The latest chapter of Wan Dao Jian Zun, the 350 chapter is amazed! Floating astronomy
“Being able to die under the hands of Old man Divine Weapon, you are proud to be dead.”

Second Heavenly Venerable Handheld Deep Green Gigantic Hammer, a faint scent of savage on the hammer, Second Heavenly Venerable also malevolent aura, the cold voice echoed throughout Heaven and Earth.

The numerous Powerhouses watching the vagueness in the vicinity realized that, under the several killer move of Jian Wushuang, the Second Heavenly Venerable was still empty-handed. Until now, he took out his Divine Weapon.

“Brat, let Old Man send you a ride.”

When the voice fell, I saw that Second Heavenly Venerable appeared directly in front of Jian Wushuang. The dark green hammer directly blasted out. When a bombardment hit the void, it immediately had an invisible ripple that spread out and oppressed Heaven. And Earth everything.

Jian Wushuang complexion 煞白, the bottom of my heart is also a strong death crisis, his eyes have become crazy, violently looked up, mouth hysterical low drink, this drink, only one word.


Even though it is already a dead end.

Even though his body has reached the limit.

Even though Spiritual Power is almost exhausted.

But at this moment, Jian Wushuang still raised his hand, and the Three Killings Sword in his hand was madly screaming and screaming.

Behind Jian Wushuang, the shadow of the sturdy giant skyrocketed again, and the giant waved long Sword.

Jian Wushuang also waved Three Killings Sword, smashing time, slamming out in front of the void.

This sword, exhausted his last spare strength, a sword stabbed, regardless of success or failure, he has collapsed.

“Go Die! ”

The Deep Green Gigantic Hammer was bombarded, even when it collided directly with the smashing Three Killings Sword.

Hey! A metal-like sound rang and the invisible ripples spread toward Jian Wushuang.

Hey! I saw Jian Wushuang clenching the long Sword’s right hand and bursting openly, flesh and blood, faintly visible white bones, and the Three Killings Sword in his hand also flew directly to the side at this moment.

The invisible ripples continue to spread to Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang only felt an incredible distance directly on his body. When the mouth spewed blood, his eyes and nose also had blood left. The bones of the whole body seemed to be completely crushed and crushed. go with.


Jian Wushuang’s body fell on the ground below the mountain, and there was a huge deep pit immediately on the ground, and Jian Wushuang was at the bottom of the deep pit, life and death.

Near the void, countless eyes looked at the deep pit.

After a long while, there was still no movement in the deep pit, which made the Powerhouses who were secretly watching the sighs sigh.


“A Yang Void Realm is able to push the Sacred Palace’s Second Heavenly Venerable to that point, which is already amazing.”

“It’s amazing, I have born countless genius in the history of Southern Yang Continent, but this Jian Wushuang, I think it can be called Unparalleled through Ancient times, but unfortunately, if he is given him for a while, he will definitely become a no-no Beyond Myth, but now, this Myth is over!”



Countless Powerhouses feel sorry.

Sorry for Jian Wushuang, this is an incredible genius.

But genius is only genius, but it takes time to grow. If it doesn’t grow up, it will die, and it is destined that he can’t become Legendary.

And just because these Powerhouses are sorry for Jian Wushuang, they are in the deep pit.

Jian Wushuang’s eyes are still groaning, and the blood is constantly pouring in his mouth. His body skeleton is almost completely broken and shattered, and his vitality has begun to dissipate, but he still retains a trace consciousness.

“I am going to die?”

Jian Wushuang muttered, but the voice was weak to the extreme.

“Sacred Palace, I haven’t broken it yet…”

“I have not reached the agreement with the Father Lord…”

“This world is very big, I have not yet reached the end of Martial Artist…”

“My parents, brothers, relatives…”

“Too many things have not been reached!”

“I… I am not willing!”



鍐嶆镌佸紑涔嬮台锛孞ian Wushuang 鐩腑鍗村鐒跺鍑鐒跺鍑鐒跺鍑简涓€嶆侪嶆侪楠囥€

鈥滈偅锛岄偅鏄€[€[€滼ian Wushuang 铡熸湰宸茬粡褰诲簳娑堟映镄勬剰璇嗭纴绔熸槸鍙桦缑鍧氶煣璧锋潵锛屼粬镄勬剰璇嗕篃绔嫔嵆鐪嫔悜镊 镄勪綋鍐咃纴灏卞湪浠栫殑 镄勪綋鍐咃纴灏卞湪浠栫殑 儴锛屼竴阆揿寮傜殑鐏 儴锛屼竴阆揿寮傜殑鐏 儴锛屼竴阆揿寮傜殑鐏 儴锛屼竴阆揿寮傜殑鐏 儴锛屼竴阆揿寮傜殑鐏銆

These gray lights are getting more and more dazzling, but gradually they are gathering Success.

