Legendary Hero

Chapter 119 Beast Tamer (Part 1)

Three people, one giant beast? What a strange combination.

When camping in the wild, Luo Lin never took off his battle armor, and never left his weapon. He just reached out and got the sword and shield, then got up, and touched the tent lightly.

Outside the tent, two mercenaries who were sentry at night were sitting by the campfire and chatting in low voices. They obviously didn't notice any abnormalities, and when they saw Luo Lin coming out, they instinctively stood up and saluted.

Luo Lin pressed his hand to stop the two of them from moving, then lightly waved the sword in his hand, pointed to the outside of the camp, and said softly: "Take your weapons and go wake up the others. Remember not to make a sound!"

The two mercenaries were startled, their faces were awe-inspiring, and they began to move quietly.

Luo Lin walked along the shadow cast by the bonfire, first went to the nearby tent to wake up Dai Wei, then did not stop for a moment, continued to touch the direction where the sound came from, walked about fifty meters away, and turned around the mountain road At the corner, he saw the visitor in the middle of the night.

There were three figures, and the one who looked the most agile was closely followed by a giant bear. The giant bear looked very docile, without the slightest tyranny of a ferocious beast.

So far, the three of them seemed to be on their way, because none of them had any weapons in their hands, nor did they show any signs of alertness.

Judging from this appearance, they should not be coming for him.

At this moment, the tallest person walking in the front should be a warrior, because the clothes on his body make metal friction sounds when he walks, and he should be wearing mail armor. He suddenly raised his hand to stop the movement of his companion behind him. Footsteps: "Shh~ there is someone ahead!"

It seemed that he finally found Luo Lin's camp. The reason why he found it so close was that the camping site chosen by Luo Lin was deliberately hidden in the corner of the mountain road.

The big man raised his alarm, and the other two and the beast immediately stopped, and quickly hid in the bushes by the roadside.

Later, Luo Lin, who was hiding in a hiding place, heard soft voices coming from the bushes.

"What's going on, why is there someone here?" This was the voice of the soldier just now.

"Could it be those evil wizards?" Judging from the direction of the voice, it should be from the very agile person. This guy looks very close to the giant bear, he should be something like a beast trainer.

"No, it's impossible. Those wizards all have night vision spells. They have gloomy and secretive personalities. They don't know how to light bonfires at all. I think we should meet a group of adventurers, mercenaries or something." The voice seemed the calmest, With a special calmness, this is the trait of a magician. Dai Wei and Vianna also have this unique charm when they speak, which shows that this guy is very likely to be a magician.

"Then what should we do now?" the animal trainer asked softly.

There was silence among the bushes for a while, and then the magician said, "We don't know the purpose of this group of people. It's late at night, so it's better not to provoke them. Let's back up, find another way into the mountain, and bypass them."

The soldiers had different opinions: "I think we should observe first to see their purpose. If they are also here to deal with the wizards in the basin, we may join forces with them."

"What about the men of their wizards? Once they find out, we will be in a desperate situation. It's too risky to do so." The magician immediately objected.

The warrior in the bushes was silent, obviously hesitating.

At this time, a mercenary sneaked behind Luo Lin and said in a low voice, "My lord, the brothers have already surrounded them, and they can attack at any time."

This group of mercenaries has rich experience in fighting in the wild and reacts quickly, but there is still some distance from the regular army, and the overall level is only average. This guy is just a bunch of rookies.

Luo Lin felt a little relieved. From the other party's conversation just now, he knew that these people's purpose was to deal with the evil wizards in the basin. They seemed to know some news that he didn't know, which was very useful to Luo Lin.

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and soon a plan appeared, Luo Lin softly ordered: "Tell the brothers to lie in wait, and then do this..."

After Luo Lin quickly finished his plan, the mercenary nodded, and carefully retreated back to deliver his orders.

After waiting for a while, Luo Lin heard the sound of "cuckoo~~" from the woods. This is the cry of an owl. It can often be heard at night. It is very common. This sound rang three times in a row. The interval of two seconds is exactly the signal he ordered.

The mercenaries are ready.

Luo Lin strode out from the shadow of hiding to the starlight, and shouted, "Whoever is hiding there, come out!"

There was silence in the bushes, and there was no sound at all. It seemed that these people still had some luck.

Luo Lin strode towards the nearest bush, which was the hiding place of the previous animal trainer.

"Do you want me to drag you out?" Luo Lin stopped two meters away from the bushes, pulled out his sword, and stared at the bushes with burning eyes. He could see the hidden shadow in the bushes, and he could even feel the shadow inside. Both the tamer and the giant bear were staring at him.

Now the animal trainer had no choice. There was a rustling in the bushes, and his giant bear rushed out first, baring its teeth and letting out a threatening growl from its throat.

From a close distance, the size of this bear is really huge. It is now crouching on the ground with all four limbs, but the height of its back is more than two meters high, and its body fat is extremely thick. When it walks, its fur, muscles and fat tremble like running water , stepping on the ground, making a muffled 'boom', 'boom' sound, just like a mountain of meat.

