Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 525 Resilience (2)

Ye Zhong and Shang shot at the same time, making it extraordinary!

The appearance of Lord Jie boosted the morale of all the crew members, because Ye Zhong held a high status in the hearts of the crew members. In the eyes of the crew, Lord Jie is conveying a belief to them with practical actions, that is to persevere to the end!

And the stunning performances of Lord Jie and that mysterious expert are more like a shot in the arm, filling the entire fleet with strength.

Ye Chong never thought about it.

Ye Zhong, who hadn't fought with Shang for a long time, was now enjoying the joy of fighting.

The angles are unpredictable and the speed is amazing. The rocks put a lot of pressure on him. In the past, he was just a person in the Broken Star Belt, and last time he was just chasing a six-toed red-tailed beast. But this time, he brought the entire fleet, and the huge fleet also made the instability of the Broken Star Belt unprecedented.

Shi Hai is like an enraged beast, violent and aggressive.

However, this unprecedented pressure did not make Ye Zhong afraid, on the contrary, he was very excited. It was as if the power accumulated over the past few days burst out at this moment. The blood in his whole body became hotter and hotter until it boiled. The pores of his whole body seemed to open at this moment, and the comfortable feeling swam through his whole body like an electric current.

But at this time, his brain still remained surprisingly calm. He enjoyed this feeling very much, a combination of excitement and coolness. The appearance of Shang released all the emotions that were deeply contained in his heart at once.

Shang didn't give Ye Zhong any hints in advance.

The feeling of fighting with Mu Shang is really wonderful. From the first time he saw Mu Shang, Ye Zhong never thought of turning it into his light armor, but regarded Mu Shang more as his partner and teacher. As he grows up, a very important driving force for his progress is that one day he will be able to surpass Mushang, and be able to qualify himself to drive Mushang. But deep in his heart, Mu Shang's status has never changed. His drive is like that of a teacher whose students want to prove themselves and want to surpass themselves.

Mu Shang's identity is very sensitive. From the current point of view, it should have a very close connection with the Shelley clan. So Mu Shang usually chooses not to come out in the space button. And for quite a long time, Mu Shang and Ye Zhong were even more separated.

This is the first time the two have fought side by side in a long time.

How powerful can a master like Ye Zhong be in a state of excitement?

Master Jie's performance shocked all the crew members! Melee light armor doesn't have any advantage in facing these rocks, and the range it can control is very small. But Mr. Jie's control range is six times that of a group of ordinary teachers, and there is no reluctance, just like walking in the courtyard.

And the control range of that broken-arm light armor is even more astonishing, because of the advantage of long-distance combat, his control range is even larger than Master Jie, and ten times that of a group of ordinary soldiers.

And what the two of them were facing was the most stressful area of ​​the entire fleet, the front end of the fleet.

The strong intervention of Ye Zhong and Shang immediately stabilized the situation, and the frequency of light armor injuries and deaths plummeted.

Moreover, with two super masters leading the way at the front, the speed of the fleet has been greatly improved. It is possible to arrive in just over four hours from the originally estimated seven-hour journey.

Everyone is full of optimism, and everyone believes that the fleet will reach its destination safely.

The situation also seems to have stabilized as people expected. If there is no change, they only need to persist for another four hours to complete all the goals.

But will the next four hours really go as smoothly as everyone thinks?

Whether it was Ye Zhong or Shang, they were probably the only people in the entire fleet who were not so optimistic at this time. Although it seems that the fleet is very stable now, in fact, the fleet is like a string that is being stretched a little bit.

A little stretched, the elastic string does not break immediately. But if the force continues to be applied like this, the string will definitely reach a critical point. Once the force of pulling the string exceeds this critical point, the string will definitely break.

Will it reach the target point before breaking, or will it reach the critical point before reaching the target point?

Deep in Ye Zhong's calm heart was a worry.

Facts have proved that Ye Zhong's worry is indeed a fatal problem.

Thirty minutes before the target point, when almost all the crew members believed that victory was in sight, the critical point was broken!

After more than three hours of hard fighting, the excitement in Ye Zhong's body gradually subsided, and the pressure of defense continued to increase. Even he finds it so difficult, how fierce the battle is for ordinary teachers. Even Ye Zhong was a little surprised that these people could persevere until now. He didn't know that he played a very important role in this.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang, suddenly, six flames lit up in the dark sea of ​​stones. Six mechs exploded.

