Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 728 Butterfly Effect

A vague world line floated beside System.

System knew that as long as he touched the world line, he could get clues related to the prehistoric world.

But System didn't touch it right away, instead he complained to Zhang Wuji, "I told you to go out and make trouble, right now?"

Although Zhang Wuji's body recovered somewhat, his body was obviously still in a state of serious injury, and he kept coughing in front of System.

Zhang Wuji frowned while coughing.

By feeling the emotions in Zhang Wuji's heart, System knew that Zhang Wuji felt incomparably regretful and self-blame at this time, especially when he complained.


Zhang Wuji wanted to open his mouth to say something, but in the end he just opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

The prehistoric world was on the eve of the fourth catastrophe, and it was understandable for such a situation to occur, but Zhang Wuji had an unshirkable responsibility for rushing to go there.

And with Zhang Wuji's strength at this time, it is obvious that he can't shake the sage boss in the prehistoric world.

There was nothing he could do.

Unlike many of System's subordinates, Zhang Wuji always regarded System as a partner, so he couldn't kneel down and beg in front of System like all of System's subordinates.


System could feel Zhang Wuji's inner entanglement and helplessness.

Without promising anything to Zhang Wuji, after shaking his head slightly, System finally touched the faint black thread.

Maybe he will know how to respond to Zhang Wuji's request after he has a better understanding of the prehistoric world in the world line.

Touching the world line this time did not directly bring any information to System, but only brought some kind of guidance to System.

System quickly came to that black space, where there were many himself.

This time, System had two more dotted lines of energy with silver fluorescence on his body, which were connected to the two himself here.

One of these two people is human, with a small inch left, and it looks very sunny; the other is a humanoid, with more fierce eyes, covered with some Zerg armor, looks like a mecha warrior, very difficult to mess with .

System knew that these two were the worldlines related to the prehistoric worldlines.

As for the other self, although some have also been in contact with Honghuang, but the relationship is not very big.

System thought for a while, and finally chose the world line of the armored bugman to check.

This self can be said to be one of the most different experiences in System’s many self-experiences.

After the first [Degeneration and Growth], he did not choose to strengthen his [Numerical Code], but chose the most powerful [Insect Adaptability] of the Zerg.

Then, when it came to the second [Metamorphosis Growth], he had already acquired several abilities by swallowing insects, and his original talent had also changed from [Perception] to [Insect Adaptability].

He has never met Kun, the Queen of Grasshoppers, nor has he come into contact with the frost dragon, Aura.

Perhaps it was because he used [insect adaptability] to gain a lot of abilities, which produced some strange refreshment. As a result, he became somewhat similar to the protagonist of the dark current novel, and he would use everything around him to make himself stronger and stronger. ...

It was at that moment that his gaze was frozen, becoming ruthless and aggressive.

After Ola's return, in the ice and snow of Lilte Forest, he encountered a powerful insect beast bred by the druids of the insect group - the white spider, which is also a small meat ball.

Although this own strength is much stronger than the others in the same period, it is still not the opponent of the small meat ball. After all, in the same realm, except for Shava, the king's knight whose strength is beyond understanding, it is almost impossible to defeat the meat ball by normal means. is not possible.

However, he still managed to escape the pursuit of the meat ball, and obtained some flesh and blood of the meat ball, and then swallowed it.

In this way, unscrupulously, he continued to become stronger, he went to the abyss, and then returned to the main world. Under the threat of the arrival of the saint and the god of the gods, he just cut a bloody path.

Although powerful beings like the demigod Odur, the Silver King, the God of Magic McGark, and the old Druid Medlan couldn't do it, he still hunted down several saints and gained some powers.

However, he did not take the path of being a god. In the end, he succeeded in detachment, and the Broken Void became a member of the Immortal Realm.

By hunting and killing the demon clan, he mastered the method of transforming. After that, he continued to kill several big demons and obtained the demon clan's inner alchemy and exercises. When the world went to war, he took this opportunity to fish in troubled waters and went to the more powerful area of ​​Honghuang.

In the end, he got the chance and became a demon saint in the Great Luo Jinxian realm in a very short period of time, and he was only one step away from becoming a quasi-sage.


In the wild world, he finally chose to retreat in the cave mansion when he was in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and by the way, he integrated the mixed bloodline obtained by using [Insect Adaptability] for so many years.

Because the retreat often takes hundreds or thousands of years, the picture of this world line ends here.

System estimated that if the development was normal, it was still possible for him to become a quasi-sage.

However, although this self struggles hard, the chances of becoming a big boss in the future are still slim. After all, there is an upper limit to fighting alone and only relying on robbing others to grow.

He is like a cheetah in the grassland. Although he can hunt successfully many times, he still has to take a detour when he sees a lion, and even sometimes he has to give in when he encounters a group of hyenas.

It didn't take long for System to return to the space where he had a lot of himself.

System wanted to take another look at Pingtouyangyang's own experience and compare the information he had obtained, but found that his own information could no longer be viewed.

However, System still got some important information only by virtue of his own experience of the Great Sage of the Monster Race.

Before the immortal world, the demon world, the demon world and other worlds went to war with the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world had suffered a heavy blow, and it was almost irreversible.

The story sucks and gives System a butterfly effect.

This incident has a clear relationship with Xianjun Zhang Qing. To be precise, it has a relationship with Xianjun Zhang Qing's use of sacrifices to consume 100,000 Chinese people at that time.

The Prehistoric World is subordinate to the Earth Star World, and if it is subdivided, it is subordinate to the Earth Star's China.

After all, the essence of the prehistoric world is the fantasy world constructed by the subconscious minds of Chinese people.

Although it has been upgraded, before the upgrade is completely completed, the prehistoric world must rely on the earth star world.

Therefore, the Chinese human beings suddenly lost one billion, and the blow to the prehistoric world was huge, and the prehistoric world almost collapsed.

Fortunately, the prehistoric world did not sit still. Tiandao Hongjun did not hesitate to damage his strength, forcibly descended to Earthstar, and established a ghost realm in Earthstar China, reuniting hundreds of millions of broken Earthstar human souls, which made the prehistoric world stabilize.

It is precisely because of this that in the early war between the Immortal Realm and the Prehistoric World, the Prehistoric World was obviously at a disadvantage...

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