Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 134: Terrorist attacks

In the evening. Special Economic Zone-Tokyo.

In the bustling shopping street, people are walking shoulder to shoulder. A family of three, a young couple of college students returning from shopping. Office workers hurrying on the way home. There are tourists who are attracted by the neon lights on the street. There are also locals who are not interested at all and just go on their way.

Although everyone's expressions are different, there is no doubt a peaceful atmosphere in the crowd.

of course. They also know what is happening in the world.

Disputes and regional conflicts in various places, children who fall into hunger due to poverty in backward areas, thousands of deaths in a certain country due to disasters, the increasingly serious situation of desertification in the world, the space station accident of the National Revolutionary League, AEU and Mozambique They all knew about the joint military exercises in Lalia, the existence and actions of the Celestial Organization.

But in fact, none of these news and reports have happened in front of them. It is just the virtual reality that is communicated to them through the media, not the real reality. The development of the media industry is also accompanied by the function of ambiguous reality. "Hurry up~"

Under the building with a giant screen. Louise was dragging Shazi's wrist and strolling happily. After school, the two came to this street to buy things. "Why do you have to choose this time to come out..."

Said Sha Ci, who was pulled by the wrist. "Are you still concerned about Moralia?" "Louis, you should care more, right? Are you not from AEU?"

Louise's birthplace is Spain. Spain is one of AEU's participating countries. In the previous joint exercise of AEU and Moralia, which was forcefully intervened by the Celestial Organization, there may also be soldiers sent by Spain. "But I haven't been to Moralia once. It's nothing to do with me." "It's also..." "Don't think about those who have nothing, Shaci." "...Hey, you Where are you going?"

Sha Ci changed his mood. Said. "Hahaha~"

Louise ran up to Shazi and folded her waist. "First of all. Look at the clothes, look at the clothes, look at the clothes, and finally look at the clothes."

Put out your fingers one by one. "Aren't they all the same." "Hey hey, now that you know, let's go."

Finished. Louise grabbed Sha Ci's hand and walked forward.

at this time.

Sha Ci didn't realize what it was at first.

Just light. Strong light.

That light. What is it? Shuttle bus? Why is this happening?

He didn't realize that it was a violent explosion until the moment he was blown away by the blast wind. Sha Ci desperately protected Louise beside him, bearing the impact of the explosion.

After the explosion, Sha Ci got up. While looking ahead.

The yellow shuttle bus collapsed in the middle of the road, braving the raging fire. The roof has been lifted off. Among the piles of large and small rubble, people can be seen vaguely. "Sha... Sha Ci..."

Shaci watched Louise, who was looking at all this in shock in his arms, and helped her to leave the scene. As I walked, I could hear the shouts of people around me. "The bus exploded!" "It's a terrorist attack, a terrorist attack!"

Almost at the same time the terrorist attack occurred in a shopping street in the special economic zone of Tokyo, the Celestial Organization received relevant reports.

The four of Setsuna and others are still on the isolated island in the Pacific that serves as a gathering place. It hasn’t been long since the successful intervention of the AEU and Moralia Army’s joint military exercise last time that the terrorist attack took place, so everyone gathered on this island.

The four people were on the beach, listening to the general maintenance staff Ian West narrating what happened. "An emergency contact from Wang Liumei. Terrorist attacks have occurred in seven major cities in the world at the same time." "Simultaneous multiple terrorist attacks..."

Hearing Setsuna's self-talk, Ian nodded. "It is said that time bombs were set up in places such as stations or commercial facilities. Although the scale of the explosion was not large, it was aimed at places where the flow of people was very concentrated. Now the casualties seem to have exceeded 100 people. According to Wang Liumei, after this, , The terrorist attack organization published an attack statement on the Internet, claiming that as long as the Celestial Organization does not stop armed intervention and disarmament, they will continue to carry out such indiscriminate retaliation all over the world..." "Is the purpose really us? "Tielia sighed. "Which organization is issuing this statement?" Areluja asked. "Now under investigation. All pilots are here on standby. The emperor and others will come here to deal with it immediately." "Although I don't know where it is, they can really do it." Lok Ang used The clenched fist hit his palm. "Do you want to threaten us with indiscriminate killing." "Could it be that terrorist organizations are afraid of our intervention and act first?"

Alleluia said softly. "Hmph, based on this kind of thing, do you want us to give up armed intervention?"

Hearing Tieria's words, Ian couldn't help retorting. "Now that ordinary people have become victims, don't you have any ideas?" "No ideas. This kind of thing should also be predicted by the plan. Because ordinary people sacrificed, they gave up-organized by the heavens. Ideas are not that cheap." Thieria is very indifferent to everything, as if only his own mission is the only important-and all other threats and sacrifices are within the budget.

However, human life is by no means the number predicted. "Asshole!" Lok Ang grabbed Tieria by the collar. "What's the matter with you? It's not like the usual chic you." "Stop talking nonsense, you guy!" "Do you hate terrorist activities so much?" "No way!" "From the perspective of the whole world , We are truly terrorists."

"Just be quiet, two." Liu Ling's faint voice broke the quarrel between the two.

"What do you want to say?" Lok Ang's anger is obviously not easy to talk about and leave.

"Why are there terrorist attacks in seven regions at the same time-and they are still cities that are relatively prosperous regions? The protection of the state should be very strict in such regions?"

"Yes, it seems that something is really wrong." Lok Ang thought for a while, and faintly felt that something was really wrong.

With the operation of his thoughts, Lok Ang's mood gradually calmed down.

"Are you trying to say that there are some problems in this, Kidd?" Tieria asked.

"Ah-I think this matter may be related to various countries." Liu Ling squeezed his chin and replied, "If there is no country's acquiescence, these terrorists should not be able to enter such a place. "

"So, is this also the world's warning to us?"

"I think it may be more temptation-for our position, will and so on."

In Liu Ling's mind, a large invisible net was approaching little by little, preparing to encircle the heavens and humans...

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