Legendary Hero

Chapter 432 Ye Tianzun

Hotel in Isenburg.

"Then how do we go?" Luo Lin asked. His understanding of the ancient century was far inferior to that of Sha'er. In the current situation surrounded by powerful enemies, he still had to listen to Sha'er, an adventurous old driver.

Sha'er said: "Our guest room is no longer safe. I went to the pier and showed my fighting body just now. People will definitely hear some movement. It is easy for Isenburg to guard or track our mercenaries. Noticed, so at dawn, we're going to check out, openly to check out..."

As she said this, before she finished speaking, Luo Lin's heart moved, and she caught Shaer's train of thought: "Then let's go around the outside, change our appearance, and then go to the pier to board the boat... No, no, my hand This ticket is no longer valid, and I can't board the ship now, or even go to the pier area, because it must be tightly locked down, and I don't know how many eyes are watching."

Luo Lin's mind turned quickly, and he quickly straightened out his thoughts, and continued: "In this case, there must be many people who think that we have left Isenburg, so there should be many people outside Isenburg looking for us. Then , in the current situation, the best way is for us to change our appearance, and then return to this hotel and open another room... No one would have thought that we would do this."

It's dark under the lights, and only Luo Lin and Jasmine can do this among the force fighters in this continent, because the dragon's breath restraint technique can perfectly hide their breath, turning them into ordinary people through and through.

Sha'er snapped her fingers and smiled: "That's it, we pretend to be ordinary tourists traveling abroad, no one will doubt us, hehe."

She just likes this feeling of tacit cooperation, which makes her completely free from the loneliness she felt when she was on a solo adventure before.

Having decided on the plan, Luo Lin feels at ease, and then rests. Just now, he fought with the three strong men with all his strength. Luo Lin's mind was exhausted, and he was a little tired at this time. When Sha Er returned from taking a bath in the guest room, he Already lying on a recliner in the room and fell asleep.

"This guy..." Sha'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she climbed onto the only bed in the room and fell asleep.

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, Luo Lin and Sha'er went to check out in the hotel lobby together. At this time, Luo Lin and Sha'er both showed their real appearances, and they were both dressed as warriors. Anyone who is interested in following them will definitely find them exception. Of course, this is not stupid, but a clue that they deliberately revealed for people to follow.

The hotel attendant looked at Luo Lin and the two very strangely, because he remembered very clearly that yesterday, this woman was alone, why did she have an extra male companion today. But the other party is a warrior, and this is the other party's private matter, he didn't dare to ask more questions, but he kept this matter in his heart.

After the room was unbooked, the two left the hotel.

Once on the street, Rowling clearly felt the increased vigilance on the street. After walking for about three minutes, the two unexpectedly ran into two force guards from Isenburg.

This is definitely caused by what happened last night.

"Follow me." Sha'er said softly. In the current situation, if they are not careful, their identities will be discovered, which is very dangerous.

Luo Lin nodded, and followed Sha'er all the way. First, he walked on the street for a while, then turned into an alley, and finally stopped in a very remote, uninhabited alley, where there was an entrance to a sewer.

"This sewer leads all the way to the sea. It is a smuggling channel for a company called Zijinhua. Let's leave some traces here." Sha'er said while looking around.

Luo Lin turned on Longjue at this time, and seeing her like this, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, there are no suspicious people around, otherwise I can't hide it from my ears and nose."

Seeing that Luo Lin's eyes had turned into the golden vertical pupils of a giant dragon, Sha'er was a little relieved. She had experienced the power of Long Jue before, and she could say with certainty that in the world of Troll, Long Jue was absolutely The sharpest perception.

Sha Er started to pretend, she rubbed a small fresh gap beside the sewer with her feet, then walked to Luo Lin, tore a hair from his head, threw it into a ditch next to the entrance, and finally Said to Luo Lin: "You smoke a cigarette and spit it all into this passage."

Luo Lin nodded, took out a cigarette from the space, lit it, took a sharp puff, and smoked the cigarette clean, then took a breath towards the sewer channel, and asked, "Where's the cigarette holder?"

"Throw it in."

Luo Lin complied, and when he was done, he asked, "Why don't you leave anything?"

Sha Er gave Luo Lin a white look: "Because I am a professional adventurer, I am a famous person in the underground world, how could I make such a low-level mistake? I want to leave too obvious traces, those who chase here People don’t believe it anymore.”

"Okay." Luo Lin had to admit that in this respect, he was far inferior to Sha'er.

After the passage disguised traces of escaping from here, Sha'er said: "Let's go, use your method of running in the air, and you take me with you, don't leave any unnecessary traces."

Although he knew that Sha'er was talking about the combat skill against the wind, but it was said to be a way to escape, Luo Lin was still a little upset. While launching the combat skill, he led Sha'er out of the alley, and said a lot: "I used to Using this combat skill to kill the great magician Russell, it is not accurate to say that running away."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, let's do it." Sha'er giggled, and then pointed to the ground: "We land here, and then we go out of the alley in a different shape."

"Okay." Luo Lin landed, and when she reached the ground, Sha Er had already taken out two sets of clothes, one for herself and one for Luo Lin, which was made of cotton and was ordinary clothes.

"Our new identities are a pair of newlyweds traveling in Isenburg, from Yusha City in the westernmost part of the mainland. Remember it." While talking, Sha'er had already changed her clothes in the corner of the alley, and she was very fast. , changed in less than five seconds.

