League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 722 The Battle of the Empire: The Gods Watch Thunder Storm

A barren astral world.

Only silence and darkness exist in this vast space.

There is no sky, no earth, no sound, no air, everything is like a chaotic unopened world, and no trace of life can be seen.

Occasionally, the dark starlight flashes like light, bringing a touch of hope to this dark and silent world.

But that light was only a flash of fireworks, and then darkness returned to the surroundings again.

Chi Chi!

A dim glow reflected like scissors, slicing through the dark curtain.

In this barren and dark world, suddenly, a dark green light ignited.

From a distance, it looks like a blazing bonfire, pointing the way forward for all those who are lost in the darkness.


The dull sound exploded, like thunder, shaking the vast and boundless space, reflecting a boundless crimson ocean.

That's not a blazing bonfire.

Yes... the kingdom of life!

Drifting in the desolate astral world, it is falling into the collapse and self-destruction of the kingdom of life.

And that scorching hot flame is the life force overflowing from the fragments of the kingdom of God.

As for the crimson ocean surrounding the dark green bonfire, it is clearly a large 'carpet' of flesh and bones extending from the bottomless abyss, intending to wrap and pull the kingdom of life and fall into the endless abyss.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Above the collapsed kingdom of God, the stars are shining brightly.

Countless splendid divine lights swept across the dark curtain, while baptizing the unseen carpet of flesh and blood, they couldn't wait to roll up pieces of the divine kingdom of life.

From time to time, some flesh and blood tentacles will break through the blockade of the divine light, swallowing a small piece of the divine light of life.

Very weird picture!

Whether it's the gorgeous divine light enveloping the aura of destruction, or the tentacles of flesh and blood extending out of the bottomless abyss, like soldiers on the move, they maintain a certain order and take away what belongs to them.

Like... like a cake that's already been distributed.

Every shining star takes only its own part.

"Huh? Roxane's breath...and...Nathaniel!"

Among the stars, a brighter golden star seemed to sense something, and the falling divine light paused. On the surface of the stars, a faint light and shadow appeared in the eyes, looking in the direction of the main material plane.

It wasn't just this star that noticed the difference.

When the realm of shadows shattered, the dazzling stars surrounding the kingdom of life, there were many flickering rays of light, and the light and shadow of huge eyes all turned their attention to the main material plane.

These dazzling stars are the projections of the kingdom of God descended by the gods of order.

They noticed that near the distant main material plane, there were terrifying battle fluctuations appearing in the barren astral world, entering into their own perception, it was a powerful existence enough to make them tremble.

"It's the realm of shadows!"

"The Roxani and the others have started again, look at the direction, it's the Alan Faluo Empire..."

"No, it's not!" A resolute and dull voice sounded in the mental perception. "It's a human territory!"

"It seems that countless years of peaceful life have made us lose our vigilance."

"The insatiable greed of the abyss...and..."

"A human territory worthy of Roxani's full strength just grew up in our gardens without us noticing."

The voice fell, and the silent atmosphere of silence surrounded the stars, and the huge eyes flickered frequently.

On the contrary, the falling divine light is still eating away the fragments of the divine kingdom of life.

In the face of vested interests, who cares about the situation in their back garden.

The most important thing is that the gods of order who descended here are only the subordinates of the real master, so these fragments of the kingdom of life in front of them are really worthy of their concern.

The kingdom of life, the kingdom of gods where Eluna, the goddess of life in the forest, has devoted countless efforts.

Even though the current kingdom of life is in the process of collapsing and self-destructing, those fragments are not simple space fragments. They contain the power of faith without a master, and the laws of shattering, and...

A rule that can only be touched by powerful gods!

"Go on, everyone." An indifferent and cold voice sounded, and a star flickering with white fireworks shook gently.

"Since we can detect the changes in the main material plane, it is reasonable for you to detect Roxani's movements."

The voice fell, and the blazing divine light that descended suddenly hurried, instantly burning the tentacles of flesh and blood, and then ignoring the sound of roars inside the abyss, rolled up the fragments of the kingdom of God, and returned to the stars.

The other shining stars were a little stunned.

This was breaking the rules, but they soon realized why Blazing Star did it.

The abyss evil gods have long given up the cake of the kingdom of life and set their sights on the human territory of the main material plane, so why do they still obey the so-called rules?

Chi Chi! Chi Chi! Chi Chi!

Immediately, the colorful divine light turned into a shower and poured out, expelling the tentacles of flesh and blood that stretched out from the bottomless abyss. Valley

And in the invisible corners, the bright stars quietly separated a part of their own perception.

, cast into the realm of shadows.


Alan Faro Empire.

The royal capital, the holy city of Rasir.

Before winter comes, pale snow and ice cover the mountains and decorate the huge city halfway up the mountain.

