Legendary Hero

Chapter 231 The road has to be taken step by step

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Luo Lin has been in the territory for more than a month. He was in Levin County for the first ten days, and basically stayed in Maple Leaf County for the rest of the time.

In the past month, apart from practicing martial arts every day, the rest of the time has been used to learn about the situation in the Lower Territory.

Both Maple Leaf County and Levin County are located in the northernmost part of the Principality of Lehman, and further north is the snow-covered Godrin Mountains, which block most of the cold air from the extreme north.

The north of the mountain range is naturally the extremely cold extreme north, which is the hometown of the frost giants and the absolute domain of the human race. Several expeditions have been organized in history, but they have never returned.

It was also the Goldrinn Mountains that prevented most of the frost giants from going south, so that the Principality of Lehman didn't have to worry too much about the threat of the frost giants. In contrast, the Aoraki Kingdom in the west was not so lucky.

Then there is the economy within the territory.

Levin County is basically a plain, mainly relying on animal husbandry. Wool is the largest export item. What makes Rollin slightly pleased is that there is also a good-sized horse farm here, which produces the fire moon warhorse, which is famous for its explosive power. up to a thousand horses.

Hongfeng County, as the name suggests, is a place full of maple trees. The main income is a kind of maple syrup brewed from the sap of maple trees. This is a special product. It is the only one in the whole continent. The price is very expensive, one bottle, one liter, is five gold coins.

Of course, in addition to maple syrup, there are also various types of tough wood in cold regions for sale, but the proportion of income in this area is not large, and it is far from being comparable to maple syrup.

As for agriculture, the food is self-sufficient, and it can barely feed the 800,000 people in the territory. If the year is not good, it will be a bit tragic, and people will starve to death in winter.

All in all, these two counties are so-so, nothing outstanding, but not too bad, enough for Luo Lin to live a prosperous life, but if he wants to do something, such as training a full-time regular army, But don't even think about it.

In fact, according to the principality's decree, with the title of Earl Rollin, he can train 1,000 regular soldiers, 200 cavalry, and ten knights canonize places. The number of personnel can be insufficient, but it must not be exceeded, otherwise there will be suspicion of treason.

After thinking for a month, Rowling understood that it was correct for him to make a plan with Horn and others.

These two counties are right under the eyes of the Grand Duke, so large military training is definitely not enough, but they don't have much scruples about making money in the economy. As for Ficks Island, it is located in a remote place, far overseas, with little information and a sparse population, so it is just used for military training.

In order to be economical, there is nothing to do in the animal husbandry industry. This thing needs good breeds, and it takes time to cultivate good breeds. He doesn't have that much time. So the main thing has to be the maple syrup produced in Maple Leaf County.

Once the route is decided, the next step is to do the specific work.

As a lord, and a lord who came directly by airborne, he is completely unfamiliar with the affairs of the territory, and the officials in the territory do not trust his ability, and his reputation among the people is basically equal to zero.

Therefore, Luo Lin followed the example of King Zhuang of Chu on Earth, who said, 'He has been in power for three years, but he has not given orders. ’ Everything remained as it was, and he himself only listened, only looked around, and rarely expressed his opinions.

Of course, Luo Lin's current situation is much better than that of King Zhuang of Chu. He has absolute force himself, so he doesn't have to worry about his own safety. At the same time, his status as a nobleman naturally gives him great authority, so he naturally doesn't need to be silent for three years, one month is enough .

After watching it for more than a month now, he basically understands the situation. Generally speaking, everything in the territory is so-so. The worst is the soldiers, who are very lazy, have no formal training, and basically have no combat effectiveness. military pay.

These soldiers have all become soldiers, and Luo Lin is planning to dismiss them all.

The administrative officials in the territory are also not good, most of them are lazy, corruption and bribery are common, all kinds of unspoken rules are rampant, and the network of interests is intertwined. If you really have to dig deep, you will definitely be able to dig out a bunch of shady things. Fortunately, these officials can still do things. So Luo Lin didn't intend to overthrow and start over, but rectification is necessary.

However, the road has to be taken step by step. If you take big steps, it is easy to talk about things. Things should be slow rather than urgent. The first step is to gain enough prestige!

