing has a characteristic, thick skin, very thick, not only can resist strong physical attacks, but the obsidian rock on the surface has a strong anti-magic performance. Very tricky guy.

Allen believed that after some twists and turns, she should be able to kill the ghost in the tortoise's shell, but it would take her a lot of strength and not a short time.

But her power is running out, in the abyss, even a god can't absorb power from the environment, unless she wants to fall into a demon god.

Although the demon gods are also gods, they are all puppets of the abyss. Alan, who is arrogant by nature, absolutely disdains to be someone else's puppets.

Given a choice between death and loss of freedom, she would choose the former without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Allen immediately sped up and ran forward. With the cover of the trees, she quickly ran out of the rock beast's attack range. Of course, running far does not mean that they are safe. Obsidian beasts are very resilient. In order to obtain their prey, they can hide quietly for a month.

"Followed another tail." Allen was a little frustrated, there were too many tails on her body, and she had to speed up a little to keep the distance between them.

But as the speed increases, the level of detail in the observation of the environment will be greatly reduced, and naturally there will be more mistakes.

After advancing ten kilometers, Alan followed two tails behind him, almost driving a train in the abyss. She was the locomotive, and the abyss hunters behind were the train carriages. The number of carriages continued to increase, one section at a time. String, as long as the string is connected, no one will leave voluntarily.

A pure divine soul is a supreme delicacy for any hunter, just like a drug addict who cannot extricate himself from it.

"It's a terrible abyss, full of unreasonable lunatics!" Allen was extremely depressed, and she felt like she had stabbed a hornet's nest.

A river of more than ten meters wide appeared in front of it. The water was black and the depth could not be seen, but there were a few floating logs in the river.

There were many pursuers behind him, and Allen didn't care too much. When he reached the river, he jumped up, and when he reached the middle of the river, he stretched his feet and stepped on the wood to borrow strength.

But when she was in mid-air, she immediately found that the 'wood' had changed, and turned into a big bloody mouth that opened to the sky.

"It's a crocodile!" Allen was taken aback, his hand lit up, the moon blade shot, his body adjusted his posture in mid-air, and was ready to kill the crocodile.

At this moment, the water surface next to the crocodile exploded suddenly, and another crocodile rushed out of the water and bit Allen in midair.

The speed of the crocodile's bite is very fast, and each of the fangs shining with black light is like a dagger, enough to bite through Allen's body. It is an absolute killer.

What's even more frightening is that the crocodile was a surprise attack, and Alan was completely unprepared. Only then did she show the terrifying power that a god should have.

With a flash of silver light, divine power surged, turning into a thin silver thread and cutting towards the attacking crocodile. It cut into the crocodile's mouth at once, cutting off the crocodile's upper jaw and head from its body.

The crocodile was finished immediately, but its huge body kept on charging, and it still rushed towards Allen. The moon blade in Allen's hand slapped the lower lip of the crocodile, and with the help of his strength, he flew into the air again and jumped to the other side of the river.

As soon as he landed, Alan was just about to run when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg. When he looked down, he saw a tear in his trousers, and there was a deep scratch on the skin inside the hole. The surrounding muscles curled up, and the strong abyssal breath burrowed into the wound one after another.

Just now, she still couldn't completely avoid the sneak attack of the crocodile, and her leg was pulled by the crocodile's instinctively struggling front paw.

Turning around the divine power in her body, Allen repaired the wound and expelled the abyssal breath that had invaded her body. The wound was a bit deep, and it would take at least ten kinds to fully repair it, so she had to limping forward.

Just three minutes after she repaired her injured leg, the abyss lord who was tens of miles behind her suddenly sniffled, and then laughed: "Haha, she is not far from us, and she was injured!"

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