Legendary Hero

Chapter 212 Clearing the Darkness (5)

Rost Barren Mountain, where you can see, there are rocks everywhere, almost no trees, only some tenacious weeds, but the leaves are also yellow and withered, growing weakly in the cracks in the stones, and the wind blows through the black The rocks will make a whining sound, like a ghost crying.

God seems to have come to join in the fun, the sky was gloomy, full of thick clouds, covering all the sunshine.

"This terrible weather! This terrible place!" Mundos muttered, he felt very depressed, especially after hearing the news about the great knight Zacro.

This operation was unusually dangerous. This time, he felt that he was not here to gain merit and reward, but was destined to become cannon fodder.

As he was walking, a shield warrior walking in front suddenly uttered an exclamation: "Oh, God, there is a corpse here!"

Mondos muttered: "What's the fuss about the corpse, I haven't seen the world!"

Emily and the others didn't speak, but they all thought the same thing. Adventurers like them danced on the tip of their knives all year round. Not to mention corpses, they killed quite a few people with their own hands.

But when everyone stepped forward and saw the corpse, they couldn't help but gasped.

It was indeed a corpse, a naked female corpse. The corpse was as dry as dead wood, and all the blood and water had been sucked out of the body. The strange thing was that the face of the corpse looked very peaceful, and even A smile can be seen, as if he was in extreme joy before he died.

Luo Lin glanced at it and concluded: "The vampire did it. The fangs of the vampire contain psychedelic toxin. The person who has been sucked will fall into a hallucination, feel no pain at all, and feel like entering heaven."

Vampires, Zacrow has already discovered these traces, but he doesn't know that this is the biggest force in this cave. In other words, this cave actually belongs to a vampire duke.

The vampire duke, that guy he met in his previous life, the most powerful character in this cave, his strength is equivalent to a powerful warrior of level 30, who has turned on the state of anger, and also has some special combat skills.

Looking at the mummy, Luo Lin waved his hand and ordered: "Go ahead."

Seeing the horror on the faces of the soldiers, even Mondos, Emily and the others showed hesitation, apparently frightened, so Rowling began to introduce the specific characteristics of vampires:

"Remember, the speed of vampires is not as terrifying as in the legend. They are good at sneak attacks, and the deadliest attack is only the sneak attack, as long as you block this blow. The subsequent attack is just a slightly faster assassin. Also, the legends are not true, and most vampires can't fly, nor can they turn into bats, that's the ability of the ancestor of vampires."

If he can reach the ancestor level, he is already a legendary powerhouse. How could such a character live in such a dark cave.

"But it is said that vampires can suck human blood from a distance, is this true?" Emily said weakly.

"Yes, but it's a spell. As long as it's a spell, it can be interrupted in advance. It's no big deal. Once a vampire does this, a red light will appear in the air. Following the line, the archers immediately return fire and shoot them Don’t worry, the vampire who casts the spell will be distracted, and the speed will be greatly slowed down, so he is a living target!” Luo Lin’s voice was full of confidence, and the details he said were very detailed, which greatly impressed the soldiers. psychological comfort.

Mysteries and unknowns bring fear, and their temporary captain seems to know vampires very well, and seems to have a way to deal with vampires, and everyone feels at ease immediately.

The group continued to move forward. After walking for less than an hour, a small valley appeared in front of them. At the end of the valley, a dark cave entrance could be clearly seen.

When everyone entered the valley, they felt the whistling of the wind become louder, and the surrounding temperature also began to drop. After walking some distance, when they reached the entrance of the cave, the soldiers couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the entrance of the cave, what looked like a pile of stones turned out to be made of bloody heads. According to visual inspection, there were more than a hundred of them. Not only were there blood on them, but there were also unshaven flesh, and even Some of them still had white eyeballs, and a stench came from their nostrils, and the complexions of many young soldiers suddenly turned pale.

"My God, what a motherfucker!" Mendos spat heavily, trying to relieve the coldness in his heart. At this time, even if he was asked to order him, he would not do it. Everyone knows this The trip is very, very dangerous, no wonder the great knight Zacro specially recruited folk warriors as cannon fodder to explore the way.

Seeing the low morale, Luo Lin pulled out the Soul Refining Sword from his waist and waved it towards the cave: "Remember, our strength alone may be weak, but together we can destroy the weak. Now, trust Your teammates, trust me, if I bring you into this cave, I will surely bring you out to meet the glory!"

