Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 493 System's Dog Legs No. 2

Golden Banana on August 23rd, six years.

In just ten days, the ice and snow in the Lierte Forest caused by the changes in the sky and the earth have almost completely melted away. Although the temperature is still slightly cold, it has gradually changed to summer.

In the Golden Banana City, under the management of hundreds of Golden Banana City Managers, the federal people are cleaning up the Golden Banana City after the snow has melted.

In the farmland outside the Golden Banana City, Yvette, who focuses on agriculture, continues to plant new types of wheat.

Liert Forest normally does not freeze in winter, so Yvette came up with a new idea.

She tried to plant wheat seeds that could grow over the winter, or she would settle for a second, early and late-ripening varieties, so that the Federation could produce two crops a year, doubling grain production again.

Yvette, a female scientist, doesn't know why, but she is extremely obsessed with food production.


And just as Yvette was walking through the muddy field with her Druid team, two saints entered the conference room of the krypton gold skyscraper less than half an hour apart.

One is a mummy from the far east, Stein, the god of yellow sand with weak supernatural power at his peak; the other is a saint from another plane who came here from the teleportation formation of the Kingdom of Koslin, and has medium power at his peak. The Victorious Look of Shex.

Since the arrival of the saints was relatively close, System decided to deal with them together, and to be more formal, holding a meeting for the two saints.

At present, the life levels of these two saints are basically the same, and they are both between the legendary peak and the fantasy rank, but they can exert the power of the fantasy rank, but they cannot activate the domain, which is similar to the situation of System's [Saint Avatar]. almost.

In addition to these two saints, the saint who came here together is Duke, the god of trade.

Because of the large amount of belief gained from [Blessing of Trade], and Duke has been a god for a long time, he is more closely related to authority, and he knows some tricks.

In just one month, Duke's saint's body has been promoted to the fantasy rank, and can stimulate the [trading domain]. The effect of the domain is to double the consumption of power used by other creatures in the domain. As for the specific double. , it depends on the amount of Duke's investment.

In the conference room, in front of a low-key and luxurious blue crystal rectangular table, several saints took their seats one after another.

With the help of Duke, who is good at communication and communication, the three saints quickly became acquainted with each other and learned each other's identities, and then began to chat awkwardly.

There are many gods in this world, and the gods usually live in the kingdom of God, and believers also have a fixed range of activities, so many gods do not know each other.

At this time, the three saints gathered in the conference room did not know each other.

In addition to the slightly famous look of victory, Thex, the remaining two gods belong to the small fish and shrimp among the gods, and they are not well known.

The three saints didn't chat for too long, and after more than ten minutes, System finally arrived late with his [Sage Avatar].

As a leader, he usually appears last, so System also followed the rules handed down from his previous life and deliberately made these saints wait a little longer.

At this point, System, representing the god of krypton and gold, Manai, sat in the main seat, and started the first meeting of saints in the sixth year of Golden Banana with the god of civilization, the god of trade, the god of victory, and the god of yellow sand.

In addition to issuing [Data Templates] for the two saints successively.

As the organizer of the meeting, System also made Saint Sykes and Stein sign several unequal treaties drawn up in advance by Keno.

For example, when the federation is in difficulty, the saint who signed the contract must work and contribute; if there are other saints who do not cooperate in the federation, the saint who signed the contract must help to hunt down unconditionally; the saint who signed the contract is regarded as joining Manai, the god of krypton gold, must notify Archbishop of Golden Banana before making any important decision; saints who have signed the contract need to listen to the summons of Archbishop of Golden Banana at any time, that is, System's summons...

Several unequal treaties, one is more than the other, if all are signed, the saint who signed the contract is probably not much different from selling himself to the Golden Banana Federation.

In fact, System did not intend to force the two saints to sign all these unequal treaties.

After all, the so-called contract is not binding and can be torn up at any time. He just wants to test the temperament of the two saints through these two contracts.

While asking the two saints to sign, System used his mind-reading ability to observe the reactions of the two saints.

If the two saints showed any special emotions, System would also take precautions in advance.

However, things were very different from System's imagination.

In System's plan, the two saints should show embarrassed expressions, and then find an excuse not to sign the contract. System also took this opportunity to reveal the contract.

But the two saints gradually signed all the contracts that System had prepared.

Stein, the God of Yellow Sand, was fine at first, but his emotions gradually became very bitter, but he still swallowed his breath and signed all the contracts one by one, and did not say a word throughout the whole process. Helpless, there is no hostility.

This made System have a strong interest in the past of the God of Yellow Sand. According to System's inference, the God of Yellow Sand was probably also controlled by other gods a long time ago, which is why such a mood.

As for the other God of Victory, as if he hadn’t watched the contract, when System gave out a new contract, this guy always signed his name in the blink of an eye.

When System asked Sykes to read out the contract he signed, this guy would also stumble and read out the contract.

System also didn’t find any problems from Sex’s emotions, at least for now, Sex’s was planning to abide by these contracts.

Not only that, System also discovered that Saint Sykes was a little special—

"Archbishop System, is this the banana statue of the Golden Banana Cult? This light is really beautiful..."

"Archbishop, can the two crystals above the room also emit light? Ah, they really do emit light."

"Is this machine a machine that can automatically boil water? This is a switch. Hey, it can also emit colorful lights?"

"Archbishop, I've signed the contract, can you give me one of these?"


The words spoken by the saint Sykes made System feel very comfortable. Although Sykes's inner emotions were not so exaggerated, he also sincerely praised the glare products.

For some reason, System looked at the saint and became more and more pleasing to the eye, and his suspicion of the saint was greatly reduced, and he had the urge to take the saint to visit the secret room next to his office.

However, System did not forget his business because of this.

After finding that there was no problem with the two saints, System continued to ask the question about the God of God.

Like most of the gods, these two gods didn't know much about the god of the gods before they became gods. It was only after they became saints that they learned about the possibility of becoming a god of gods.

But how to become the gods above the gods, these two saints don't know anything, let alone whether this is a scam.

It seems that these two saints, like Duke, know much less than Hunting, the god of hunting and tools once on this continent.

Afterwards, System communicated with several saints, including Duke, about some Void monsters, the world outside this world, and further verified Newton Einstein's hypothesis.



In this way, the first meeting of saints came to a successful conclusion.

Under System's arrangement, the Yellow Sand Saint Stein temporarily lived in the Arakawa Gobi in the east of the Warren Plain, while System helped Stein build the Yellow Sand Church there.

On the other hand, Saint Sykes took the initiative to stay by System's side and became an existence similar to Johnny the Shorty.

In the spare time after Johnny the Shorty volunteered to sacrifice himself and was eaten by the warp slime, in addition to his daily words that made System feel comfortable, Sykes would always talk about conquest to System intentionally or unintentionally. God's bad words.

Although System knew that many of them were maliciously slandered by Sakes, he still accepted Sakes' words.

System also had a very bad impression of the God of Conquest, a guy who stabbed in the back.

And on September 1st in the sixth year of the Golden Banana, less than ten days after the meeting of the saints was held, the God of Conquest suddenly attacked and began to take the initiative to invade the kingdom of Koslin, another plane of the Golden Banana Federation.

Also on the same day, in System's office, Saint Sykes suddenly couldn't stand before System and began to cry...

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