League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 413 Fighting with the gods: recovering the monsoon

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

Wild plains not far from the Gate of Sorrows.

The red-bottomed, double-edged flag fluttered high in the sky, and the Noxian Legion maintained an orderly advance formation like a steel jungle, with a thick shield erected in front of them, and sharp spears pointed obliquely towards the sky.

On both sides of the array are Noxian expeditionary cavalry riding horses. They maintain a state of walking slowly, and the cold light of the gun blades reflects the crimson light of the dusk.

In the war report at the end of Edalas City, Darius had discovered that the Noxian cavalry, facing those plague monsters, was no longer suitable for a frontal charge, but rather should serve as a scout.

Behind the Noxus Legion are the Avarossa archers who keep their bows and crossbows in their hands at all times. From time to time, it shows a sharp edge.

Modrian was in the center of the formation, surrounded by Legionnaires of Trifali, keeping him safe.

After arranging Twitch to enter the Gate of Sorrow to search for information, he discussed with Swain and Darius, and decided to start the whole army immediately, and he could not wait for the waste of time, and he had an inexplicable hunch that this time [temporary mission] : The gaze of the gods] will not be so simple.

Boo! Boo! Boo!

The Demacian dragon bird knight soared in the sky, and the dragon bird under the seat spread out its silver-gray wings, setting off bursts of air. According to the paths that the war masons had discovered in advance, they were responsible for clearing the plagued area for the legion to advance.

"Has Tucci entered the gate of mourning safely?" Modrian couldn't help but ask again. For some reason, his mind was a little messy. This was something he had never seen before, even in Limontanlu. The line has never been.

The shadow distorted, and Zed's voice sounded quietly: "The Shadow Streamer has obtained the information left by Tucci, and has successfully entered the Gate of Sorrow with the Plague Rats at dusk."

"Well, continue to pay attention. If there is any news, let me know as soon as possible." Modrian slightly eased his nervousness and laughed at himself: Shouldn't it be like this? The lineup for the Sorrow's Gate campaign is even more luxurious than Edalas City, and the strength of the legionnaires is even higher.

Seeing Modrian's abnormal state, Swain said softly: "Don't worry, Lord, you can know the result of the war from the formation of the army." Everywhere you can see, Noxian soldiers are told. 's elite. "The Noxian Legion will surely bring you the fruits of victory."

Just the moment he turned his head, a smear of blood disappeared in Swain's eyes. He also noticed an inexplicable emotion, but his appearance would never show it.

Everything can be changed, even a given destiny.

"Of course I firmly believe so." Modrian nodded and said, from the establishment of Valoran Territory to the present, the performance of the Noxian Legion can be described as perfect, and made great achievements.

The autumn is cool, and as the legion moves northward, the icy chill becomes more and more piercing.

However, these cold chills could not stop the Valoran lead army's pace. The journey was quite quiet and did not encounter any enemies. This made Modrian's calm heart slightly restless, and it seemed to indicate that something was not very good.

Whisper! Whisper!

The chirping of dragon birds came from the low-hanging sky, and the gliding of the stretched silver wings caused the low-pitched roar of the young dragon lizards. The Demacian Dragon Bird Knight on the back couldn't wait, jumped directly from the air, and fell into the rear array, setting off a cloud of smoke.

"Something abnormal happened." The Dragon Knight took a hurried pace, walked to Modrian and knelt down on one knee, and the silver armor made a clear collision sound. "For some unknown reason, the plague area ahead suddenly shrinks in the direction of the Gate of Sorrow. The speed is very fast. I have arranged for the team members to follow."

"The plague area is shrinking?" Modrian looked solemn, and immediately looked at Singed behind him, and saw him shaking his head, which was beyond the scope of knowledge that Singed had acquired now.

The accident finally happened, and Modrian had some guesses in his heart: "Is it caused by Tucci?" But he was not sure, and he could only make associations based on known intelligence.

Except for Tucci, they did not arrange for others to enter the Gate of Sorrow, and the plague area of ​​the Gate of Sorrow was very calm before, but this happened when Tucci entered the Gate of Sorrow. To be honest, Modrian was a little worried, and after meeting Swain's eyes, he decided to march quickly and rush to the Gate of Sorrow with all his strength.

"Wind, take me for a ride!"

In his ears, Janna's cold words suddenly sounded. He looked up at the sky, and a sky-blue blue bird shuttled through the clouds at a very fast speed, like a stream of light, disappearing into the distance.

"Tucci prayed to me, there was danger."

"Something happened." Modrian frowned and did not stop Janna's actions. On the contrary, he hoped that she would rush over as soon as possible. can

The enemy who caused Twitch to enter a dangerous state is at least a strong man who has gone deep on the legendary road, maybe......

"Did the God of Abomination of Plague intervene?"

