League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 382 The mist and sneak attack


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The inky sky is mixed with the bright moonlight, and the dense stars are dotted with silver yarns, like the rippling water splashes in the sea, shining with azure blue light, intertwined with the hazy mist.

On the hard dirt road, Modrian spoke softly with Swain and Darius beside him, walked slowly, stood still in front of a high convex hill, and silently followed behind him were Benny and Lead. Trofary Legionnaire with a scarlet steed.

The temptation that I thought of before dusk also ended in a hurry because of the twilight that fell too early.

Fighting at night was no problem for the Noxus Legion, but they gave up the pre-prepared temptation out of the habits of dark monsters.

A good line of sight can clearly see the towering walls and dark buildings ahead.

Mad Town.

A large town about 50 kilometers away from the city of Edalas, Modrian and Darius once passed through this area when they left the Peris territory.

A few years ago, the town of Mader was quite prosperous and noisy, with a constant flow of people and a lot of traffic. It was also an important transit town at the Golden Crossroads, attracting many coolie tenant farmers and wandering mercenaries.

It is rumored that it is disgusted by the goddess of wealth.

Coupled with the rapid rise of the Valoran Territory, the prosperity of the towns of Marde began to fade away, the once crowded caravans became scarcer, and the depressed economy also led to the departure of many squires and landowners.

The city wall made of limestone is about 3 feet high, and the flaming flames have not been extinguished at the watchtower.

Through the dim yellow light and the moonlight sprinkled by the sky, the plague infected people were faintly swaying behind the walls, and the stench wafted in the air.

There are still deserted fields under the city wall. The crops sown have not yet grown, and they have been left unattended. The whimper sounds from time to time, strange and frightening.

It's like the direct vision of an idyllic horror movie.

"It's a normal phenomenon, but I don't know where the dark monsters are hiding?" Modrian looked at the town of Madd not far away with a dull expression. "Is it in the wilderness?" The terrifying power of the Noxian Legion made him feel no pressure.

"Perhaps." Swain said with a slight smile, the subtle energy surging and disappearing in his left hand, and bursts of low and hoarse voices quietly sounded from the night fog.

【Eating Crows Crazy】!

The black mist that permeated from under the hem of the coat looked like crimson crows scattered and disappeared into the sky, and the crimson eyes flashed with incomprehensible emotions.

"It's foggy?" Modrian looked at the suddenly thick green fog around him in surprise, not the black fog caused by Swain.

As if remembering something, he raised his head slightly, and saw that the moonlight in the night was also a little bright and dazzling, covering the azure blue stars.

This was a situation he hadn't seen last night. He originally thought it was the illusion of Kled and the war stonemason, but all kinds of visions appeared tonight. In this way, the unmonitored plague area has already undergone inexplicable changes.

"It's what our opponent wants to do." Darius took a step forward, staring at the darkness in the distance with slightly blood-colored eyes, holding the black cutter's axe handle in his right hand.

The strange look flashed in his eyes, and Modrian said with a slight smile: "Then go back, at least tonight is not without gain." Looking at the thickening fog, as if he was chasing something, and finally fell into the darkness A piece of Mader town.

Time passed quietly, the night became more and more dark and dark, and the mist like blue smoke shrouded the world.

Then the cold autumn wind blew the squirming green mist, smearing the plains indistinctly, and the dim starlight could not be seen.

I don't know when, there are dark green shadows spreading in the bright moonlight, like dead branches, like vines, until I see a bunch of bonfires that flicker and go out at any time.

Sitting opposite each other around the bonfire were seven or eight Noxian soldiers swaying, seemingly under the influence of unknown factors, falling into a strange state.

The shrill voice was concealed by the autumn wind and moved forward slowly, but these shadows were not seen, and further into the depths of the fog, there were already eyes watching what was happening in front of him.

In the creeping green mist, the scene was unusually quiet.

Only the crackling sound of the burning campfire and the occasional orange-red sparks popped up.

The spread of the shadows has not stopped, continue to move forward, more than that, riding the silent night, more and more shadows surround this area.

The pure white brilliance was reflected, and the blue-black figures were hidden in the fog, slowly touching them, there were low hills and a few trees as shelter, and there were rotten shadows crowded and climbed later.

As if stimulated by the full moon hanging from the sky, the thirst for blood emerged, and an unusually tall figure hung down from the sky, and there was a trace of contempt in its hideous eyes.

Ha, human armies? I don't know why you have the guts to step into the fog of plague, but tonight, you are the blood eaters of the blood feast!

The wide mouth is split, the snow-white fangs are exposed, and the throat moves, as if some kind of sound is about to happen...  

"Flamming agent, throw!" The indifferent voice exploded the thick turquoise mist like thunder.

and many more! ? damn it! ? This is not my voice.

The words at the throat have not yet been shouted, and the abnormally tall figure senses that something is wrong, and the blood-colored eyes slightly widen, revealing a trace of indifference.


When he turned his head to look into the depths of the fog, a wave of fear and trembling poured out from the depths of his soul, with a timid mentality, and his soul trembled with fear as he breathed.

the next moment.

The crimson flames cut through the dark night, hanging down like fire arrows, and like falling meteors, blooming flaming flowers on the field.

The raging fire swirled and burned like a fire dragon, swallowing the dark green shadow that spread. At this time, the dark green shadow was clearly a human-like plant, and the body was densely covered with clumps of leaves.

Cruel and painful cries ripped through the silent night.

Those humanoid plants twisted wildly, trying to put out the flames on their bodies, but how could Singed's alchemy products be put out so easily.

"Front row, first round throw!"

The cold and indifferent voice echoed again, but it sounded like a arrogant and cold-blooded wolf king.

Whizzing! Whizzing! Whizzing!

Under the night, the dense steel spears lifted into the air, with a strong wind, forming a dripping icy rain of guns, followed by ruthless killing.

Green blood blooms in the sea of ​​flames and flowers.

Puff puff puff!

With the cold light of the spear blade, combined with the strength of the Noxian hoplites, it tore apart the hard bark with great ease, and nailed it directly to the field with the burning body, and the struggling branches slapped the grass.

Thick turquoise smoke, sneak attack! ?

Just a little trick!

Amidst the burning fire, the steel spears standing in rows formed a shocking slaughter scene, and such unscrupulous slaughter also awakened the unusually tall figure in the sky.

The blood-colored wings spread out, and mad killing intent surged in the wide eyes.

"Ahhhh! Attack, attack!"

"Slaughter this despicable human army for me!"

Shrill angry shouts resounded through the sky, awakening the blighted monsters and vampire banshees in a stunned state, including those who had been driven over by the plague-infected.

The sound of fierce running shook the field, but under the light of the crimson fire, everything was so clear.

"The second round of throwing, middle row!"

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