Legendary Hero

Chapter 379 Eru? (2/3)


Luo Lin reached out and took the wine bottle, pulled out the cork first, inhaled hard, his face was immediately intoxicated, then took a sip carefully, squinted his eyes to savor it, then swallowed it, and let out a contented sigh Sighing, he looked like a peerless alcoholic who could win the world if he got fire and wine.

Putting the wine bottle in his waist pocket with great care, Luo Lin smiled, walked a few steps forward, scooped up his hand on the table, and the seven silver coins before disappeared into his pocket, smiling shyly: "Young master, I feel uneasy if I don't have any money in my pocket. I will pay a little in advance."

"You rascal!" Eru had never seen such a ruffian guy, and felt that he had really opened his eyes today, so he laughed and cursed, but he didn't object.

In the following days, Luo Lin observed the surrounding world while being the guard of the noble young master Elu.

He could feel that this noble young master was not completely at ease with him, and would observe him from time to time. He just pretended not to know, so he treated himself as a drunkard swordsman. I just took a sip happily, although I was always smelled of alcohol and was disliked by everyone in the upper cabin, but there was nothing wrong with it.

In terms of power, Luo Lin also made new discoveries. He could feel that in this ancient era, the concentration of the world's original force was indeed much higher than that of later generations.

This can be sensed from the growth speed of the legendary heart fused with the essence of the dragon in his body. Although he has only been here for three days, he can already feel that the legendary heart has regained a little strength.

In three days, there can be perceived progress, and this speed makes Luo Lin dumbfounded. In later generations, although Luo Lin also received the favor of the world's force, his strength continued to grow, but the growth was only in physical strength, and the legendary heart itself did not make much progress. In the end, the reason why the power attack appeared was because of the help of Iona's Frost Dragon Essence.

But now, according to the intelligence brain's prediction, at this rate, within three years, the original force he lost due to time travel will be completely recovered, and he will return to the peak reached by later generations.

This is good news, but Luo Lin is only slightly happy, and there is still a long way to go before being ecstatic.

His biggest purpose in coming to this world was not to increase his strength, but to solve the problem of derivative magic. This problem is so incomprehensible that even if he becomes a god, it will be useless. Once he becomes a god, he will have to leave this world. No matter how difficult it is to intervene in the affairs of this world, it will be of no benefit to the struggle between light and darkness in future generations who do not know how many years later.

After three days of observation, Luo Lin also had some plans in mind on how to solve the problem of derivative magic.

First of all, he has to be the noble guard.

This young man, honored by the guard Juta as the young master, has an extraordinary background, he is from a big family, and he is likely to become the master of a city in the future. But he is currently facing many difficulties. If he can follow along and assist the young master to become the city lord, he can become the young master's confidant and gain great authority.

With authority, he can mobilize all kinds of power for his use, not only can he summon people to solve magical problems, but he may also be able to get in touch with the core secrets of this world.

The first step in being a good guard is naturally to gain the trust of the young master.

People who come from big families are very suspicious by nature. It is not easy to do this. Pretending to be an alcoholic is only the first step. As for the next step, Luo Lin is not sure at the moment. It is still too early for him to get information. Less, not enough for him to correctly judge the situation.

At present, his strategy is to respond to all changes with the same, and his specific action is to be a good alcoholic.

On the third night, according to the newly established rotation system, in the second half of the night, it was Luo Lin's turn to guard the door of the noble young master's cabin.

When the time came, Luo Lin carried the bottle of Northland Fire Wine that he had drunk more than half of in one hand, and the single-edged sword in the other hand, walked lazily to the cabin door, sat down with his back against the wall, Then he sipped the fire wine in the bottle one by one.

The aisle in this cabin is very spacious, with a height of two meters and a width of three meters. The surrounding walls are all decorated with hard solid wood. There is a mural that is said to be produced by a famous artist at a distance. Even the lamps hanging above the aisle are also very valuable. The magic lamp, the light is bright and soft.

There are only three doors on this aisle, and the people living inside are all distinguished nobles, and there are guards at the door. The other two guards were dressed in neat clothes, their bodies were upright, and they stood at the door meticulously from top to bottom. They looked like statues, and they were completely different from Luo Lin.

From the sideways glances of the two guards, Luo Lin felt a look of envy and disdain, which was the same as that of the guard Juta looking at him.

Hey, noble guards, what a bunch of tangled warriors.

At three o'clock in the morning, the other two guards in the aisle finally couldn't hold on anymore. Of course, they didn't dare to imitate Luo Lin and sit on the ground, but leaned against the wall and dozed off.

Luo Lin was also a little sleepy, leaning his head against the wall with his head tilted, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

With a soft 'click' sound, the door next to him was opened. Luo Lin woke up suddenly, turned his head to look, but saw that the door next to him was opened a crack, and no light leaked out from it, which meant that the light inside was not turned on.