In contrast, the size of Luo Lin standing in front of the giant bear is completely disproportionate. It seems that as long as the giant bear slaps him lightly, he can be sent flying.

Behind the giant bear, the animal trainer stood up. He held a bow in his hand, the arrow was already on the string, and his face was full of vigilance: "We are just passing by, and there is no malice."

Luo Lin was noncommittal, and pointed the sword in the other two directions of the bush, his voice was low and full of majesty: "There are two of you, come out too."

When things got to this point, there was nothing to hide anymore, and the warrior and magician also came out, just like the beast tamer, they also looked vigilant.

In the eyes of the three, the warrior in front of him is wearing a dark green battle armor, with a magic sword and shield glowing with light blue light in his hands. He has a tall and straight figure, and his demeanor and voice are full of confidence. It makes people feel very powerful at first glance. This made the three of them feel strong psychological pressure.

However, in this wild world without any civilized rules, showing weakness is not the first choice, the most important thing is to show your minions.

The magician's hand lit up, and a red flame emerged. He pretended to be calm and asked, "Soldier, what are you going to do?"

The meaning of his move is very clear, no matter what you think, but if you want to make a move, then no matter whether they can win or not, they will fight back desperately, and it will definitely not make you feel better.

Luo Lin smiled slightly, ready to put away his sword, and have a good talk with these guys.

In fact, he had already put away his sword, but at this moment, a blood-red light suddenly lit up in the direction of the camp, followed by an evil and charming voice: "Ah~ fresh air, ah ~Fresh flesh and blood, ah~~~~fresh world!"

This incident stunned Luo Lin for a moment, and then he realized that Saledor must have succeeded in summoning. Just listening to this voice can shake people's minds. This is definitely an extremely powerful alien creature.

But he knew the truth, but the three people on the opposite side didn't know it. The magician changed his face first: "No, it's dark magic, it's black magic! This guy belongs to the evil wizard!"

While speaking, the fireball in his hand suddenly lit up, and he threw the fireball towards Luo Lin without hesitation, and the warrior immediately drew his sword and charged towards Luo Lin.

But neither of them was as fast as the giant bear. The beast let out a roar almost at the same time as the magician made a sound, and the huge bear paw slapped towards Luo Lin.

The force of this palm was so fast that it seemed that even the wind was torn apart, making a sound like tearing cloth.

A reminder from the brain immediately came from Luo Lin's mind.

Level 18 Raging Brown Bear (Tamer's Battle Pet)

Elite quality.

Powerful battle pet.

Estimated strength: 180.

Combat Technique: Claw Strike.

Claw strike, exerting the strength of the bear's whole body, and slapping the palm extremely quickly, it looks light, but it has devastating destructive power.

If it was the original Luo Lin, in the face of this blow, his body would probably be directly smashed into minced meat, but now, he is up to level 20, well-equipped, and has various magic props. After activating anger, his power is as high as 200 , surpassing the giant bear by a full 20 points.

Facing the gigantic size of the giant bear, although the 20-point difference in power is not enough to cause a crushing effect, it is enough to easily defeat it.

For a moment, Luo Lin was aroused into a state of anger, and then he raised his shield to protect himself, kicked his feet suddenly, and the rocks under his feet scattered like explosives, and scattered in all directions with a 'bang', and Luo Lin's whole body was as if just* * also crashed into the raging brown bear.

'Bang~~~roar~~boom~~~' The first sound is the sound of the brown bear being hit by a shield, the second sound is the sound of the brown bear roaring in pain, and the third sound is the sound of the brown bear being knocked back, not just retreating, but The sound of the body being knocked up slightly and then hitting the ground.

"..." The animal trainer behind the brown bear was stunned by what happened before him, and forgot to shoot an arrow to attack.

Although his war bear is not invincible, but no opponent has ever been able to suppress her so completely in terms of strength, this... this is a complete defeat.

Luo Lin was not in a daze, he followed closely, drew out the sword he had just put away with his right hand, and waved the shield with his left hand.

With a wave of the long sword, he easily blocked the charging warrior, and then turned the blade and sent the warrior flying with the blade. This fighter's strength is estimated to be only 40 points, which is several levels behind Luo Lin, and he has no strength to fight back at all.

While the warrior was easily repelled, the shield in Luo Lin's hand was retracted slightly at the same time, blocking the path of the magician's fireball.

The fireball hit the shield and was resisted by the shield's magic resistance. The magic power of the fire was recoiled and burst into a ball of sparks in an instant, just like fireworks. It looked pretty, but it didn't cause any harm to Luo Lin. any harm.

Then Luo Lin raised the sword in his hand, pointed it at the forehead of the violent brown bear, and growled: "Stop, or I will kill this bear."

In this short confrontation, he has already seen that this berserk brown bear is the most powerful fighting force of the three, and its life is absolutely crucial.

Sure enough, after saying this, the three of them stopped at the same time, especially the pet trainer, immediately put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and shouted eagerly: "I surrender, I surrender, please don't hurt her!"

This war bear is his life and his love!

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