Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 550 Time and Space Weapons

In this world, matter and energy can be transformed, and spiritual power and magic can also be transformed into each other.

Shava can use her beliefs to burst out with extraordinary strength. The little devil girl Rez can gain extremely powerful defensive power through her laziness. Heroic spirits can also use their beliefs to make themselves extremely powerful.

But the transformation of spiritual power into magic does not necessarily require a strong belief.

Just like the ancestors of Humans in the previous life of System, at the beginning, they could only wait for the thunder to fall, and then keep the fire. If the fire was extinguished, the flame would cease to exist.

Later, humans learned to drill wood to make fire, but in the rainy weather, the flame was still difficult to rise.

However, in modern society, there are endless ways to ignite flames, and people use flames everywhere in their daily lives.

Times are progressing.

And Newton Einstein developed the super weapon to use the more ordinary mental power-mental power with longing emotions.

To be precise, it is to eliminate the desire and emotion in the spiritual power, so as to form an extremely powerful force, and the remaining spiritual power returns to the world itself.

Because spiritual power is generally produced by intelligent creatures, spiritual power contains many different emotions, and these emotions are also part of spiritual power.

For example, happiness, anger, sadness, longing, disgust... These are all part of spiritual power. As long as they are intelligent creatures, their spiritual power will inevitably carry some of these things.

When these emotions are sublimated, it is possible to form similar beliefs, beliefs, or those degenerate emotions used by the devil in hell, which can destroy these emotions and gain power beyond their own strength.

However, after research, Newton has lowered this standard. As long as the mental power contains the emotion of desire, it can be destroyed.

And the key to quenching desire is Black's red flame that can burn mental energy.

Black, one of the first ants to be cultivated by System, has a small black spot on its head.

Although the body has changed a lot after several times of pupation, it is called the ant knight, but the black spot on Black's head still exists.

Black was born with extraordinary intelligence, but with a malnourished body, his strength was difficult to improve.

In some ways, Black is jealous of the ant queen, who can breed ants, and also jealous of Shava, who has super strength.

But going back to its source, Black’s emotional essence was not jealousy, but a desire to help System.

That's why Blake gave full play to his intellectual advantages and spared no effort to help System, instead of being irrational because of jealousy and doing things that hinder System.

The red flames that Blake later awakened were also somehow related to the desire for this emotion.

Black's red flame can burn all spiritual power, convert these spiritual power into the most primitive spiritual power, and return to the world itself.

However, Black's flames will produce some instability when burning the spiritual force containing desire, and will also produce some violent vibrations when the flames burn.

Black quickly noticed this anomaly during his research with Newton on his own red flame.

Through constant experimentation and testing, Blake finally determined that his own flame was a little different for the burning of this emotion, and began to focus on experimentation.

In an accidental experiment, Black's flames caused a modest explosion.

Except that it can burn mental power, it has no attack power against other things. The flame suddenly shows its power, obviously hiding something.

It was also because of that explosion that Newton Einstein proposed to System the idea of ​​creating a super weapon.

And now, Newton and Black's research is finally complete.

However, the quantity of such weapons, like nuclear weapons, is more difficult to produce because Black's flames must be involved.

With Blake's extraordinary life level, it would take 20 days of preparation to store enough flames to release a super weapon.

Fortunately, after System's [Super Network] appeared, there were very convenient [Teleportation] and [Storage], which could also store Black's red flames.

Otherwise this super weapon must also be inspired by Black himself.

And now this weapon developed by Newton and Black can already be directly launched along the network to carry out all-round strikes within the federation.

Not only this super weapon, the hydrogen bomb developed by Kanbar can also be [teleported] delivered through the network.

As long as the area you want to drop is laid out in advance [data template], preferably a [data template] with a magic CNC core, and the location is accurately positioned, the federation can drop weapons through [quantum teleportation] to implement cross-time and space. blow.


System woke up this time, just in time, just in time for Newton to detonate this super weapon.

The detonation of this super weapon does not directly destroy the magic element, but the turbulent flow of time and space caused by the burst of countless magic elements, producing an explosion-like effect.

It's not just space that collapses and warps.

The speed of time passing between the various areas of the space of the scope of action will also be very different. In some areas, the time is almost stopped, and the time in some areas will be accelerated ten million times faster than normal.

Even an object the size of a coin will have hundreds of different time-lapse zones, and if the object cannot stand the test of time, it will naturally collapse and disintegrate.

According to the report provided by Newton.

The range of this time-space turbulence varies according to the amount of mental power invested and the concentration of eager emotions in the mental power.

Because things like emotional concentration are difficult to measure, Newton didn't know exactly how wide the explosion was.

It can only be roughly estimated that the range of space-time turbulence is between 500 meters and 2 kilometers in diameter, and the destructive force produced is also ten times larger.

It can be said that this test explosion also has some factors that Newton carried out the test.

In this way, in the early spring of March in the eighth year of the Golden Banana, System witnessed the entire time-space turbulence weapon developed by Newton on the Internet.

The weapon shape is relatively good-looking, about the size of a football.

The magic energy spar with the magic energy numerical control core installed is used as the control core at the center, and there is a layer of magic crystal shield on the outside, and the spiritual power like Black's red flame circulates inside the shield.

However, the process of the explosion was not so smooth. Newton prepared three ammunition in a row, but the first two failed to explode without knowing the reason, and it was not until the third one that the explosion was completed.

Obviously Newton's experiment was far less rigorous than Kambar's.

But it is this third ammunition that produces extraordinary destructive power, and has a strong attraction to System's transition slime friends. The spiritual slime of the fantasy level may be able to do it soon. born……

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