Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 455 The Geniuses of the Federation

System still clearly remembers that when he first met Xiaohong, it was a stormy night. He put the slightly damp little guy in the glass bottle, and the little guy was angrily at the glass jar. The reflection attacked for a while.

System also remembered that on that day, in order to get rid of Jenny who was sticking to him, he reluctantly sacrificed Spider Xiaohong.

System still remembered that when Xiaohong left, Xiaohong kept sending him spiritual messages, wanting to touch him, but System was still ruthless.

But now, after so many years, Xiaohong, under the care of Jenny, eats haise all day long, completely deviates from the growth path set by System for her, and has changed from a delicate and small appearance to what she is now. Deputy silly big silly big look.

In nature, the appearance of an organism is often linked to its potential, as well as its strength.

Just like the male lions and wolves in the grassland, the wolf king and the lion king are often the most handsome and powerful beings among them; the same is true for the birds in the sky. The more gorgeous their feathers are, the stronger their bodies are.

System can lay down all the way to become a legendary rank at an extremely fast speed. Naturally, there is no need to say much about its potential, so System often tells Xiao M and Xiao S that he is handsome, and it is not unreasonable.

After becoming a legendary creature, System's body does have a strange beauty, which can make ordinary mortals unconsciously go into a trance.

System knew that it was by no means that his tentacles were too many, causing him to faint.

So after discovering this, System would ask Little M to remind him every day that he was handsome, so that he could accept this point of view himself.

In short, anyway.

Those who can be kept as pets by System are all the most beautiful beings in the same race, which also means that these pets have very high potential.

And System likes it the most, and Xiaohong with cherry red fluff is the best among them.

It can be said that in the spider world, Xiaohong is a unique existence, even more talented than the original grasshopper queen Kun and his son Xiaorouqiu.


The last time System saw Xiaohong the spider, who had grown into an extraordinary rank, he did not feel the joy of reunion from Xiaohong.

Instead, she felt some indifference and sadness from Spider Xiaohong.

After becoming an extraordinary creature, Xiaohong's intelligence has been improved. After seeing System, it did not remember System's kindness to it, but only remembered how System restricted it at the beginning—— Slime gelatin must be eaten in limited quantities, and can only be eaten three times full at a time. After eating, you can't rest immediately, and you have to sort out the fluff of your body.

Xiaohong's betrayal made System very sad.

Poor parents in the world.

That's why System hasn't had Johnny re-add new members to Jay's pet room lately.


Shaking his head, System did not continue to think about the white-eyed spider, nor did he continue to think about the God of God.

Watching Xiao S clean up the bodies of Vioz's followers, System paid attention to the national affairs for a while after a long absence, that is, the recent uproar, the incident of the Kauz Empire that has been simmering for a long time.

After several continuous fermentations of this incident, the contradiction between the two countries has reached the point where it is difficult to mediate.

And it was this incident that made System learn about a thirteen-year-old human genius.

It was this thirteen-year-old boy who silently killed all 21 messengers sent by the Kauz Empire because of his hatred for the Kauz Empire.

The world is never short of geniuses, Spider Little Red is one of them, and voyeur Wendy is also one of them.

The federal queen Jenny, who became an extraordinary mage a year ago, her appearance and mental age has been fixed at seventeen years old, can also be regarded as a genius.

Not every genius can discover his genius.

But with the ability mall and Duke's [Blessing of Trading] bonus, everyone in the Golden Banana Federation can choose what is most suitable for them through [Blessing of Trading].

In the past few years, the number of geniuses in the Golden Banana Federation has also greatly increased, almost ten times as much as before.

In addition to the emergence of a large number of academic geniuses, there are also many geniuses who are good at using magical power.

Some geniuses like to show off and show their genius side, while some geniuses like to hide their genius side and live a low-key life.

System discovered through the Little M Institute that the thirteen-year-old genius was very low-key.

When System learned about the young genius, the young man named Simon was still doing his daily knight training according to his father's expectations.

Because Simon's father had died in the previous naval battle, Simon's training for knights became more assiduous.

In fact, Simon's talent in knight training is not bad, and he can already master the power of vindictiveness. It is estimated that in two years, he will truly become a knight of the magical rank, and then go to the city of golden bananas and become a glorious city ​​management.

Heaven rewards hard work. If this continues, Simon will have a high chance of becoming an extraordinary knight and a more glorious city management captain in the future.

However, Simon is now an extraordinary rank.

It is true that God rewards hard work, but these words are mostly self-consolation of ordinary people. Most of the time, talent is more important than hard work.

Because necromancy can be learned in the ability mall, Simon only used his spare time to learn, and he rose to extraordinary in five years.

Not only does his strength improve quickly, but Simon's understanding of magic is far beyond ordinary people. The ability to silently eliminate the messengers of the Kauz Empire shows his strength.

System felt that if Simon was allowed to grow up, the other party would not only become a legend, but it was also very possible to be promoted to the fantasy rank all the way.

After some deliberation, System decided to promote the boy named Simon by exception, and let him inherit the last wish of his dead father and become the manager of the city of golden bananas to maintain public order.

In addition to this young man, System also selected more than a dozen fighting geniuses similar to Simon, and asked them to go to the City of Golden Bananas, and together they also became the managers of maintaining the city's security, that is, urban management.

When the strength of these city management officers continues to grow, he can also further protect his safety.


Just as System had just instructed Keno to make plans to lead these geniuses to the City of Golden Bananas under various names.

A special dragon roar appeared near the city of golden bananas. Greedy King Greelin came to Lierte Forest, not only the greedy king, but also a System. It can be said that he is very familiar, but he has never An existence that has never been touched - Ola's younger brother, the purgatory dragon Organ.

With the slightly scorching air waves, the dark clouds in the sky of Lierte Forest were directly dispelled, and the drizzle that was falling in the forest also stopped...

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