Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 481 The Devil's Defeat

Correspondence personnel from the Federation arrived quickly, and several people stopped discussing the gold mine.

Because he remembered the wrong time, a federal official also apologized to the teenager Simon - the thirteen-year-old city management captain, even in the city of golden bananas, is unique, and his future must be unlimited.

The captured naval commander Rondo soon rode a golden-hued mechanical car to the teleportation array 30 kilometers away.

Although the productivity of the Golden Banana Federation has been greatly improved, the cost of using the teleportation array is still too high. Unless it is used for special purposes, the teleportation array cannot be used in people's daily life.

In fact, if it wasn't for the Golden Banana Archbishop System's whim, he wanted to meet the military commander of the Kauz Empire.

According to the normal process, Rondo will also follow the floating battleship and be managed by the Federation together with ordinary prisoners.

Perhaps the Queen of the Federation, Jenny, is interested in meeting with her, and if she is not, she will hand over the matter to Keno.

However, Archbishop of Golden Banana System must have some deep meaning when he wants to see this captive.

All kinds of things in the Federation would also make way for System.


The blue light flashed away, and Rondo came to the city of golden bananas, which was full of wind and snow.

Unlike the teleportation arrays that are exposed outdoors near the port city, the hundreds of teleportation arrays in the Golden Banana City are concentrated in a two-hundred-meter-long polygonal glass cover.

Through the glass cover, Rondo found that the weather here was even worse than the federal port city.

The wind and snow made it difficult for ordinary people to see the scene ten meters away.

Soon, Rondo and the three of them rode a black beetle that was three meters high and five meters in diameter.

In the snowstorm, Rondo vaguely saw the floating island in the sky, and also saw various multi-storey buildings on both sides of the road.

There are no buildings below three floors at all, and each building is inlaid with transparent crystals called "glass", and the colorful magic lights are dozens of times more than that of the port city.

Although it is already known that this is the core area of ​​the Golden Banana Church, where the Golden Banana Archbishop, who can communicate with the god Manai, lives here, but the prosperity here has exceeded his imagination.

Rondo even saw an extraordinary human mage clearing snow on the street, and using the cleaned snow to build strange and beautiful snow sculptures on the side of the road.

Rondo, who was riding the black beetle, passed the young human mage. He saw the smile on the young man's face and the same golden banana logo on the human mage as Simon.

The fifteen-year-old human extraordinary mage is also an urban management of the Golden Banana Federation.

Rondo couldn't figure out why the genius of the Golden Banana Federation would do such a thing.

For mages, shouldn't they learn more knowledge when they have such free time?

How could such an existence be so extraordinary?

In Rondo's eyes, the Golden Banana Federation is an extremely powerful country, and at the same time, it is also a country where even the people at the bottom are corrupt.

But for some unknown reason, Rondo felt that this rotten and depraved kingdom was growing at a rate far exceeding the Kauz Empire.

Rondo couldn't describe how he felt either.


A few minutes later, Rondo came to a towering giant building, here is the krypton gold skyscraper where Archbishop of Golden Banana System lives.

Sure enough, Rondo found more exquisite glare decorations in this building inlaid with "glass" crystals.

The entire lobby of the skyscraper is not luxurious, but it gives Rondo the feeling that he has spent countless money.

Under the guidance of an extraordinary elf, he was escorted to a narrow room called a magic energy elevator, and then ascended to the 200th floor, where the golden banana archbishop lived on the top floor.

The location appears to be called an office, and Rondo quickly walks into it.

The so-called office is much smaller than Rondo imagined, about ten meters in length and width, and there are also some magical dazzling objects in this office.

Although not much, it is just right, and all the items are very delicate, and the edges and corners are extremely rounded.

Behind the desk in the office, Rondo met the Golden Banana Archbishop, a tentacle monster named System.

Tentacle monsters have tentacles of different lengths and thicknesses in black and gray.

Unlike the octopus sea monster in the sea, System's tentacles had the same thickness at the end as the front end, and among the countless tentacles, a pair of black eyes were looking at him.

At first glance, the dense tentacles are disgusting and slightly dizzy, but if you watch for a while, you will feel that those tentacles are natural, have an indescribable beauty, and seem to relax your mood .

On System's table, Rondo found more than a dozen crystal statues of Vioz, the god of wealth.

Thinking of the three giant gold mines owned by the Golden Banana Federation, things are self-evident.

It seems that Vioz, the god of wealth, really gave up the Kauz Empire and chose the Golden Banana Federation with more wealth.

It is precisely because of this that the God of Wealth has repeatedly encouraged the Empire to go to war with the Golden Banana Federation.

In this way, the Golden Banana Federation will have an excuse to go to war with the Kauz Empire, and then force the Empire to sign a humiliating treaty with its powerful strength, indemnifying the Golden Banana Federation for countless gold.

The Kauz Empire has already mastered this routine. In the past 100 years, the Kauz Empire has obtained countless gold and slaves by signing unequal treaties in addition to exporting wonderful medicines.

However, Rondo has not yet figured out the specific relationship between Manai, the god of kryptonite, and Vioz, the god of wealth.

While Rondo was thinking, Golden Banana Archbishop System, who had looked at him for a while, finally made a voice: "It was Vioz, the God of Wealth, who asked you to launch a holy war against the Golden Banana Federation?"

Rondo was puzzled, but nodded and answered truthfully, "Yes."

"Is that so..."

Rondo found that the Golden Banana Archbishop seemed to be in a good mood. The tentacle monster turned his body slightly, as if he was about to leave his seat...

With the swing of the tentacles, a statue of the God of Wealth fell from the table and was smashed into pieces.

"Hey, why did it accidentally fall to the ground and shatter..."

Archbishop System made a blunt voice that seemed very deliberate.

Rondo looked at the few people next to him with some unknown reasons. The bald and strong man was like him, with a puzzled look on his face. Edgar the skeleton left early when he was taking the elevator, while the teenager Simon seemed to have something on his mind and said System did not notice what he was doing at this time.

"Look, this statue, I feel a little strange."

Rondo was still wondering, Archbishop System came to him and stuffed him with another statue of the God of Wealth.

The workmanship of the statue is small and exquisite, more exquisite than the statue produced by the Church of the God of Wealth of the Empire.

However, while Rondo was observing, the statue in his hand suddenly made a clicking, clicking sound, and then shattered instantly and scattered on the ground.

Rondo looked at Archbishop System suspiciously, but found that Archbishop System was also looking at him suspiciously.

System made a voice to him: "Don't you have anything to say?"

Rondo looked at the nearly broken statue on the ground that could no longer be broken, and then at System, whose expression became wrong, and immediately defended: "I didn't break it..."

"It's a statue of Vioz, the god of wealth, don't you have any special ideas?"

The Golden Banana Archbishop spoke to him again, and his voice seemed to have changed a bit.

Seeing this, Rondo immediately explained: "My body has lost its strength. It really wasn't my fault."

And the bald-headed Donne, who witnessed the incident next to Rondo, also echoed: "Well, I can testify about this, I have been staring at him, that statue was indeed not damaged by him."

After a brief silence.

"That's it, okay, you bald man can take him away, send it wherever you want, anyway, don't show up in front of me again..."


In this way, Rondo only saw Archbishop System for a few minutes before leaving System’s office with the bald strong man who was downcast.

Before leaving to take the magic energy elevator, Rondo also heard a lot of cracking sounds coming from System's office...

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