How to gain prestige? The military cannot be engaged in, and there is no war now, so it can only engage in economics, make money, and make a lot of money!

Let everyone in the territory benefit more or less, and understand that following the leader has a future, then his authority will naturally be erected.


Luo Lin is in the study of Maple Leaf County, Maple Leaf City, and Maple Leaf Castle. On the table in front of him was a cup of maple syrup.

This thing is very viscous, brown and translucent, a bit like honey, after a sip, a rich sweetness melts in the mouth, which is endless aftertaste. But after aftertaste, Luo Lin found some tasteless residue.

To be honest, there is very little dross, and most people can't taste it, but Luo Lin is so sensitive that he can feel it immediately.

"It's delicious, but it seems a little unclean, and the taste is too strong, a little irritating, not mellow enough." Luo Lin frowned slightly.

The housekeeper of the castle is an old man in his fifties, named Johnny, and quickly said: "Master, this is already the best maple syrup. Look, it's very pure, just like amber, without any impurities."

"I know this is the best maple syrup. But it's still not good enough." As he spoke, Luo Lin took a spoonful of maple syrup, put it into the quilt, brewed it with boiling water, melted it, and then waited beside it.

After about ten minutes, the bottom of the boiled water settled down to the bottom of the boiled water, except for a trace of silky dross that could not be filtered clearly: "See? It's not pure. What I need is completely pure maple syrup, so that it can be sold at a high price!"

"But master, the current price is already very high." The old butler didn't understand Luo Lin's thoughts at all. No matter how high it was, would anyone still buy it? It's just dessert.

Luo Lin didn't care, and waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about it. You go to the territory to issue a reward, no matter who it is, as long as there is a way to purify the purest maple syrup at the lowest cost without losing the unique flavor of maple syrup. Then You can get a bounty of 1,000 gold coins!"

Although the level of productivity in this world is very low, there is a mature aristocratic class, and the concept of luxury goods is also there, but it is not very mature and has not been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

What Luo Lin has to do is to purify the best quality maple syrup and turn it into a luxury product that symbolizes status, so the price will naturally rise rapidly.

He believes that with such a reward, someone will soon find a way to purify maple syrup at low cost.

"One thousand gold coins?" Jonny looked at Luo Lin like looking at a fool. One thousand gold coins is a huge sum of money, just for this kind of pointless maple syrup purification like fun? This is simply nonsense.

It can be seen from this that Luo Lin's prestige is seriously insufficient. He is too young, and the earl's position is too fast. People don't doubt his military strength, but they all doubt his ability to govern the territory.

"Do as I say!" Luo Lin's voice was a little louder, his eyes narrowed, and his face turned cold. It seems that he has been too gentle recently, and even this servant trembled, and dared to talk back to him repeatedly!

"Yes." The butler shivered, and then he remembered that the Earl was an extremely powerful warrior. Although he disapproved to the extreme, but of course he didn't dare to refute, only the Earl liked to play, since he likes it, He just did it.

One thousand gold coins, the Earl still paid for it.

After the housekeeper went down, Luo Lin processed some documents.

For example, if a murderer is caught in a certain area of ​​the territory and he needs to be hanged, he must give his approval, or if the harvest in that area was not good last year, he must agree to apply for a tax cut.

Luo Lin didn't feel impatient with such trivial matters, but dealt with them seriously. He was learning how to become a qualified lord.

The two counties have mature administrative systems, so he can just accept them as they are ordered, and there is no need to make too many changes for the time being, so there are not many documents that Luo Lin really needs to review, and he will finish processing them soon.

The lords of this world are still very leisurely. Once the general lords are free, they basically hold banquets, find beautiful women, walk horses, fight dogs, hunt, etc., all kinds of fun and enjoyment.

However, Luo Lin was not very interested in these things. As soon as he was free, he rested for a while, and took a few military books to read, corresponding to his experience in military training, and after reading them for a few hours, he got up and prepared to do the same as before. practice martial arts.

In troubled times, one's own force and the ability to command the army are the most important things.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, Angela was waiting outside. Luo Lin was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

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