Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 332: [Things of a macho, the sun ’s weird coffee]

Guo Xu's record and win rate in February were the best in the league. He won the Best Player of the West Month again and won the Best Player of the West Week three times.

In March, the Suns did not start well, first losing to the Hornets 101 to 107 at home, then losing to the Timberwolves 98 to 105 at home.

Guo Xu performed stably, playing 44 minutes, scoring 33 points, 11 assists and 28 points, 5 rebounds, 7 assists and 2 steals, but his teammates were in poor condition, especially Marion, and suddenly no sight.

In the loss to the Timberwolves, Marion was repeatedly missed from the outside and missed 3 of 15 shots in 44 minutes, 1 of 6 3-pointers, 4 of 3 free throws, 10 points, 13 rebounds, 2 assists and 3 steals. He also failed to defend Szebiak, who had 18 points, 8 rebounds and 2 assists, and made 4 of 6 3-pointers.

A healthy Szebiak is not much worse than the King's Peja Stojakovic. The two are very similar in style. They both catch the ball accurately and can also attack with the ball.

In the last four games, the Suns lost three games, with a total record of 42 wins and 18 losses and the Spurs are the same, the Mavericks 46 wins and 14 losses to continue to lead the league. The Kings are 42 wins and 19 losses, ranking fourth behind halftime.

As the team's second player, Marion's poor play has a great impact on the team. Guo Xu did not blame him. Before the home game against the Warriors, he invited Marion to dinner alone and chatted with him.

"Shaun, have you had any concerns recently? Say if you need help, don't hold back."

Marion was a little embarrassed and smiled: "Thank you, I haven't had much trouble recently ... I just don't feel well."

Guo Xu smiled: "Then relax, don't put too much pressure on yourself, think of something interesting, or ask your girlfriend to go to a movie, have a candlelight dinner or something."

Marion sipped his teeth, and his expression was awkward. If it weren't for him that he didn't have a neck, Guo Xu might still be able to see his neck shrink, but now his shoulders just flicked.

After 15 seconds of silence, Marion smiled bitterly: "Actually, my girlfriend and I just broke up."

Guo Xuhan said: "I wipe, don't you still have trouble? What's the situation?"

"It's divided, she said that I was too naive, unlike what she had imagined, and I was not willing to make changes for her." Marion smiled bitterly.

Guo Xu nodded. "Dude, you and I thought differently at first, but I never asked you to make a change. You are fine now. If a woman wants to change you, there is nothing to be regretted about having such a person. You will definitely meet someone who can talk. "

Marion sighed and asked: "Will a woman be willing to accompany me to watch the cartoon channel?"

"Of course, there are people in this world who have a facelift in order to turn themselves into a Jacka Bunny girl and have the doctor remove 6 ribs from her body. People who like cartoons have it."

"Really? There are people like this? Why don't I just look for her." Marion laughed.


After Guo Xu joined the Sun, Marion had already divided two girlfriends. He is a star, rich and young and strong. Although he is a little cartoon, he can still attract many women.

Most of the last woman came for money. After a few days, she wanted a car and a house. Marion took the initiative to share with her. Recently, this university has just graduated, studying economics, a little old-fashioned, closed his mouth to talk about investment, talk about financial management, said that he is not used to some of Marion's childish behavior.

Marion was born in a single-parent family and grew up with her mother Elaine and three sisters from an early age. Elaine got pregnant unexpectedly when she was in the first grade of high school, and she was pregnant with twins. She is the real version of the movie "Juneau".

"When they told me it was a boy and a girl, I was really stunned." Elaine later said in an interview: "I hope my son is a basketball player and my daughter is a cheerleader. I still meditate in my heart and say, God Ah, give me strength and let me take care of the children. "

Elaine did, but the process was full of hardships. After giving birth to Marion and his twin sister, Elaine moved several times. Marion attended high school in Tennessee and later went to Las Vegas to go to college. Until now, the Elaine family has lived in the casino.

Marion has many hobbies. His favorite thing is to watch cartoons. Usually, his TV is on the cartoon channel, not only watching famous cartoons, but also watching some bad cartoons.

Therefore, the character of this macho is actually similar to that of Japanese fat houses, addicted to the second element.

In addition, he likes to eat snacks and play remote control racing. There are several remote control racing cars at home.

Marion also likes to play consoles, not computer games or ps2 large games, but very old coin-operated consoles. He is a master of playing Donkey Kong and Pac-Man ...

In addition to the more familiar teammates and friends, who can think of him as such a person? Is he worthy of his murderous face?

Guo Xu likes Marion very much. He is a good child with innocence and love, and he is also filial. His first money after joining NBA was to buy a house for his mother in Las Vegas.

He also has a hobby of playing poker and gambling, but he is not as big as Jordan and is a type of small bet. Because the whole family has always lived in Las Vegas, he did not buy a house in Phoenix, and he also lived in an apartment, very close to Guo Xu.

In short, Marion is a weird man from any aspect, even worse than Joe Johnson, but he has a more cheerful personality and gets along well with his teammates.

The two chatted for a while, and when they had to go home after eating, Guo Xu mentioned the basketball game.

"Relax, if you have a chance at night, I will still give you the pass. It doesn't matter if the outside shot is allowed. You can help the team by defense and rebound. You can grab a back pass and I will get them. . "

Marion asked: "Now is the crucial moment for you to fight for mvp, are you nervous?"

"You can't fight for mvp nervously, you can only play good stats. You can pass me more at night. Their forward Shane Battier has a good defense and it is easier to score by bypassing his offense."

"No problem, I will help you get the mvp, I promise." Marion laughed.

He is not jealous of Guo Xu, he can't even mix the All-Star starter, and almost no fans are willing to vote for him to become a top star ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He hasn't wanted to long ago.

Marion renewed the contract with the Sun in September last year and received a top salary of 80 million for 6 years, five million higher than Guo Xu. He doesn't have any pressure in his life right now. His dream is to be the second best player like Pippen to help the Suns win the championship.

However, this is a bit difficult. When several newcomers grow up, their strength is not worse than that of Marion. Sooner or later, he has to sacrifice data for the team, which is what happened in recent years.

Also wanting more shots and playing good data, Guo Xu and Kobe are essentially the same thing in the Lakers. They also want to take more responsibility after the team loses continuously.

The difference is that Guo Xu communicated with his teammates in advance. Even if Marion is much less famous than O'Neill, he would say it on the table, which would make his teammates feel more comfortable.

Conversely, if he reduces the pass directly on the court and increases his shots, Marion will feel that he is not trusted.

Guo Xu ’s previous university was not white, and his emotional intelligence could explode 90% of nba players. Unless he has a thorny personality, he will not be disgusted by him.


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