Luo Lin's heart tightened, thinking that something was wrong, and when he reached out to get the sword, the low voice of the noble young master came from behind the door: "It's me."

"Young master, why don't you sleep?" Luo Lin didn't know the boy's name, so he followed the guard Juta and called him young master.

"I'm afraid you'll fall asleep drunk, so I'll remind you. But it looks like your vigilance is good." A voice came from inside the door.

"Don't worry, there will be no delay." Luo Lin's voice was a little muffled. He drank too much of this strong wine. Although it tastes good, his tongue is a little numb.

There was a silence behind the door, and it took a while for the boy's voice to sound: "Luo Lin, can I trust you?"

"You don't trust me, why do you let me be your guard?" Luo Lin asked back with a smile, his expression seemed casual, but his heart was raised. It is estimated that his relationship with this noble young master will be closer tonight.

"Yes." A voice came from inside the door: "I think you are a person with a story."

"Young master, everyone has a story, hiccup~~~" Luo Lin replied vaguely, taking another sip of wine.

"Can you stop drinking when you're talking to me?" Inside the door, Eru said angrily, which made him feel that he was full of enthusiasm and didn't get a reciprocal response at all. He came to talk to the guard late at night because he observed After a few days, he felt that this temporary guard should be a reliable person, and now he urgently needs a reliable guard.

"Okay, as you wish." Rollin closed the bottle with a cork.

This made Elu feel better, and he continued: "I don't think an alcoholic can learn sword skills like yours. What made you choose such a self-defeating life?"

"It's really nothing, I love wine by nature, young master." Luo Lin said.

"Don't be sloppy with me!" Eru was annoyed, and his voice became louder unconsciously.

"Okay, okay." Luo Lin felt that he had been hanging on for a long time, and according to the past he had spent three days thinking about: "I know that the incident that happened in Kailuo City five years ago in the Wuyue Continent (the ancient name of the Moonlight Continent) Is it a riot?"

"You're talking about the Kailo tragedy?" Of course Eru knew about it, and it was a big event that shocked the world at the time. A city was captured by robbers outside the city, and a massacre occurred. The inside is connected with the outside, and the final situation is out of control, resulting in a tragedy.

"You noble masters should call it that. When the riot happened, I was trapped in a tailor's shop. I planned to buy a good dress for my wife..."

Elu was listening intently, but found that Luo Lin's voice suddenly disappeared. He felt strange. He opened the door and looked around, only to see that the lazy and lazy guard drank again, but this time, Elu He didn't stop it, because he saw Luo Lin's red eyes.

Taking a sip of wine, Luo Lin brewed the sadness in his heart, squeezed some tears from his eyes, and did not look at the noble boy who had already walked out, and continued: "I killed three robbers, and I was chopped down. Five knives, my swordsmanship was not as good as it is now. When I get home..."

Luo Lin took another sip of wine, and his eyes were reddened by the strong wine: "My wife and the child who had just reached the first month all died, and my life was ruined just like that. I started to practice martial arts crazily, and I joined The mercenary group, joined the army to crusade against the bandit group, and finally I took revenge, I ate a large piece of meat from the bandit leader, and I also fell in love with wine, hehe, wine is so good, it can make I forget everything and live in the God Realm every moment, hehe, hehe."

When he said this, Luo Lin was moved by his acting skills, took a sip of fire wine, wiped the water from the corners of his eyes, turned his head and smiled at Elu: "This is my story, do you like it? "

Eru listened with a heavy heart, he clearly felt the affection and decadence in this man, squatted down, and patted Luo Lin's shoulder: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"What about your story?" Luo Lin took the opportunity to ask back.

"Me?" Elu was stunned, and then he habitually shook his head to refuse, but he stopped after shaking halfway, and turned into a wry smile. He also sat on the floor like Luo Lin, stretched out his hand, and took it. Luo Lin took a sip of the wine bottle in his hand, and was suddenly coughed hotly. It took him a while to recover, and then he began to talk about his life experience: "My name is Elu, and I am from the Asgard family in Lionheart City. Have you heard of Lionheart City? You certainly haven’t, it’s just a small city in the western barren land of Starlite (the name of Starlight Continent in ancient times).”

Luo Lin was stunned, because he didn't expect that the boy would be called Elu, and it was Elu who sent him back. Is this a coincidence? Or was it deliberately arranged by Elu in later generations that the two are the same person?

Rowling's judgment was in favor of the latter, but he couldn't be 100% sure.

The time interval is too far away. Through the observations of the past few days, Luo Lin estimated that this was at least 100,000 years ago, because in later generations, all traces of this prosperous era have been wiped out. It will definitely take a long time. The time to turn the sea into mulberry fields.

Since he couldn't be sure, Luo Lin could only continue to observe. He listened carefully to the story of this noble boy named Elu.

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