Legendary Hero

Chapter 203 Cut off the back road!

The orcs collapsed and fled back to the Dust and Mud Marshes.

Luo Lin roared and vented his anger. After the killing intent in his heart subsided, he turned his head and looked around. He saw that there were only a few cavalrymen standing behind him. After counting them, including Narosa, there were only three cavalrymen left. eighteen people.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the city wall. On the city wall, Vianna was lying on her stomach covered in blood, and there were very few people who could stand. After a cursory glance, the brain gave the statistics: 1893.

The battle has been going on for just over an hour. There are more than 30,000 defenders of Vendôme, including musketeers and shield fighters on the naval fleet, and there are only a few dead left, which shows the brutality of the battle. !

Just look at that city wall. The nearly 20-meter-high city wall has all changed color and turned into a big bloody wall, and blood is still gushing out from the cracks in the stone wall. The scene is like hell.

For a moment, even though Luo Lin's mind was as tough as steel, he also felt sad in his heart.

However, this emotion only lasted less than half a minute in his heart before he regained his senses.

Although the orcs retreated temporarily, the losses of the orcs were actually very small. Judging from the corpses on the ground, less than 5,000 orcs died in battle, while the number of orc warriors was nearly 50,000, and the main force was not damaged.

The Beast King was not dead, but only injured. Luo Lin knew very well that although his arm was cut off and the legendary power invaded his body, it could cause temporary damage. He must be able to wake up soon and recover most of his combat power.

At that time, it will be the time for the Beast King to counterattack. At this point, even if a powerful dragon comes... Wait, where is the green dragon?

Luo Lin looked in the direction of Vendome, but saw that the dark green light group had disappeared at some point, as if it had never appeared before.

The matter is very strange, but Luo Lin knows one thing, no matter what, the green dragon is here to help him, so don't worry too much about it, he must do business now.

"Let's go, brothers, enter the city!" Luo Lin swung the Kaitian sword, his voice was firm, his expression was stern, as usual, it seemed that he was not affected by the bloody battle at all.

His cavalry worshiped Rollin to the extreme, including Narosa. After Rollin successfully wounded the Beast King, she looked at Rollin with awe.

At this time Luo Lin spoke, and all the soldiers followed and walked towards the city wall in silence.

When everyone got under the city wall, the city gate had already been opened. Behind the gate stood the surviving warriors, Selina, the alchemist Biang, and the man who had recovered his human form, his battle armor was broken, and his face was as pale as paper. Vianna.

The soldiers looked at Luo Lin and the others with awe in their eyes.

There are only thirty-nine people in this group in front of them. The battle armor on each person's body is covered with blood, pieces of meat, and the battle armor on each person's body is broken. Very tired, but it was these people who rushed into the orc army and defeated the orc king, causing this big defeat.

Each of these fighters exudes a solid murderous aura. Even though the soldiers of Vendôme had just experienced a bloody battle on the city wall, they couldn't help shivering in the face of this murderous aura.

"Close the city gate!" Luo Lin said in a deep voice after all the soldiers entered Vendome.

Although Rollin was only a lord, not the commander of the soldiers, no one felt that there was anything wrong with his orders, and the soldiers consciously carried out his orders.

"Boom" the city gate closed again.

"Vianna, are you okay?" Luo Lin stepped forward and asked softly.

"It's just a minor injury, nothing serious." Vianna smiled weakly.

Luo Lin nodded, stretched out his hand to gently shave Vianna's messy hair stained with blood on her forehead, and said softly: "The danger is not over yet, we can't slack off yet, we must act now."

"I know. Now, everything is up to you to direct. No one will have any objections." Vianna said very simply, she has now completely convinced this human being.

"Okay." This is not the time for hesitation and hypocrisy. Luo Lin took over the command without hesitation, and turned to look at the surviving soldiers: "Soldiers, I know you are very tired and need to rest urgently, but we don't have much time, orcs There will be a comeback soon. We have to be ready."

The soldiers listened silently and earnestly, and all spontaneously led by Luo Lin.

Luo Lin had already sorted out his thoughts, and he continued: "Now, we must do three things. First, defend the city for two days, so that the people of Vendôme can evacuate safely. Second, take away all the supplies in the city , mainly ordnance, food, and gold coins. If you can’t take them away, destroy them all! Three, all the corpses here, whether they belong to soldiers or orcs, should be burned!”

The orcs have 50,000 soldiers, but they have no logistics. The reason why they want to occupy Vendome is nothing more than to value the richness of this city and use it as a base.

What Luo Lin did was to completely cut off the retreat of these orcs!

"Rolin, why did you burn the body?" Elf Selina asked puzzled. She understands that destroying ordnance is nothing more than preventing these things from strengthening the enemy's strength, but it is not easy to burn so many corpses.

"Because the orcs will use these corpses as rations!" Luo Lin gave a terrible answer, and everyone was silenced.

The reason why he had to stick to Vendome for two days to let the people evacuate and burn all the corpses was largely because of this principle, because the orcs ate everything, and human corpses were excellent food for them. , and even their own dead bodies.

Orcs are a savage and primitive race.

"Okay, time is running out. Let's act!"

Nearly 1,900 soldiers began to recruit young men who had not had time to leave Vendôme to help, and began to act strictly according to Rowling's plan.

During this period, Luo Lin also learned the origin of the mysterious green dragon, which turned out to be an illusion created by the master alchemist Biang with the illusion potion.

This move was very good and helped Luo Lin a lot.

At this moment. Soldiers had already cleared out a barracks by the city wall, and orderlies had prepared food and cooked broth.

Luo Lin and the others went in, enduring the bloody smell in the air, discussing the details of the operation while eating.

In this temporary command post, Luo Lin and the others began to discuss the most difficult of the three things, which was to stick to Vendome for two days.

Luo Lin looked at Bion: "Master, can you make that illusion again?"

"It's possible, but it's useless to do it. It can't fool the Beast King, because it's just an influence, and it doesn't have the aura of a legendary powerhouse." Bi Ang spread his hands.

The reason why it was successful just now was also because the orc king was seriously injured and couldn't speak to command.

"You can't fool the Beastman King, but you can fool his scouts. The Beastman King is injured, so he can't come to check the situation on the city wall himself. In this case, he can't feel the breath of the new green dragon, only You will become suspicious, and you will not dare to act rashly. This will delay us." Luo Lin explained.

When Bi Ang thought about it, it was really the case, and he smiled and said: "Hey, you have a good brain. Okay, then I'll go get ready."

Luo Lin shouted again: "Wait, a green dragon alone is not enough. Even if it is strong, it still can't fight against the orc army. The orc king is very likely to take risks and launch an attack at the cost of huge losses. So, if possible, Create an illusion of the Green Dragon Army, which can stun the opponent."

"Green Dragon Legion? I'm afraid I can't do this with my strength, and I don't have enough time."

"My maid and I can help, and there are a few magicians in the city who can also help." Vianna said, "If it's just an illusion, it's not difficult."

"Very good. This matter is very important. I think the Beast King will wake up soon, so finish it as soon as possible." Luo Lin didn't want to see Vianna tired and her face pale abnormally. His heart ached, but At this time, the orc threat was imminent, and he tried his best to hide this feeling, but he couldn't hold back in the end, and he said: "Vianna, the number of legion phantoms doesn't need too much. You... pay attention to your body. "

Speaking of the latter, Rowling's words were so soft that only Vianna could hear them.

Vianna couldn't understand his thoughts, she felt warm in her heart, smiled slightly, then turned around and left the tent with Biang, and began to prepare magic illusions.

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