Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 358: Wow, new discovery

Of course, in addition to Yanxin's anomaly in recent days, Liu Ling and Xuefeng have also seen some interesting things.

For example, the design drawing of the 9mm machine gun equipped with the GP1 has just recently been used in exchange for some industrial technology with the Republic.

Still the same, they are now more interested in the physics and industrial technology in this special world, compared to the drawings of a certain equipment or machine body that can be directly used and highly practical and integrated.

This is also the conclusion they reached after obtaining various drawings from the Century System several times.

Although the blueprint of a body or equipment has a linear uplift in terms of improving combat effectiveness and so on, but in contrast, this uplift is a one-time and difficult to last.

Because the technologies contained therein are all relatively specific solutions based on the environment in which they are used. Although he can get a glimpse of the leopard, he cannot systematically own the knowledge and technology in it.

It is precisely because of this that the blueprints of the GP series units were clearly obtained, which are on the units that advance the line of the universe century. Liu Ling's side has been slow to make progress. On the contrary, in EVA and Tianren, although not many new designs have been made, the equipment and technology in the team have been advancing steadily on these two lines for a long time-of course, this is also indispensable for VEDA, MAGI and The main computer of the special warfare with the help of three supercomputer systems.

In addition, the "Zero Frame" and "Zero Plan" drawings carried in the Flying Wing Zero prototype record that almost all of them were used in the Flying Wing Zero in 195 in the post-colonial era. The cutting-edge technology on the machine body-and this whole set of technology and industrial technology system. It made up for the limitations of the GP series drawings alone as a drawing, so that after combining the two, Territory finally gradually got the results of research and development-that is, partially met the final requirements of the zero-frame skeleton, and reproduced it. The "variable skeleton" of the universe century.

This world is too special. Compared to the world with only GN particles, the universe with Minovsky particles, and the world with BuddyComplex of Nectoribium, this world is even more From the most basic physical and chemical systems, there may be a huge difference from the general world.

In the eyes of Liu Ling and Xuefeng, this difference is the main reason why the development of the organism on this planet has become such a completely different form.

In fact, in some respects, the two people's guesses proved to be correct.

The microstructure of many crystals can be said to be completely unreasonable and impossible to exist stably in the world they have experienced. If you insist, the only thing that seems to be able to find some similarities is only The mineral called Nectoribium is what I saw in the original world.

"Unbelievable...This kind of structure can exist stably here..." Xuefeng couldn't help but widen her eyes-if her mind was still running on Thunder Angel's onboard computer, she would probably be thrown into it now. It's a dangerous situation like a logic bomb.

"But the bad news is that the people here, all attempts to artificial these crystals have failed-as if they are only allowed to exist naturally." Liu Ling shrugged and expressed disappointment.

But even so, a vague idea emerged in their hearts.

Can only be produced in this world by non-artificial means? Don’t you think it resembles something?

The two turned their heads in unison. They looked at each other and said the same two words!


Although there was no one to guide them at the moment, they still took their thoughts in a direction that was close to the truth.

For a moment, the two only felt that something seemed to be slowly unfolding towards them.

Although the current strength of the two of them is not enough to initiate exploration, but this has undoubtedly demonstrated their strength and potential, and it also shows that they are definitely far from stopping here.

Knowing that among these crystals, nine out of ten, there are also rules and other elements that are making ghosts, so it is naturally not difficult to understand that the armed forces of this world can reach such an astonishing degree.

With reference to Gundam Nim Alloy W, when the rules in it can function normally, they are not only amazingly light, but in such a light armored state, except for the most powerful beam cannon at the time. It is difficult to have weapons to damage it, and from this, we can see a little bit of the amazing strength of things connected with the rules.

In this way, the various crystals in this world have many powerful uses. It is not too much to think about-especially what Liu Ling currently knows is used as propellant, gunpowder and composite armor. These three aspects have already made people wonder.

In the same caliber, compared to the power, even if it is a weapon of the universe century that has made great achievements in fuel and gunpowder chemistry, the bullet of the 90mm MS machine gun is equivalent to the 12mm artillery shell of the past "modern war" era. However, the live ammunition weapon that uses crystal "gunpowder" here can be regarded as an old-time artillery shell with a caliber of more than 200 millimeters or even more.

