Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 326: Star Guidance

On the planet where life was just born, metal life began to multiply and grow.

Countless settlements gradually grew, and finally merged into even greater settlements-countless years have passed since these changes occurred several times.

Finally, such a settlement had enough foundation, so it extended upward from the sea.

This planet is close to Jupiter in terms of composition, volume, or astronomical position. The "sun" rotates along its "sun" day after day, year after year, and the young life in it also grows quietly. With.

Finally, that day has arrived.

All "cities" have broken through the atmosphere and are connected to each other. A slender loop is formed, gently encircling the polar orbit of the parent star, and only in the place where they were originally born, a huge "super city" has been established.

There. It is the center of their technology, economy, and culture. It is also the test station for this race to move from the sea and land, from the sky of the city to the universe.

For countless years, they have found the technology to expand and transform on the basis of themselves, thereby creating experiments in space navigation. After countless failures and heroic individuals throwing corpses into the orbit of satellites, they finally entered the universe.

With a strong collective consciousness, they each have their own different levels of intelligence as their size grows. But they are more willing to contribute most of them to the collective-although the activities between each other's bodies seem simpler and harder to have much fun, but the ability to interact directly through consciousness has gradually become theirs. One of its instincts, and the wisdom gathered in a large amount has also enabled this race to maintain unity and a wise development direction, advancing on the road of civilization and technology at a high speed.

As for entertainment? The advanced technology brought about is the widespread use of virtual reality, and the resulting fantasy has become a major part of culture and entertainment. Since individual wills are not as diverse as races like humans, traditional culture and food are not so rich.

This civilization did not choose to explore eagerly. On the one hand, the long-term social life made them reluctant to leave. On the other hand, the feelings of the parent planet and the belief that the parent planet could be better, let them continue to stay here. Developing on the planet.

Time passed quickly, and the disaster they hadn't expected for a long time was approaching quietly.

On one day of that year, a group of individuals responsible for astronomical observations issued an emergency notice, and at the same time hurriedly rushed to the sea from the super city in space.

This is the first time in history that an emergency has even directly affected daily actions outside of the individual’s thinking.

The sun began to expand.

Seeing this, everyone who knows the current knowledge of astronomy naturally knows what happened.

When a star enters old age, the first stage is to transform from a main sequence star into a red giant star and a supergiant star. Burned out the core hydrogen fuel. The core of the star has turned into helium. The core at this time can no longer provide the nuclear reaction energy to resist gravity. As a result, the star's outer shell begins to gravitationally collapse, and the temperature and pressure of the core rise as during star formation.

Once the temperature of the core reaches 100 million degrees Kelvin, the core will begin to undergo helium fusion, which will generate energy through nuclear fusion to resist gravity. The hot core will cause the star to expand greatly, reaching hundreds of times the size of its main sequence stage, and becoming a red giant star.

In this long process, the stars will slowly grow bigger and hotter, and eventually even swallow their parent stars...

Foreseeing this, the ELS mobilized all the power of this huge race. Started the road to seek survival.

Their technology, there is no way to directly push the mother star to leave and continue to survive, so they can only retreat to the next best——

All the necessary facilities for production, navigation, scientific research, communication, and development were all re-installed in the super city of the direct universe, and then it was sent out of the home planet.

Leaving the super city of the home planet, it is divided into five and embarked on a journey to explore the planet of life in the long sea of ​​stars...

Looking at the distant light spot, everyone's heart is already clear.

"Is that so...their home star is facing extinction..." Thieria murmured.

"The ELS who came here is just looking for a way to survive the tribe..." Liu Ling unconsciously took his words.

"Swallow, merge into one, then understand each other's thoughts..."

After learning the fusion of ELS, they have communicated with each other like this for countless years, so they have also used this method to communicate with other intelligent lives—just like people use language.

A sudden thought. It seemed to appear naturally in Mossana's mind.

He turned his head, but only saw the people around him with a "we knew it would be like this" expression, smiling at him.

