Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 705 Zhang Qing's Change

In the image of the usurped copper coins, the dwarf kept dying and resurrecting, and was faster and stronger each time.

The usurped copper coin doesn't show how he and Johnny will end up in the end, but it's certainly not a good outcome.


The garden space of Qiankun Baiyu Palace.

Under the bright starlight of the fairy world, the hot copper coins fell from the air and fell into Zhang Qing's hands. His calculation was over.

It wasn't that Zhang Qing didn't want to see the outcome of the incident between him and Johnny, but halfway through, he saw once again that strange being whose body was tentacles, only the head and hands were humanoids—that he shouldn't try to calculate in his fate. The presence.

The gurgles of blood flowed from Zhang Qing's eyes again.

This time, Zhang Qing's right eye was also blind after his left eye.

He had become utterly blind -- blind beyond recovery.

Looking around in a daze, it was fine when he was only blind in one eye. With the help of his divine sense, Zhang Qing could still locate the surrounding environment with one eye.

And when both eyes are blind, although there is still a consciousness scan, the surrounding things are completely different.

For Zhang Qing, there is one very important thing he can no longer do - because it is too far away, his consciousness cannot scan the stars in the sky.

In other words, he can no longer observe the stars.

And because of the inability to observe the astrology, a chain reaction occurred, lacking the basic information provided by the astrology, and he couldn't even use the usurped copper coins.

Zhang Qing's brows were wrinkled, showing a painful expression, and the blue veins near his temples even bulged.

Under the impact of the four-layered spiral event, Zhang Qing only felt a suffocation in his chest.

He desperately wanted to spit the suffocation out of his chest!

Zhang Qing also didn't know why.

Maybe it's because of an illusion, or because of some mental disorder.

He began to squeeze his chest hard, harder, harder, harder! !

puff! !

Fortunately, Zhang Qing did not become the first immortal emperor in history to be so angry that he exploded, but his blood still spurted more than 200 meters away.

Countless blood even formed a blood-colored rainbow under the starlight.

It is a pity that in Zhang Qing's consciousness, the world has no color, and he did not see the beautiful blood mist scene above Qiankun Baiyu Palace.

There was a slight breeze blowing in the garden of the White Jade Palace.

Zhang Qing stood unsteadily and fell back on the white jade slab. Due to excessive blood loss, Zhang Qing's face became extremely pale, and his body trembled slightly.

If this happened to Tianjizi, he might have already passed out, but Xianjun is an immortal after all and has a strong vitality. Even so, Zhang Qing was not in a coma.

Zhang Qing still stubbornly opened his eyes - although his eyes could not see anything.

The faint breeze made Zhang Qing smell a little floral fragrance.

Qiankun Baiyu Palace is located on the nineteenth floor of the fairyland. It has more than 300 palaces, a grand hall, alchemy room, exercise room, treasure room...

Yushan pavilions, pavilions and waterside pavilions.

Only him.

Since tens of thousands of years ago, when his master was approaching the end of his lifespan, Zhang Qing has been chasing the avenue of longevity alone.

Zhang Qing's Taoism is firm, and logically speaking, there will be no problem with his spirit, but today he suddenly feels a little lonely.

Zhang Qing struggled to move his body, trying to get up from the ground, but failed several times in a row.

Just when Zhang Qing could not get up, a three-year-old boy hesitated for a long time, and finally walked timidly beside Zhang Qing.

"Lord Xianjun, doesn't matter..." The boy made a timid voice, but he never dared to step forward.

Finally, after putting down one thing, the boy quickly retreated and got into the ground of the garden.

Zhang Qing quickly remembered the origin of this boy. It was a transformed Jade Ganoderma lucidum that he found more than 200 years ago.

Because other materials could not be found, Yulingzhi was thrown into the garden after he imposed a ban on leaving.

By now, Zhang Qing had even forgotten that there was this medicinal herb in his garden that could replenish qi and blood and improve his power.

After discovering that the boy had left a piece of Jade Ganoderma lucidum, apparently wanting to help him, Zhang Qing suddenly stopped trying to get up, lying on the garden stone slab and burst into laughter.

There is some self-deprecation in the laughter, but also a hint of desolation.

Zhang Qing found that his eyes seemed to be bleeding again, so he tore off a piece of blood-stained cloth and wrapped it around his eyes.

While Zhang Qing was wrapping the cloth, Zhang Qing suddenly found that a strange woman appeared in the sky above him. The woman's face had a thin veil - his consciousness could scan through the thicker woman. clothes, but could not see the woman's face clearly.

"Who are you? You can calmly destroy the formation I set up."

Zhang Qing made a sound, and he struggled to get up, but his body was still too weak at this time. After a full minute, Zhang Qing stumbled to his feet, and activated the defense treasure Zhenhun bell in front of him. .

It's a pity that Zhang Qing just activated the defense treasure Zhenshun Bell, and the woman has disappeared.

Zhang Qing also fell to the ground again because of weakness.

After taking out a pill and taking it, Zhang Qing threw the Jade Lingzhi back into the garden, and after that, Zhang Qing slowly fell asleep.


In a daze, Zhang Qing seemed to remember the scene of his apprenticeship with Xuan Daoist when he was young.

Xuandao people are not very good at training, but they are very good at fortune-telling. Zhang Qing's usurping copper coins were obtained from Xuandao people.

"Your fate is a bit special. When your body is disabled and cannot be recovered, your fate will change. I don't know if it's good or bad. I'll help you calculate it when you break through Nascent Soul as a teacher."

It is a pity that when Zhang Qing, a prodigy of cultivation, achieved Yuan Ying, Xuan Daoists also failed to achieve Yuan Ying, and finally fell to his death.

It is precisely because of the death of Xuan Daoist that Zhang Qing has a firm Dao heart for longevity. He is afraid of death, and he does not want to die like his master Xuandao.

The dusty memory did not continue to emerge, and Zhang Qing finally fell asleep.

Zhang Qing appeared in a dream, which was the follow-up fate of him and the tauren Kuka in the usurped copper coins.

He finally had a good meal with the help of the tauren Kuka, before he started fishing with what was left of his right arm.

Later, he became good friends with the tauren, and then resumed his practice with the help of Kuka...


When Zhang Qing woke up the next day, he had completely forgotten the content of the dream, but Zhang Qing's mood had changed.

Zhang Qing decided to find a city in the fairyland, and join the world to experience the life of a mortal as the Xuan Daoist taught him a long time ago...

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