A special armor crystal that can absorb energy. It has the general characteristics similar to some desiccants. It can always absorb energy and conduct it to every part of the crystal. Until the critical point is reached, the bond cannot be maintained due to excessive energy, and the strength is reduced in an instant. Extremely fragile. The composite armor made by using a mixture of such crystals and general armor has an efficiency equivalent to one-third of its thickness, as high as the Nim alloy used in the GP series.

And the crystalline material as a propellant, not to mention. Usually every kind of crystal. No matter if it is a whole or made into powder, the properties are very stable-and only by mixing them and giving a certain level of electromagnetic field can they react and release enough to push a hundred-ton body into the sky in an instant. "Jump" propelling force. Among the propellants Liu Ling has seen so far, or the propulsion technology for the body, I am afraid that only the Varliancer's Nectoribium and the corresponding Nector propulsion can be comparable.

"Is this the height of civilization that uses materials that include rules..." After thinking about it carefully, Liu Ling couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Maybe they don’t have a high level of technology, but they only need such a level, and their weapons are enough to pose a certain threat to Liu Ling’s body (referring to the flame-hearted Gauss rifle)-then wait until the real use The civilization developed by the rule technology replacing the current technology...

I am afraid that civilizations that have not been exposed to the rules are not of the same order of magnitude as them.

"It's really incredible." Xuefeng sighed in a pretended tone of calm.

However, at this time, it seemed that it was time to rest, and music could be heard from outside the door.

The accompaniment is not intense and rock, but it seems a bit soft. But it's not the kind of long, sticky, contrived music.

In such accompaniment, a female voice can be heard singing. Although it is still a bit young, it is obviously not as good as the sound itself in terms of technique and so on. On the contrary, it seems to have a good quality.

"It's a good song." Liu Ling sneered at the music outside the room. One side commented.

"But then again, I always feel that this tune is similar to which song I have heard before?"

Well, there are so many worlds in the entire multiverse. Even if there are songs with similar tunes and content, it is completely reasonable.

"--Wait," Xuefeng distinguished carefully, and then suddenly asked, "Don't you think this singing voice is a bit familiar?"

"Huh?" Liu Ling made a blank voice. Obviously this person is not so sensitive to everyone's voice.

At this time, it was replaced by an unfamiliar male voice, but it only sounded, and the two people cooperated in a very tacit understanding, which is simply a level that people who have lived together for many years can reach.

Judging from the sensitivity of the two as changemakers, it is obvious that in this music, you can slightly distinguish that the relationship between the two does not seem to be a colleague-like relationship, it seems to be more intimate...

——No, what am I going to do! Liu Ling suddenly patted herself lightly, and then walked towards the door.

"Liu Ling. You are going—" Xuefeng obviously seemed a little surprised at the partner who suddenly stood up, and wanted to stop him and ask him about his plans.

"I'm a little interested. I'll see if I can see who these two singing are." Liu Ling left a sly smile, opened the door and walked out.

A person was listening to a song in the nearby lounge, and it seemed that the music was coming from the terminal in his hand.

"It's a good song." Liu Ling admired as he walked over, trying to start a conversation.

"Hey. You have the foresight, man." This man seemed to be very happy to find someone with the same opinion. "Who would have thought that Colonel Yanxin was a singer before!"

"Pigeons?" Liu Ling was shocked.

Whether it is the girl who was a singer before joining the army, or the saying that the world also has "human nature", it is indeed surprising news.

However, from the current situation, it is clear that this person meant the former.

"Ha, I know you can't think of it! After all, the colonel is like this, and he is really different from the song in the song." This person said triumphantly, "But there is something that surprises you even more--"

"What?" Liu Ling's interest was suddenly raised.

"Colonel, her enthusiasm back then..." This person seemed to enjoy the situation of showing her idol to others, and deliberately bought a pass.

"Obviously the two sides have been fighting for a long time, but her records are still very popular in the empire!"


Feelings, a girl who can hardly see what she is thinking, turns out to be such a super-popular pigeon player-eh, singer!

The galaxy singer in another world?

"Seeing that you are so interested, I will share my collection of songs and MVs with you!"

"Huh? Is it all right!"

"Of course! As long as you listen to the Colonel's song, we are good half-brothers!"

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