Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 526 Sixth Pupation (Part 1)

[Nuclear Energy Form] (41/49): Special energy obtained from [High Temperature Form], [Insect Adaptability], and [Numeric Code]. By activating this form, you can transform into an excited state, greatly increasing your combat power.

[Nuclear Energy Form] has all the abilities of [High Temperature Form], and all abilities of [High Temperature Form] have been increased in different magnitudes, and at the same time get [Nuclear Energy Burst] (41/49), [Electromagnetic Radiation Storm] (41/49).


When the [High Temperature Form] was transformed into the [Nuclear Energy Form] and the [Tools Menu] beep appeared, System had already felt the general feeling of the [Nuclear Energy Form].

At the same time, I also know the ability [Nuclear Energy Burst] and [Electromagnetic Radiation Storm] after activating [Nuclear Energy Form].

[Nuclear Explosion] Similar to the self-destruction of the nuclear slime, it gave System a nuclear bomb feeling, and System also had some special understanding of the detonation of the nuclear bomb.

This understanding does not mean that System has the knowledge of nuclear bombs.

Just like people breathe naturally, drink water and eat naturally, but the real principle is undoubtedly very complicated, System just has more experience inspired by nuclear bombs.

As for [Electromagnetic Radiation Storm], it launches an electromagnetic storm in a certain area, which is a simplified version of the nuclear slime field. Once activated, it cannot be controlled by System.

The specific effect, System still needs to conduct an activation test to feel it in detail.

Soon, System came to the Gobi area where nuclear slimes were raised through the teleportation array to test, and successfully activated the [Nuclear Energy Form].

System's whole body, including the tentacles, radiated extremely bright light, like a scorching sun.

The results are predictable.

Although the life level did not reach the fantasy level, after activating this ability, the combat power of System's body directly increased from 200,000 to 1 million, a full fivefold increase.

Not as exaggerated as his friend Nuclear Slime, but powerful enough.

Of course, this power also has side effects.

After a short activation, System's consciousness became blurred extremely quickly, and his reason had completely disappeared.

After System regained his self-control, he was already on his way back to the Golden Banana City, and had already flown half the distance at a speed of Mach twenty-five.

If it had been a while longer, he might have returned to the office and destroyed some of his treasured statues with his tentacles.

Although the [Nuclear Energy Form] is just a whim and uses tentacles to play with those statues, the temperature of the [Nuclear Energy Form]'s tentacles is too high.

As for the waste little M, the authority has already been locked by the [nuclear energy form] himself, and it has no effect at all.



For the Golden Banana Commonwealth, April and May have been relatively quiet months.

Although the Commonwealth had successive victories, it did not attract much attention.

The murlocs completely surrendered to the Golden Banana Federation in early May.

The reason for surrender is also very simple, that is, the once prosperous Kauz Empire was fueled by the Golden Banana Federation, coupled with some natural and man-made disasters such as food shortages, and finally a vigorous turmoil occurred at the end of April.

The wonderful medicine provided by the Kauz Empire has been completely cut off. For these seafood patients who are addicted to drugs and have no way to do anything, the only thing that can save their lives is Banana Happy Water.

In addition, the murlocs owed the Golden Banana Federation's massive debt and were unable to repay, so they could only repay the debt by joining the Federation to avoid retaliation from the Federation.

As for the occurrence of the Kauz turmoil, it was not quite the same as System or even Gino’s speculation.

The main driver of this turmoil was not the royal family of the Kauz Empire, nor the lords with ambitions to overthrow the dynasty, but a civil organization of the Kauz Empire with strong financial and productive capacity, the Kauz Business Alliance.

The Kaiwuzi Merchant Alliance first assassinated Emperor Kaiuzzi, causing Emperor Kaiuzzi to be seriously injured and unconscious, and then took the opportunity to support the three princes with ambition and strength, trying to violently overthrow the decadent rule of the Kaiuzzi Empire and establish a new nation.

Some are similar to the constitutional monarchy in System's previous life.

It can be said that the Kauz Empire is a bit like the transition stage from the feudal dynasty to the modern society. If this third prince can really succeed, maybe the Kauz Empire will be rejuvenated and stronger than the original national strength. -If there is no Golden Banana Federation.

In the face of an interplanetary country with a plug-in, this kind of normal take-off country is of no use no matter how much tossing.


And because of the appearance of the third prince of the Kauz Empire, System gave birth to a feeling that this guy is the protagonist, so at the end of May, the ambitious third prince was captured by August and returned to the Federation.

The turmoil in the Kauz Empire also had serious twists and turns.

It is a pity that this third prince seems to be different from the regular protagonist, or not the protagonist. He has never been able to establish friendship with Simon, Dorn, Tauren Kuka and others.

Not only did the third prince hate the protagonists that System had collected, but these protagonists also hated the third prince.

According to common sense, existences that can be hated by these famous protagonists are basically not long-lived.

Of course, there are special circumstances that cannot be ruled out, that is, the third prince is a major protagonist with more roles.

System quickly returned the members of the Destiny Protagonist Team to the Orc Plane, and continued to capture the God of Conquer Konric together with [Incarnation of the Holy One].

As for the third prince, System decided to imprison him for a while, and after a while, the magic energy designer Vala would reach his sixteenth birthday and awaken the fearless dragon blood.

At that time, Fanny, the goddess of fate, will appear again without incident, and System can also test whether the third prince is the protagonist by the way, and then continue to inquire about the news of the god of the gods.


But at that time, it might be the incarnation of System who is witnessing all this.

Because Valla's sixteenth birthday is in July, System has already achieved the conditions for the sixth pupation at the beginning of June - the level has reached 250, and the [Pupation] talent has also reached level 41. , which is the fantasy stage.

Golden Banana Year 7, June 9th.

Having prepared everything, System entered the sixth pupation very skillfully in the pupation room of the skyscraper.

Because the previous rotation made System miserable, this time System learned his lesson and used [Ability Activation] to obtain a [Stun Resistance] skill from some bugs, and was killed by System Mu has been strengthened all the way to become an extraordinary rank.

However, it turns out that the ability of the extraordinary step position is not enough.

Three days after it was transformed into a worm pupae, the fluid in System’s body continued to swirl violently like a whirlpool. System was still dizzy, lost consciousness again, and passed out completely.

It had been more than ten days when System woke up, and he had just woken up and got news from Xiao M. On June 14th and June 15th, two conferred gods appeared one after another. gods.

But System did not pay attention to the two news, because System heard the bloodline voice that he was very familiar with—choose.

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