Twitch embedded in the Omega Squad has the strength comparable to the legend, plus the special power belonging to Twitch itself, just looking at the combat ability can be considered in the legend.

"Send the order to Kled and Sion, who will be responsible for the follow-up of the legion." Modrian immediately ordered without any hesitation, and then looked around the heroes and continued. "Send another order to Darius, urgently go to

Sorrow's Gate. "

"Xin Zhao and Ashe, and Kenan, you too." He couldn't wait for the advance speed of the legion, otherwise Tucci would definitely be in danger, and in battles above Legendary, ordinary units would not be able to help at all. busy.

"Yes!" Everyone heard the sound, bowed slightly, took up their weapons, and followed behind Swain and Modrian.


"Slimy...is this my blood? Some pain is hitting my nerves."

At the drain of the Gate of Sorrow, Twitch was pressed to the ground by invisible pressure, and there was a torn wound on his abdomen. The alloy armor was broken, and the viscous blood flowed on the ground along the broken wound. Fortunately, he himself had the plague. Trait that can ignore the Plague Infection from the Plague Spear.

"The equipment of the Sorcerer Empire? No...it has long since disappeared in the long river of history. Is it the remaining magic equipment?" The indifferent voice passed through the squirming plague mist to Tucci's ears, with a hint of A little surprised. "But it doesn't stop there, it can't save you a second time, and your soul will belong to me!"

The wriggling plague mist condensed three spears again, aiming at the scars on Tucci's head, chest and abdomen respectively, forcing Tucci to have no room to struggle.

"The soul belongs to you? No, my soul belongs to the Valoran Territory!" Tucci seemed to sense something, and his eyes under the goggles appeared unruly.

"I don't know what you look like, but I guess you look like a harmless curled up egg... egg!"

"Defiler, die!" The indifferent voice sounded, ignoring the bitter curse of the other party before he died.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The spear cut through the air and stabbed straight at Twitch. The sharp tip of the spear whirled around the plague, like a shackle, waiting to imprison the soul of the dead.

【Eye of the Storm】!

The sudden blue hurricane gathered around Tucci's side like a circular shield wall. The wound on his abdomen was blown by the blue wind and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the warm breeze dispelled the mountain-like pressure.

puff! puff! puff!

The plague spear stabbed on the surface of the cyan hurricane, making a dull and harsh sound, and immediately cut off and dissipated invisible.

"The Blessed One of the Wind?" The indifferent voice was mixed with surprise. Unexpectedly, such a legendary creature actually exists on the main material plane, and it has the residual aura of both the main plane pan-consciousness and the abyss pan-consciousness. This means that The other party participated in the seal of the abyss passage. "Want to save this mouse? That's not enough power to break my domain."

The sky-blue blue bird dissipated in the clouds, and Janna manifested a human form, with long gray-white hair fluttering in the sky, with a white sleeve and a right hand holding the elegant and delicate cyan staff, and a breeze floated on the top of the staff.

She looked at the door of grief shrouded in the plague domain in front of her, and could vaguely see a crimson radiance hidden inside. The familiar aura came from the abyss passage, and some kind of indescribable existence.

"Is it a god?" Janna couldn't know, because many heroes in Valoran's territory had never seen the gods of this world, but these did not hinder her idea of ​​rescuing Tucci.


"The storm is coming!"

【Hurricane Howling】!

The delicate staff floated in front of him, and a cyan breeze emerged from nothing, condensed in front of the thick plague field, and then jumped and danced gently. The boundless wind frost and blades of grass rolled up and slammed into the plague field.


The plague field filled with viscous mist trembled slightly in this hurricane impact. After the terrifying energy was sinking in, it squeezed the air, causing gusts of wind, waves and dust to cover the entire fortress. The mountains and wind and snow were directly annihilated and disappeared by the residual shock wave, revealing the bare peaks and smooth and smooth mountain walls.

"Hold your breath!"

"Monsoon recovery!"

Riding on the instability of the plague field, Janna stretched out her arms, and her delicate staff was suspended in parallel in front of her eyes. Layers of different blue winds lingered around her body, and the faint sweet voice sounded like the bleak sound of a piano.

【Recovery Monsoon】!

Janna above the sky is like the god of the hurricane, and the boundless blue wind emerges from the side, like a turbulent wave, and like a falling rainstorm, rushing and roaring, slamming into the semi-circular plague field.

The life healing power surging in the blue wind and the thick plague savagely devoured each other and dissipated, and dark and slender space cracks frequently appeared around. In this kind of confrontation with the power of the gods, there are traces of white traces slowly revealed, which are white holes hidden in the depths of space.


The plague field at the drain was torn apart by the endless blue wind and cracked a few tiny cracks. This was a vulnerable place that Janna deliberately attacked, and Twitch seized the fleeting opportunity, and the alloy armor went into overload. state, and rammed into the escape hatch at great speed.

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