"Go, the home planet of ELS..."

Although tacitly understood, Setsuna decided to say this sentence.

It seems that this is the embodiment of his life creed.

"Sure enough, this is what Setsuna would say." Neil smiled and patted the shoulders of Setsuna and nodded.

Interestingly. The people who originally felt that they could not directly touch each other with consciousness can now operate the conscious "body" as if they were using a real body.

"Then, let us go together." Liu Ling took Xuefeng's hand and walked to the side of the moment.

Everyone knew it.

Obviously, this journey is a distance that needs the ability of a "quantum system" to reach.

"Then, we have to stop here." Liu Ling turned around and looked at his friends.

"Don't worry too much about us here, please make a clear talk with the ELS!" Graham gave a thumbs up, "Here, let us stand it up."


Opportunities that emerged from the metal bubble in the center. Divided into two teams, they left the "ocean" of ELS life and came to the space close to the shell.

As if they already knew what to do, Nina and Liu Ling manipulated the landline and stretched out their palms to the front protective shell.

It was originally a tough shell that was so solid that even the large GN beam cannon of the Celestial Human could hardly break. At this moment, it opened layer by layer as quickly as if an airtight door was opened, revealing two caves leading to the outer universe.

The team headed by the three angels filed out, and thunder angels and energy angels walking side by side. Then stood there quietly.

Within the brain quantum wave, the order changed, and the quantum system immediately responded.

The keyboard or projection keyboard in front of the interactive screen disappeared, and the word "QuantumSystem" on the interface was quietly replaced with "TransportSystem".

Transmission system, which is one of the abilities that quantum systems can do theoretically. Based on the "quantization" effect of the body, it further extends the distance of movement when this effect is activated, making it a practical transmission technology from a tactical displacement. Achieve a teleportation effect that looks like a "quantum jump".

However, there was no actual test for this system, and the only time it was activated was the accident that the angel was transferred somewhere else.

But there is no reason. All four of you are quite sure, knowing that you can't go wrong this time.

There is no reason, just "knowing"-it may sound like superpower or metaphysics, but in fact it feels like this, like knowing the fact that your love machine has a joystick. . That's it.

"Is this really good? Instantly?" Tieria asked.

He had a weird hunch, as if this time, the moment would no longer be the moment - but it didn't seem to be the case, a vague and uncomfortable feeling.

"There is nothing good or bad. As you and Liu Ling once told me, it is necessary for me to understand each other with them..."

"They all want to live, why can't they understand each other?"

Yes, both are lives, and the interests at this moment are consistent with each other. There is no reason to continue fighting with each other.

"The universe is very broad. It not only gave birth to life like ours, but also has countless possibilities... There are already countless lives on the earth, so why not have one more friend?"

What's more, they are also well-developed intelligent beings who know how to coexist peacefully with the new ecology.

"That's because we all have wisdom, intellect," Xuefeng replied Shina like this, "because of wisdom, we know what to do when we encounter problems-but also because of wisdom, because of those small differences, it leads to misunderstandings, even So a lie is born from it and treats each other differently..."

"It's just that we haven't realized this for a long time..." Following the guidance in the brain's quantum waves, we found the destination. In front of the Neng Angel, the floating unit formed a light screen, and the following A halo.

"So we have to express that, in fact, the world is so simple--!"

With the words chanted in his heart, Neng Angel rushed into it first.

The floating device was also integrated into the light curtain, and finally the light curtain gradually disappeared, and the particles that turned into flashes scattered towards the surroundings.

"Go, this is a brain quantum wave-no, this is the future created by life."

The golden brilliance in Liu Ling's eyes became brighter.

This is an unprecedented light, as if being guided by the stars, and will take a decision step.

Six floating cannons of Thunder Angel. It also turned into a node to unfold the light curtain and halo. The body seemed to be moving without relying on power, and just floated into it.

The two machines teleported out, and the remaining flash particles turned into two intersecting rings, slowly unfolding between the earth and the super-large ELS...

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