Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 614 Analysis of the main god space

Soon, System learned from Xiao M about the actions of the Destiny Protagonist Team and Zhang Wuji's constant suicide in order to get rid of his destiny in the main god space.

With the continuous understanding of the matter, System could not help but express some emotions.

"It's really in line with Zhang Wuji's indecisive and rotten character in "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber"."

After learning the ins and outs of the matter from Little M, System shook his head and sighed.

Zhang Wuji died. Although he died thousands of times in total, the previous death was just a fusion of his own consciousness in other plot worlds, and the last death was the real death.

Zhang Wuji didn't have to die, but in the end he chose to sacrifice himself to do what he thought was more meaningful.


The difference between the high-dimensional world and the low-dimensional world cannot be recorded with reason.

Even a very weak existence in the high-dimensional world can roll over everything at will in the low-dimensional world.

The God of God that System faced at the time was a similar situation. The opponent's strength in the real world was actually very poor, but in the small world, he couldn't match it.

But as long as the world is upgraded, or oneself is upgraded to a higher-dimensional species, it will immediately make a qualitative leap. If the former fool Li returned to the world of the Golden Banana Federation now, perhaps even an ordinary human soldier would not be able to compete with him. .

In fact, there are many low-dimensional worlds in the real world before the aura recovers, but the construction of those low-dimensional worlds is not complete, and there is no real life in them.

These low-dimensional worlds are the game worlds made by humans in the real world.

Take stand-alone games as an example, no matter how strong the characters in the game world are, in the eyes of humans, they are just a piece of data. Humans can destroy this data at will. Even if they cannot do it in the game, people can also take a hammer to the hard disk. Hammer it to pieces, so that the characters that humans want to destroy will also disappear with the hard drive.

Of course, the easiest way is to disassemble the game directly on the computer. Using a hammer to physically destroy the game is just a last resort.

And if the characters in the game world have real wisdom and complete a move similar to dimensional upgrading.

Even if one of the characters detached from the game world and entered the real online world, it would definitely lead to disastrous consequences.

By then, the end of the world brought about by artificial intelligence may not be far away.


The same is true for the main god space. Although there are many plot worlds, those plot worlds are actually only low-dimensional worlds, which can be controlled by the main god at will.

What Zhang Wuji did, apart from forcibly opening the loopholes of the main divine light ball, made Xiao M write the God code for the main divine light ball, and even sacrificed himself, making the many plot worlds of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" merged into one, making it a A world that cannot be completely controlled by the main god space.

Zhang Wuji's behavior is somewhat similar to that of Hongjun in the prehistoric world who sacrificed himself in order to make up for the way of heaven.

For Zhang Wuji, whether it's his confidantes, his parents, teachers, righteous fathers, or those enemies who have murdered in every possible way, they are all things he has really experienced, and he doesn't want the world he experienced to disappear like this or Was tossed at will by the main god space.

After merging thousands of himself, Zhang Wuji's feeling has become stronger and stronger.

This is also the reason why Zhang Wuji finally made that choice.

In some respects, Zhang Wuji can also be considered to have completed the feat of world dimensional upgrading, making the world of "Eternal Heaven and Dragon Slayer" a relatively independent world that is somewhat related to the kz-3038 area of ​​the main god space.

"Sacrificing yourself in exchange for the continuation of the entire world, I don't know how to describe you."

System clicked on the management authority of the main god space, and there was an option to resurrect Zhang Wuji, but the price was a bit high. At present, the golden banana main god who had surrendered to the Federation could not afford it.

After he really understood the management authority of the main god in detail, System realized that the space of the main god was restricted everywhere.

In theory, System now has countless reincarnation points, but it is not that he can exchange anything at will with these reincarnation points.

Take the main god of the lower-level region like the Golden Banana Lord God. Currently, there are 100 million reincarnation points in stock, and he can earn about 2 million reincarnation points every day. The main god of items exceeding 100 million points cannot be exchanged.

Although the reincarnation person has violent emotional fluctuations, the main god space will also have reincarnation points, but if it is simply torturing the reincarnator and preventing these reincarnators from dying, it is very likely that there will be a situation of poor management.

After all, the power and ability acquired by the reincarnators in the plot world are taken away from the low-dimensional world. When returning to the reincarnation space, the Lord God will also pay a certain amount of reincarnation points to convert these low-dimensional items into real things. .

And when the reincarnator dies, the reincarnation points obtained by these reincarnators will be reclaimed by the main god space as they are.

This set of the main god space uses the study of perfect life forms as a gimmick. It has achieved very good results by acquiring power as a radish temptation, and obliterating it as a big stick whipping.


Through the various behaviors of the main god space, System quickly noticed something special, and asked Xiao M: "So, this main god space has already used the means of raising and lowering the dimension of the small world with perfection. already?"

Xiao M quickly replied: "It's not quite the case, the handsome Mr. System, the dimension-raising and dimension-lowering technologies of the Lord God's space for items in the small world have indeed reached a very high level, but they are very important to intelligent life. It is still very difficult to go up in dimension.”

System nodded. In fact, it was not difficult to understand. The worlds that existed in these fantasies were originally imagined by intelligent creatures.

The wisdom (soul) possessed by intelligent creatures is obviously a higher-level thing, and it is destined to be much more difficult than ordinary items to complete the upgrade.

System touched his chin and made a suspicious voice: "So, you have now mastered the method to upgrade those fantasy world or small world items to reality? Then you help me upgrade something. Bar."

However, following System's inquiry this time, Little M suddenly paused for a while, and did not answer immediately as usual.

"The handsome Mr. System, little M is really useless, don't be angry..."

Soon Xiao M used her signature cute-selling technique. As long as Xiao M couldn't fulfill System's request, she would do it.


System habitually taught Xiao M a lesson, and then suddenly thought of something and continued to ask Xiao M: "I admit that you say I'm handsome, but I have a question that I haven't figured out yet, you say yes My current body is handsome and handsome, or is my old tentacle body more handsome and handsome?"

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