Luo Lin's voice was not heavy, but it was like gold and iron, which could directly knock into the heart of every soldier and shake the soul.

Morale was boosted.

Luo Lin took advantage of the situation and smashed the blazing radiance rune. The sacred radiance wrapped around his body and wrapped around the sword and shield in his hand, making him look like a paladin of the church. Mondos and the others also broke through the runes one after another, so the six of them began to radiate brilliance, which immediately diluted a lot of the surrounding gloom.

"Light half the number of torches! The other half is spare. A group of five, a group of shield warriors!\

,"This torch is specially made in the army, and each person has one, which is windproof and smokeless. After being lit, it can burn for more than an hour without going out.

The reason why the group is arranged in this way is that the vampire may launch a sneak attack from anywhere. With the strength and speed of the vampire, only the shield warrior can block a powerful and swift sneak attack with a shield.

Mondos and the others didn't say they knew all the soldiers, but they were already very familiar with the ten members of their team. When they heard Luo Lin's order, they immediately implemented the order to their own team. Soon, the order was meticulously completed.

"Enter the hole!" Luo Lin walked in first.

The entrance of this cave is very spacious. It is not so much a cave as it is a crack. It is more than ten meters high and more than five meters wide. Therefore, although more than fifty soldiers entered one by one, it does not seem crowded.

Under the light of more than twenty torches, the field of vision is also very bright, and there are basically no dark corners. The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, followed behind Luo Lin, and walked slowly towards the depths of the cave.

"Cheer up, shield fighters, raise your shields, vampires will attack you!" Luo Lin ordered as he walked, and he himself put on a defensive posture.

In this cave, the vampires that come out from time to time are the most likely cause of casualties. If one is not done well, the vampires will rush into the crowd, and even cause chaos. Then more vampires will take advantage of the situation and swarm to kill people. It is unimaginable.


Deep in the cave, there is a secret hall, which is built on the basis of the rocky terrain in the cave. It is a bit rough, but very spacious.

At this time, two men in black aristocratic high-necked dresses were talking... oh no, to be precise, they were arguing.

Both of them were pale and almost bloodless, but from a human perspective, they were both very handsome. There was a trace of blood in the depths of their pupils, which added a touch of evil charm to the two of them.

One of them was taller, and his face was full of anger: "Theron, you damned, you caused me such a big trouble! If you come to take refuge with me, you will take refuge, why are your hands and feet so unclean? Rape of virgins, you bloody bastard who succumbs to desire!"

"I give in to desire? I'm looking for those virgins because I was injured, and I need their blood! Besides, the master asked me to seek refuge with you. Are you doubting the master's decision?" Virgins are generally weak, There is not much blood essence, but their bodies are pure and gentle, and the essence blood is most easily absorbed and transformed by them, so it is really good for healing.

"The master's decision is very wise, but you, the executor, are an idiot! You tell me, how should I deal with that big knight? You said it!"

"Shut up, Duke Brad! It's happened, it's over, don't yell like a woman. The soldiers have already arrived, and the great knight Zakro didn't show up. What we have to do now is to deal with them, Drain their blood and improve our strength! There are more than 50 of them, and some of them seem to be capable. I suggest you let the old pigskin out to deal with them, hehe."

If all the blood essence of this large group of soldiers is absorbed, their strength will increase a lot, and they will have a better chance of winning against Zakro in the future.

Thinking of Zakro, Theron felt a surge of anger. Damn it, people even set up a magic barrier around the cave, so that they had nowhere to escape.

As for the old pigskin, it is an ogre-type vampire specially created by Duke Brad. It has both the brute force of an ogre and the agility of a vampire. It is a star and a half faster than ordinary ogres. It's the perfect fighting machine.

The vampire called Duke Brad snorted coldly, licked his fingers and whistled, and suddenly, there was a scream from a certain cave passage, it was some unlucky guy who was going to release Old Pigskin.

If he is locked up for too long, Lao Zhupi's temper will become very bad. Whoever opens the door will be unlucky.

After the scream, there was the sound of heavy footsteps, which flew away, heading towards the entrance of the cave.

Theron didn't stay long, and followed suit: "I'll help, so that old pigpi won't be beaten to death."

Duke Brad responded with a sneer, it's no wonder Theron had such kindness, he was clearly going to grab the old pig's food.

"I hope that big guy can go crazy and trample this damn thing to death!" The Duke cursed secretly, and began to prepare: "Come on, open the defensive circles. Open the traps too. Bring my sword, Put on my battle armor!"

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