Her clothes are of medium and high-quality workmanship. Her upper body is a white shirt with a round collar, her lower body is a sky blue knee-length skirt, and her head is a light blue ring gauze round hat. A small blue scarf, she has a baby face that should be angry and happy, and her big eyes are flickering. She doesn't have the shrewd temperament of an adventurer. Anyone who sees her will have the first impression that she is a happy little woman.

This was not enough, Sha Er took out another potion and swallowed it. In just ten seconds, the skin color of her whole body changed from suet white jade color to wheat color, and then she made her own bangs, and it became Someone else.

Luo Lin was sure that if he met Sha'er who looked like this on the street, if he didn't judge from the smell, he would definitely think that she was a pure stranger.

He accepted this disguise and changed it for himself. The size of his clothes was just right. He was dressed in a navy blue suit similar to a classic suit, which belonged to the kind of well-to-do middle-income families.

Sha'er turned around Luo Lin critically, shook her head and said, "You are not enough, you have to be able to change your bones, quickly change your face."

Luo Lin did so, and under Sha'er's guidance, he erased the edges and corners of his face and became a handsome white-faced boy: "This is not enough, you are too tall and strong, with too many muscles, and you are too eye-catching. It is impossible for ordinary people to have such a figure."

Luo Lin did the same. His current force control level is at the master level. Under the control of the brain, he manipulated the force to absorb unnecessary substances in his body. He just shrunk his height by 10 centimeters and his weight by 50 centimeters. Kilogram became an ordinary person who can be seen everywhere.

"Not bad, not bad." Sha'er nodded again and again: "That's enough."

She took out another salute suitcase and handed it to Luo Lin, then took Luo Lin's arm naturally and generously, and said softly, "Then, Green, let's go."

"My pseudonym is Green, how about you?" Luo Lin asked, the cotton clothes were too soft, he clearly felt a mass of soft flesh on his arm, and he could still feel a soft but tough 'grape' , which made him a little unnatural.

"My name is Grace."

The two walked to the street, but they didn't attract any attention. People on the street walked up and down, and at most, they would turn their eyes away after just a glance.

"Carriage!" Sha'er waved to a passing carriage, the carriage stopped, and the carriage driver wearing a rental vest got out of the carriage and opened the carriage door for the two, then asked, "Sir, madam, where are you going?" ?”

"Golden Lake Hotel." Sha'er said with a smile.

"Okay." The coachman closed the door, climbed into the driver's seat in front of the carriage, whipped his whip, and the whip started, blending into the street.

There was no words all the way, and after 20 minutes, the two of them returned to the Golden Lake Inn where they left before in another identity.

When they arrived at the hotel entrance, Sha Er grabbed Luo Lin's arm tightly, and then glanced at a man sitting on a flower bed beside the hotel entrance.

Luo Lin didn't look at it, because he already felt the man's aura of strength. It's not easy, he is a top player, that is to say, this hotel has already been discovered.

The man also saw the two of Luo Lin, but he just took a casual look and then withdrew his eyes. The reason is very simple, because the appearance, temperament and even height of these two people are very different from his target. There are too many such traveling men and women on the mainland, and there is nothing suspicious about them.

The two entered the hotel and reopened the room. Coincidentally, it was opposite the room they opened before.

This is a coincidence, although it is not a good place, but it is too eye-catching to replace it deliberately, so it has to be accepted.

All the way into the room, Luo Lin found at least three top players. These people pretend to be ordinary residents and live in various rooms.

Ordinary people can't feel the specialness of this hotel, but everyone in the industry knows that the Jinhupan Hotel is already undercurrent.

When Luo Lin and Sha Er went to the room together, they were chatting and laughing on the outside, but both of them felt the other's nervousness. Sha Er held onto Luo Lin's arm tightly, not relaxing at all, and Luo Lin also felt a little stiff in his body, but fortunately, these were minor problems that did not attract any attention.

After entering the room, closing the door and isolating everything, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Lin lowered his head and whispered in Sha'er's ear, "Then..." He wanted to ask about the identities of those people.

Before saying that Sha'er covered her mouth, Sha'er shook her head, stretched out her hand and wrote two words on Luo Lin's palm: "Shen Du."

Luo Lin's heart tightened and he nodded. He has a sense of dragon, so it doesn't mean that other people don't have similar detection methods. This hotel room is only separated from others by a layer of flimsy wooden boards, so it doesn't matter at all.

In the following time, the two tried their best to behave like an ordinary couple. After packing up and saluting, they left the hotel and began to visit scenic spots around Isenburg.

After playing for a day, Sha'er's face was flushed and she looked very happy, and Luo Lin also felt very happy. If the bounty is excluded, Isenburg is indeed a very good city.

When I went back to the hotel again, when I got to the door of the hotel, there were more special people in the hotel. When Luo Lin saw a middle-aged man in a black silk robe in the hall, Luo Lin felt that Sha Er's body froze slightly.

Because of this special feature, the middle-aged man looked at Luo Lin. Luo Lin was taken aback, and sighed that this person was sensitive, he didn't show any abnormalities on the surface, and smiled at the middle-aged man, which was regarded as a greeting to the stranger.

The middle-aged man raised his wine glass and greeted Luo Lin, with a gentle smile on his generous face, and then he looked away.

But that's not the end.

On the way back to the room, Luo Lin could feel that the middle-aged man had been paying attention to them all the time. When he returned to the room, Sha Er immediately wrote in the palm of Luo Lin's hand: "One of the nine superpowers in the underground world, outsider The name 'Ye Tianzun', once fought against the Lord of Isenburg, and the two sides were evenly matched."

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