The battle between teachers and soldiers will not last too long. It's very rare for two evenly matched opponents to ping-pong-pong for an hour or two. Driving a light armor requires a high degree of concentration, and generally speaking, a teacher's reaction will be obviously slow after a long time.

This is fatal. At this time, the teachers often suddenly make some very low-level mistakes. This is not because their training is unqualified, but because of the human body's spiritual limit. Of course, those powerful masters are not the case, they can fight for a longer time, and their spiritual cultivation is deeper.

The explosion of these six light armors was like the prelude to a climax. All of a sudden, the soldiers who were oppressed to the extreme began to show signs of collapse.

Light armor followed by light armor, continuous explosions like festive fireworks. There were constant screams on the communication channel, loud bangs, and a moment of palpitating silence after the loud bang. A series of explosions made it difficult to calculate how many light armors exploded.

Although he was fighting, Ye Zhong had been paying attention to the development of the entire battle situation.

His worst fears still happened.

Right now is the most critical time, any hesitation will only cause serious damage. Without any hesitation, he decisively issued the latest order: "All fighters, return immediately!" Now these exhausted teachers and soldiers can play very little role. In his words, it is the role played and the consumption. The power is not proportional.

After receiving the order, the soldiers drove towards the fleet with exhaustion in their light armor.

Along the way, light armors were constantly being hit, turning into countless fragments in a cloud of flames and flying around. Many mechanical remnants of light armor smashed heavily on the spaceship, leaving pits one after another.

Ye Zhong understood that the last moment had come.

At this time, he was calm and abnormal, without the slightest fluctuation in emotion: "All spaceships, move forward at full speed!"

At this time, there is no way out, instead of dying in the stone rain, it is better to speed up, maybe you can win a little life.

The return of the light armor also exposed the outer spaceships directly to the attack of the rocks.

The hull of the outermost hull, which had been battered and pitted, became even more distorted. However, they completely ignored their spaceship at this time, and tried their best to use the hull to block the rock's attack on the spaceship in the inner circle.

They know that in the spaceship inside, there are their wives and children, their parents and brothers, and their hope of life. For a long time, they just watched Master Jie lead a group of teenagers to fight against the ferocious red-tailed beasts for the sake of survival.

Someone needs to step up now, and they did.

In their own eyes, they are not noble people, but they are willing to use their lives, for their loved ones, for their loved ones, to fight for even a little hope of life, and they will never turn back.

The outer spaceships struggled to control their direction, completely ignoring the rocks that were as dense as raindrops and as violent as meteors. They carefully guard the spaceships around them.

A spaceship was hit head-on by a rock with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, which caused fatal injuries to it.

"Captain, the direction control is out of order!" the crew anxiously reported to the captain.

The captain is an old captain with more than 30 years of experience as a captain. He has deep wrinkles in the corners of his eyes and gray hair. He has a calm face at this time, without any anxiety. The captains of the two hundred outer spaceships are experienced captains, because their missions require not only courage but also wisdom.

The captain's experience and wisdom helped him make a correct judgment at this moment: "Adjust the emergency manual mode, keep the speed unchanged, and deviate from the fleet at a small angle. Immediately notify other spaceships." If at this moment, the spaceship If it is completely out of control, it will prevent the spaceships behind from advancing, resulting in a disjointed fleet formation. At that time, countless roaring rocks would swarm over, pass through this loophole, and directly hit the spaceship inside.

The spaceship slowly drifted out of the fleet, while another spaceship quickly took its place.

"Great!" All the crew members cheered, their faces showed satisfaction, and they couldn't see any sadness because of the imminent death.

"Control the hull and keep it parallel to the fleet. Let's send them off again." The old captain said calmly, with a calm face, as if he was just ordering a simple matter.

The hull remains parallel to the fleet, and every spaceship passing by it will reduce the number of times it is hit by rocks, and this time may only be a few seconds, but this is the only thing they can do right now. After finishing all this, all the crew members stood by the portholes and watched the fleet leave.

The crew of every spaceship that passed by it saluted spontaneously, and many of the female crew members had tears in their eyes. In the cabin, the family members of those crew members cried bitterly.

All captains are people who are used to wind and waves, but at this moment, they are still extremely sad. But they know what they should do to make the sacrifices of these companions not in vain.

The entire fleet immediately began to accelerate. (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in

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