Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 105: [Rhythm slows down, maid upgrades]

O'Neal's data looks okay. He scored 24 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists and 3 steals. In fact, he played 45 minutes and was weak from start to finish. He shot only 8 of 19 shots and only shot 42.1%. The free throw of 8 of 14 was higher than usual some.

Kobe played 47 minutes, 7 of 16 shots, 1 of 3 three-pointers, no free throws, 15 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists.

Guo Xu was in a sluggish state, playing only 21 minutes, still the team's third scoring point, 9 points, 2 rebounds and 4 assists.

On the Rockets side, Francis and Mobley scored 20+; Olajuwon scored only two points in the third quarter, scoring 12 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists and 5 steals. He relied on the forward defense and caused multiple errors for the Lakers.

After the game, many experts Zhuge Liang said afterwards that the Lakers attacked something wrong. Others rave about Rockets rookie Jason Coral. He played 13 minutes, made 4 of 6 shots, made 2 of 2 free throws, scored 10 points and 4 rebounds, and left 6 offenses. Coral's single defense against O'Neal suffered a loss, but he was qualified as a "fouling machine".

Guo Xu did not score in double figures in two consecutive games, not as crazy as his previous life "Lin Madness", slowing down the rhythm of fame.

The 10 outbreaks of Jeremy Lin are too much an illusory dream, beyond everyone's imagination, Guo Xu cannot become the core of the team like him. This year, O'Neill must be assisted. The outbreak depends on luck and the cooperation of teammates.

Guo Xu has no pressure, his popularity is improving steadily, mainly due to the performance of the lore Jazz. The posters he celebrated with his arms raised were particularly hot. Many people said that this would be one of the ten classic celebrations of the NBA. Poor Arenas can only become an imitator in the future.

Guo Xu's overall performance is also the best in this rookie. Except that he and Jason Richardson can get some ball rights in their respective teams, other rookies are almost all blue-collar and role players. Richardson's Bulls record is a mess, he temporarily threatened Guo Xu's best position.

The Lakers played back-to-back against the Spurs, 89-91 suffered a two-game losing streak.

O'Neal continued to be in a downturn, and he didn't shoot much in the face of the Spurs' two towers, Duncan and Robinson. He made 5 of 13 shots in 44 minutes, and made 3 of 10 3-pointers. His two field goal percentages were less than 40%. He scored 13 points, 17 rebounds and 4 assists.

Duncan's shooting percentage is not high, 9 of 24 shots, 4 of 6 free throws, scored 22 points, 17 rebounds and 3 assists, but he scored two key goals in the last quarter, especially 14.4 seconds to hit the board to score, quasi-killer Lakers.

Jackson did not arrange point guard pick-and-roll tactics. Guo Xu performed normally in the triangle offense, playing 30 minutes, 4 of 6 shots, 2 of 4 3-pointers, and 10 points, 3 assists and 1 steal.

Even so, Guo Xu overwhelmed the Spurs point guard. "Little General" Avery Johnson only had 6 points and 7 assists, and backup point guard Steve Kerr was even worse, scoring only a 3-pointer and scoring 3 points.

Jackson concentrated the ball on Kobe. Kobe played 46 minutes, 15 of 32 shots, 1 of 4 three-pointers, 1 of 1 free throws, 32 points, 4 rebounds, 8 assists and 3 steals.

Kobe played beautifully, but unfortunately, he made a three-pointer in the final attack and hit the iron under the defense of Sean Elliott.

In fact, Guo Xu has an advantage against the Spurs point guard, especially Johnson is 178cm tall floor flow, but Jackson does not nod, Guo Xu can not grab the ball, can not hold the ball directly heads-up.

Jackson has been "siting" in the second half. There is basically no contingency and adjustments. The "OK combination" state is down. It is okay for players to find their feelings on the field and play casually.

Jackson can of course see that O'Neal is in poor condition and lacks the fighting spirit. He hopes that someone in the team can also stimulate O'Neill. Guo Xu can't do it. He and O'Neill have a good relationship. Everyone sees it. O'Neill may be more lazy to give him the ball, the reason is to help the younger brother play.

Kobe Bryant can stimulate O'Neill and stimulate his desire to express, because both of them do not like each other's personality, O'Neill does not want to watch Kobe's limelight.

The Lakers returned to Los Angeles with two defeats. The schedule was good. The rest of the time until the 12th, the Lakers were at home against the Rockets. Everyone can breathe again. By then O'Neal may be able to get back.

Guo Xu knew that O'Neal was the team leader and an indispensable figure for the Lakers, and he had no problem with his laziness in the regular season. Anyway, even if the Lakers played 73 wins, MVP honors in the regular season will not be their turn. His depression is that his data has dropped, and if he maintains the situation in the first three games, he will be selected for the All-Star Game this year.

The next day, Guo Xu wanted to find something to relax. After waking up, he knocked on the opposite door. He knew that Darrens had returned to Port St. Lucie.

"What are you doing?" Megan Fox opened the door.

"Dine, don't you clean the house and cook as a maid? I'm back from the road." Guo Xu said lazily.

Megan froze for a moment, and closed the door with a bang.

"Cut, boring." Guo Xu sighed and turned back to the house.

He recently took a fight with Megan as an entertainment, and would not really hold the child. After getting along for a while, his anger at being attacked has disappeared, knowing that Mei is not bad at all, that is, he had no experience with the opposite **** at that time, so too sensitive.

He was about to go out for dinner, but Megan found it again and asked, "What do you want to eat? Is there anything here to do?"

"No, I didn't even buy a refrigerator. I was joking with you, I went out to eat." Guo Xu smiled.

"That ... I can cook for you, you pay me the food every month, then how about I buy it and cook it? How expensive is it to go out to eat." Meghan's smile is embarrassing and very artificial. UU reading www.uukanshu.com "How much do you usually spend for a meal?"

"It's about 30 dollars." Guo Xu is a person who loves food and is very particular about it.

He has seen a lot of news in his previous life, and many stars maintain a good diet, so that they can maintain a competitive state for a long time.

The cost of his meals and the stars is too cheap. It is said that LeBron James spends a total of 300 dollars on food every day. James does not repeat the same recipe every day, but just keeps a principle: eat less and eat more, and each meal is refined. This can better supplement protein and energy, nutrition and reasonable intake, there will be no trace of redundancy.

In short, sufficient energy intake and reasonable nutritional collocation will definitely make players have a better career. If a player eats KFC every day, even if this is a good face for the Lakers coach, it is easy to lose.

Megan broke his finger and counted, and asked with a smile: "That is at least 60 US dollars a day, plus breakfast will exceed two thousand, right?"

Guo Xu nodded and looked at Meghan's artificial smile, similar to the T800 played by Schwarzenegger in "Terminator Genesis" ... he suddenly had the urge to step on her head with a knife.

Conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy, this smile is almost unsuccessful, what have you learned in acting class? The teacher teaches you how to interpret Qiangyan smile perfectly, is the official fake smile?

Megan took a deep breath and expressed his thoughts. "It doesn't count when going away, as long as you give me $ 1,500 per month, I'll cook for you, three meals in the morning, middle and evening, and I promise to make you satisfied."


Guo Xu is a little speechless. He is used to treating Megan as a future star, but this is clearly an ordinary person, or the very poor kind, she really treats herself as a maid and starts to ask for salary?

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