Overlooking the snow-capped mountains, countless towering buildings are like cedar trees, soft snow-white domes, high-rise buildings standing in the clouds, radiating beautiful brilliance under the rising sun, extending to the top of the snow-capped mountains.

But at this moment, the bustling and noisy holy city of Rasr has fallen into silence. The streets, alleys, high-rise buildings, and the white palace complex in the center of the city can see one after another, devout believers, kneeling on the ground, singing praises in a low voice. poetry.

The reason for all this is the azure blue light and shadow that covers the top of the snow-capped mountains, covers the sky, and sheds boundless divine light.

Ice Storm Goddess Alexia!

She is the supreme goddess who protects the Ai Lanfaluo Empire and establishes the Ice and Snow Temple and the Ice and Snow Temple.

Such a great existence, in the Ice and Snow Temple just descended on the top of the snow-capped mountains, and built his own god of gods with the power of strong faith.

The quiet dark blue eyes turned, looking towards the south, crossing the endless space distance, penetrating the main material plane, and seeing a forbidden...

No, you can't speak of a ban.

As far as Alexia's eyes could see, there were countless dense and ferocious space cracks, like spider webs, crawling over the surface of the forbidden shadow world, and it was easy to see what was happening inside.

Dark Evil Goddess Loksani!

Lord of Corruption, Nathaniel!

God of Tyranny Hextor!

Lord of the Abyss of Bones, Jacarragh

And the many abyss evil gods who seem to be crimson meteorites across the world of shadows!


"Is it another abyss feast?" Alexia's quiet eyes swayed a little, as if she saw something strange, and there were faint ripples.

"This power.... Valoran Territory... No, the Valoran Empire, it is really amazing."

The almost broken world of shadows, the boundless flock of crows and the falling black sun are deadlocked; in the immortal fortress with rune brilliance, a strange powerhouse emerges; the cracked space, the dark green rain of corruption , destroying all things in the world.

"The deviation of the trajectory of fate... Is it the Valoran Empire?" Alexia's brows moved slightly, and she looked at the incomplete slate in the palm of her hand, and an inexplicable sadness appeared in her pupils.

This is a part of the artifact belonging to the god of destiny, the tablet of destiny.

After the God of Destiny disappeared, this artifact hidden in the Temple of Destiny was watched by countless gods, and finally turned into several pieces in a fierce battle.

The piece in Alexia's hand is the shard of Destiny Slate inherited from the previous year in the Northern Snow Tower.

War of order and chaos.

The North Snow Tower, standing in the extreme north, made its own choice under the cruel fate and became a vassal of the Ice and Snow Temple. It is also the only reliance for the North Snow Tower to maintain a certain degree of independence in the current situation. .

Alexia looked at the faint light and shadow by her side. It was the descending god of winter, Abigail, who was whispering about the many things that happened in the realm of shadows.

Compared to the many other gods of order who have paid attention to the battle in the realm of shadows, Abigail has descended the will of the gods in the Hall of Valor from the very beginning.

Therefore, the ice and snow gods were the first to react after the ban on the realm of shadows was broken.

Alexia, the goddess of ice and snow storms, even lowered her will and paid attention to her neighbor, the Valoran Empire, the new human empire.

From what Alexia saw at the moment, the strength displayed by the Valoran Empire was no less than that of a medium-sized god.

Even according to Abigail's report, as well as the intelligence system of the Alan Faluo Empire, the strength of the Valoran Empire is only the tip of the iceberg.

"Well, the breath of thunder?"

For the first time, Alexia, who had always looked calm, showed emotional fluctuations, and a cold, cold light burst out from her dark blue pupils.



Immortal fortress, near a corner of the northern city wall.

The magic lights on both sides of the street were dim, reflecting the corners, pulling out a huge shadow, allowing the light and shadow of the sky to change, but the shadow remained still.

Until the stench of corruption floated in the air, the huge figure swayed gently, opened his wild eyes, and the silent sound was like a thunderous explosion.

"Stinky smell, disgusting."

As the huge figure slowly got up, the shadows on the street suddenly twisted, thick white hairs appeared in the light, and there were thunder and lightning that almost materialized.

"And, mixed together, the smell of false gods!"

Eternal Thunder Volibear walked out of the dark corner, with a huge body like a mountain, rising from the back of the city wall, and finally rising above the azure-blue rune formation.

Wild eyes looked toward the cracked northern sky, and Volibear saw the tragic green eyes peering into the immortal fortress, and the surging green ocean.

"Maggots, bear the baptism of thunder!"

The space collapsed, and the thunder roared, but it couldn't hide the sound of terrifying power.

Volibear stepped out of the rune formation, and his mountain-like body stood in front of the city wall. Between his gestures, the endless thunderstorm ripped apart the world.

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