闾f槸涓€棰楃伆钂栾挋锛屾映鍙戠潃娣°C贰鍏夎姃镄凣rey Stone Bead 锛

鈥淕rey Stone Bead 锛佲€

Jian Wushuang was shocked.

旋剧粡鍦ㄤ粬浣揿唴,嗕简鍗佸叚骞翠箣涔呯殑Grey Stone Bead 锛屼竴鍒囩殑璧风偣锛

Heavenly Creation Skill, Spirit Seizer Secret Art, all from Grey Stone Bead!

鍙 鍙 rey Stone Bead 锛屾槸鏀 彉 彉 ian ian ian 彉 彉 Wu Wu Wu 锻 锻

If there is no Grey Stone Bead, there is no Heavenly Creation Skill, maybe his achievements are also very high, but it is obvious that Impossible has reached such a level in such a short period of time.

杩蕊 rey Stone Bead 锛屽緢绁炵寰堜笉鍙€濊銆

Jian Wushuang Stone 湰涓岖煡阆撹 G Grey Stone Bead 鏄浣曞嚭鐜 殑锛屽彧鏄敓鏉ヤ 嗗湪浠栫殑浣揿唴銆 嗗湪浠栫殑浣揿唴銆 嗗湪浠栫殑浣揿唴銆

褰揿垵Grey Stone Bead 涓殑Spiritual Power 绉搫鍒版瀬闄愬悗锛孞ian Wushuang 浠ヤ 瀹冨 瀹冨 搴曟秷鏁 镄勶纴杩欎箞澶 镄勶纴杩欎箞澶 镄勶纴杩欎箞澶 镄勶纴杩欎箞澶 涓嬫潵锛屼 涓嬫潵锛屼粬涔熶竴鐩 病 Be 夊啀镒熷簲鍒癎 rey Stone Bead 镄勫瓨鍦纴鍙幇鍦ㄢ€[€>Ammonia 鍦ㄤ粬鍗 皢韬涔嬮 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃炵銮祴镄凣rey Stone Bead 鍗村啀娆°C 鐜 鐜 嚭鏉ヤ 嚭鏉ヤ

Grey Stone Bead 涓 鍑 鍑 鍑 幇锛屽嵈鏄柉镫傛棆杞秷纾ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴闅忕潃镞嬭 幇锛屽嵈鏄柉镫傛棆杞秷纾ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴闅忕潃镞嬭 噺鐏 噺鐏 噺鐏 噺鐏 噺鐏 皵浜 皵浜 皵浜 皵浜 皵浜 皵浜 皵浜锛屽綋Grey Stone Bead 娑堢(鍒板彧鍓╀笅濠村效鎷囨寚澶 皬镞讹纴瀹 皬镞讹纴瀹 皬镞讹纴瀹 皬镞讹纴瀹 闱欎 闱欎 涓嬫潵锛岃 岄偅澶 岄偅澶 岄偅澶 噺鐏 噺鐏 噺鐏 噺鐏钂欓浘姘斿嵈鏄柉镫傛眹镵氱潃锛屾渶缁堣湑鍙 寲涓 寲涓 寲涓 涓 婊 婊 婊 婊 婊 婊 伆鑹 伆鑹 伆鑹 婊 婊

杩欑伆鑹 婊 婊 婊 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu

Jian Wushuang only felt a huge and cool Strength flowing through his body. During the time, the damaged bones, muscles and internal organs in his body began to be restored at an incredible speed at this moment.

杩欑restore 镄勯€熷熷熷

Key屼笌姝ゅ悓镞讹纴鍦↗ian Wushuang 镄凷ea of Consciousness 鍐咃纴涓€阆揿潥高殑殑Sword Soul 涓€鐩撮润闱欐偓娴湪闾g殑銆

S死 Sword Soul 锛屾棤姣旈〗 寮 纴绾 纴绾 劧 劧 Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian So So So So So So So So So So悓镙 槸鍙楀埌浜嗛偅鐏 槸鍙楀埌浜嗛偅鐏 壊姘 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 S S S S Sword Soul 鍗 紑濮嫔墽鐑堟檭锷ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴涓 阆挞 阆挞 阆挞 阆挞 阆挞 阆挞 阆挞 儳 儳镄凷word Intent 鐤妫宁嵎镌€锛岃Umbrella 阆揝word Soul 镄勪綋绉篃鐚涘湴鏆存定銆

绱ц窡镌€杩欓死 Sword Soul 槸浠庝腑鐩存槸浠庝腑鐩

split into two!

褰揓ian Wushuang Sea of Consciousness 褰诲簳骞 涓嬫潵镞讹纴铡熸湰闱欓 Run Run Run Run Run So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So嗕袱阆撱€

Dual Sword Soul ! ! !


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